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Top 10 Defensive Players Under 25


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Wow, just freaking WOW. I laughed out loud when I got to #1, because of the caption.

The caption for Shawne Merriman is hilarious.

“Merriman was suspended four games for violating the NFL's drug policy and STILL amassed 17 sacks in 2006. He's fast, strong and his motor is running full speed every time he's on the field.”


How about BECAUSE! How about he took drugs and then was able to get 17 sacks!!

I am not claiming he is not an amazing player without drugs, but so was Barry Bonds. You still cannot give someone PROPS for overcoming the suspension of steroids.

Was it actually steriods or just a banned substance? The NFL drug policy is pretty vague as to what you're suspended for. A few years ago Julius Peppers was suspended 4 games because he tested positive for ephedra. At the time ephedra was in some cough medicines and used in diet pills like Stacker 2. The FDA finally banned it for use in the US last year. It's dangerous, but hardly a steriod.

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Yeah it's not like ST has won a game against the Cowboys single-handedly...

and it's not like T.O. is scared s***less of ST...

and it's not like he took in the game-winning score in a playoff game against the Bucs...

No you're totally right. Take him off the list.

and the TD against P****ty to get us in the playoffs.

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If only ST took steroids he'd be #1...:doh:

...and people wonder why steroids are so prevalent when SI.com is promoting athletes who took them.

Could you imagine if he really did take steroids? When he hit someone and their helmet flew off, their head REALLY WOULD be in the helmet!

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Was it actually steriods or just a banned substance? The NFL drug policy is pretty vague as to what you're suspended for. A few years ago Julius Peppers was suspended 4 games because he tested positive for ephedra. At the time ephedra was in some cough medicines and used in diet pills like Stacker 2. The FDA finally banned it for use in the US last year. It's dangerous, but hardly a steriod.

Merriman's positive test was "definitely for steroids … not one of those supplement deals," said a source with knowledge of Merriman's suspension earlier Monday. Both the initial A sample and backup B sample came back positive, Mortensen reported.


Article is clearly out of date, so you might be right. But this article says that it is def for steroids.

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Taylor has the speed of a cornerback, but the strength of a linebacker. That combination and his tendency to be near the ball make him one of the hardest hitters in the league and a constant defensive threat. His teammates have nicknamed him "Meast," saying he is half-man, half-beast.

#1 hardest hitter in the nfl baby!


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Wow, just freaking WOW. I laughed out loud when I got to #1, because of the caption.

The caption for Shawne Merriman is hilarious.

“Merriman was suspended four games for violating the NFL's drug policy and STILL amassed 17 sacks in 2006. He's fast, strong and his motor is running full speed every time he's on the field.”


How about BECAUSE! How about he took drugs and then was able to get 17 sacks!!

I am not claiming he is not an amazing player without drugs, but so was Barry Bonds. You still cannot give someone PROPS for overcoming the suspension of steroids.

Yeah, to have him on the list is obscene. Somewhere in this thread is a like to an article saying that Goodell wants to distance Merriman from his steroids scandal by saying that 19/20 urine samples are clean since he got in the league. This is hypocrisy at its finest. Of course, when the image of the NFL is concerned, then guys who go to strip clubs (legal, last time I checked) are suspended. But a guy who CHALLENGES THE INTEGRITY OF THE GAME gets half that suspension. Goodell is nothing but a cash-monger. I could care less about players who get in trouble with the law, that's what the police are for. Goodell should be making sure we don't have another Bonds in the NFL or another cheating referee.

The whole reason his production didn't drop off was because steroids helped him get to a certain level. People seem to think that you only have an advantage when you're on steroids. Steroids help you get bigger, stronger, and faster. Steroids are a means to a goal, not the goal itself. Of course he wouldn't see any dropoff in production only four weeks later, it's not like he was eating doritos 24/7 in his time off.

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Wow, just freaking WOW. I laughed out loud when I got to #1, because of the caption.

The caption for Shawne Merriman is hilarious.

“Merriman was suspended four games for violating the NFL's drug policy and STILL amassed 17 sacks in 2006. He's fast, strong and his motor is running full speed every time he's on the field.”


How about BECAUSE! How about he took drugs and then was able to get 17 sacks!!

I am not claiming he is not an amazing player without drugs, but so was Barry Bonds. You still cannot give someone PROPS for overcoming the suspension of steroids.

And you obviously didn't read my post earlier quoting Roger Goodell that that was the only steroid test he had ever failed. What kind of steroid would he be taking that only would impact his game for such a small portion of time while he still dominated while passing clean in his other tests?

I'm led to believe it wasn't a real Barry Bonds/Balco type steroid, but rather some kind of more minor one given how his production was the same and it was obviously only in his system for an incredibly low amount of time.

and yet we took Rogers :(
And yet Merriman's proven to be a dominating 3-4 outside linebacker, that's clearly his niche on an NFL field. What would he have played here? Outside linebacker? His coverage ability is only average. DE? Pass rushing with your hand on the ground from the DE spot is a little different than coming off the edge in the 3-4. There's zero reason to believe just because he's a monster in an aggressive 3-4 scheme, he'd be as good in a 4-3 filled with more stunts/exotic blitzes.
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This is one of the more ridiculous comments I've ever read. You couldn't be more wrong. All of Taylor’s problems were going in during the 2005-'06 season, and he had no problems and they were pretty much all taking care of by the 2006-'07 season, so right there you are proven completely wrong. You need to pull your head out of your :moon: and start listening and getting what's really going in the world.

Charges against Sean Taylor were not dropped until June of 2006. However in late Jan, early Feb, the charges against him were raised so that he could have had a maximum jail time of 46 years. So you have to ask yourself from January 2006 until June 2006, what was ST doing, sipping tea and reading the playbook? No he was worrying that his promising career may have gone entirely down the tubes. So why don't you think before you type.

As for Merriman. I will give to him that he is a beast, but passing 19 out of 20 random drug tests still equals a failure. It means he juiced at least once. That is unacceptable. I wish him the best in the future because as a Terp I have to pull for him. I just hope his does it with honor.

"Taking steroids is like pretending to be handicapped at the Special Olympics. If you take steroids, you're just a big p*****; you should be taken out of the record books because you're a great big j*******."

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Charges against Sean Taylor were not dropped until June of 2006. However in late Jan, early Feb, the charges against him were raised so that he could have had a maximum jail time of 46 years. So you have to ask yourself from January 2006 until June 2006, what was ST doing, sipping tea and reading the playbook? No he was worrying that his promising career may have gone entirely down the tubes. So why don't you think before you type.

As for Merriman. I will give to him that he is a beast, but passing 19 out of 20 random drug tests still equals a failure. It means he juiced at least once. That is unacceptable. I wish him the best in the future because as a Terp I have to pull for him. I just hope his does it with honor.

"Taking steroids is like pretending to be handicapped at the Special Olympics. If you take steroids, you're just a big p*****; you should be taken out of the record books because you're a great big j*******."

Many times when a player is going through troubles with the law, they use their sport as an escape. There have been many cases where players going through court proceedings played even better. One case is Kobe Bryant. He tore up the league while facing rape charges. In actuality, I wouldn't be surprised if Taylor did study harder during that period.

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Many times when a player is going through troubles with the law, they use their sport as an escape. There have been many cases where players going through court proceedings played even better. One case is Kobe Bryant. He tore up the league while facing rape charges. In actuality, I wouldn't be surprised if Taylor did study harder during that period.

While it is true some athletes use sports to distract themselves from the potential of jail, I do not believe that was the case with ST. Last year he seemed a step slower, ad less certain of his play. Given the behavior he was involved in to get in the muck he got himself into, I do not believe he went on an inward journey after facing charges and decided to sip tea and read the play book.

I could be wrong. Either way until he cleans up his act, stops the spitting, goes 1 more year without committing a felony, I don't think he should be at the top of that list. He certainly has the talent and potential, but off-field and character issues may play an important role on his impact on the team.

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While it is true some athletes use sports to distract themselves from the potential of jail, I do not believe that was the case with ST. Last year he seemed a step slower, ad less certain of his play. Given the behavior he was involved in to get in the muck he got himself into, I do not believe he went on an inward journey after facing charges and decided to sip tea and read the play book.

I could be wrong. Either way until he cleans up his act, stops the spitting, goes 1 more year without committing a felony, I don't think he should be at the top of that list. He certainly has the talent and potential, but off-field and character issues may play an important role on his impact on the team.

I think separate coaches for the CBs and safeties had more to do with his on-field production than anything else. I know I'm in the minority on this one, but I loved it when he spit in that player's face. It shows passion for the game, and a mean streak that playmakers need to have. I'm not saying that he should do that time and again, but let's give the man credit. He wins us games, and he hasn't yapped to the media at all, and what's more is that we haven't heard about a single off-field incident involving him since the gun charges. Obviously he is making a concerted effort to change his image or at least not get in trouble. I would love 53 STs on my team, baggage and all.

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