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Live from the last open training camp of the year

E-Dog Night

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Ah, the miracles of wireless internet. As I write this, I'm siting in 100 degree heat (yes, I did remember to bring my beach chair) with a few thousand other Redskins fans, waiting for the gates to open. Several people have commented that they have never seen the line this long. It's off the road and into the grass parking lot. In-freaking-sane.

I thought I was going to beat the rush. No such luck. There are already at least 5,000 people in line.

Anyway, I'll do my best to provide up to the minute updates for all you Redskin faithful.

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Ok I'm in! Here come the cheerleaders on the field. If someone can post pics from their phone to a computer and then uplaod them in this thread, pm me with your cell phone number. I'll send you pics in message attachments.

Ha! ! just caught a t shirt thrown by a cheerleader. Life is good.

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Thanks E-dog keep up the running commentary.

Will do my best. Just kind of waiting for the action to start. The band just got done with a rousing rendition of "Don't stop till you get enough".

I'm pretty much ready for practice to begin now.

Got a couple of Cooley groupies in front of me. I guess they didn't see that article in the post today. Some fantasies die hard.

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Will do my best. Just kind of waiting for the action to start. The band just got done with a rousing rendition of "Don't stop till you get enough".

I'm pretty much ready for practice to begin now.

Got a couple of Cooley groupies in front of me. I guess they didn't see that article in the post today. Some fantasies die hard.


Try to break the news to them gently.

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Will do my best. Just kind of waiting for the action to start. The band just got done with a rousing rendition of "Don't stop till you get enough".

I'm pretty much ready for practice to begin now.

Got a couple of Cooley groupies in front of me. I guess they didn't see that article in the post today. Some fantasies die hard.

at least offer a shoulder to cry on when you do break the news. lol :D thanx for the running commentary. like i have said before, there is no place and i repeat no place like extremeskins.com. HTTR BABY

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this is so awesome. gibbs is giving us our own press conference, taking questions from the crowd. he is standing right in front of me. told us exactly how this practice would be run. said samuels might be ready for the last preseason game. said his grandson is doing great. said sean taylor is lighter and playing really well. landry coming along nicely. portis will be out for a while longer.

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players are on the far field doing drills now. gibbs will be running 7 on 7 & 9 on 9 srarting at 7, he said. hey haphazard, i will definitely keep a lookout for wade. he's huge from what i can see right now on the far field. hard to tell him apart from jansen at the moment. looks like a tackle and not a gaurd. i guess cause he is!

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this is so awesome. gibbs is giving us our own press conference, taking questions from the crowd. he is standing right in front of me. told us exactly how this practice would be run. said samuels might be ready for the last preseason game. said his grandson is doing great. said sean taylor is lighter and playing really well. landry coming along nicely. portis will be out for a while longer.

Now how cool is that? That's great and thanks fo rthe updates.

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drills look to be winding down. should get some good action soon. kinda boring for the last 20 minutes or so. mostly just big guys standing around. al saunders continues to catch my attention. he's very hands on. definitely working closely with campbell as one might expect. he"s clearly running the show on offense. he and buges are calling he shots on the offensive drills.

whoa - portis is on the field! not doing much but he's out there. no helmet on though. wearing a red "don't hit me" jersey vest.

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cooley just made a sweet catch and run. b lloyd had a campbell bullet bounce off his hands.

cooley looks fast. he could have a pro bowl year.

ide jimoh is getting abused by the 2nd team offense.

brunell looks like he's regained some zip on his passes. no really. still won't throw the ball downfield. every pass was a checkdown. maybe that's the drill.

todd wade looks like he'll have no problem on pulling plays. moves very well. he did get pushed back at the point of attack on a straight up running play.

campbell is sharp. zip. accurate.

todd collins throws what i would describe as a feathery ball. hasthe pocet presence of a utility pole. he straight up stinks. threw a pick just after i wrote that.

who is num. 87? he's having some serious difficulty with pass protection.

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