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It seems a fellow Redskins


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Oh my...on so many levels this thread is a bit "off"...

A "singular" subject has an "s" on the end making it plural...

The run on sentece starts with a capital letter.

A new sentence starts with the word "And".

What about <periods> to end the first 2 sentences?

The last sentence, "He ask(ed) for this to be posted...

I didn't even bother to click on the link...was there anything good?

I'm sorry lil' guy. I'm just a bit cranky. The pre season can't get here soon enough, then we have 4 games inside a 20-day span where we have to sweat injuries...you know what I mean.

The guy's doing a favor for another fan by posting this plea for help on here, and you're going to nitpick his grammar?? Not cool at all. :doh:

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thats terrible im sorry dude, you may want to leave some sort of contact number, I dont know exactly how (I undrestand not wanting to post you number and adress where random people can see) but if someone took it they may be afraid of the consequences or they may just be afraid to face u if they were gutless enough to take it. give them a place to put it.

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I agree with Tarhog... check ebay... I am pretty sure if someone did steal it they didnt do it for the signatures bc thats what true fans are after and would not steal from one another. I bet they did it bc they thought they can sell it.

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Had some items go missing at todays practice

And I apologize if this doesn't belong here

He ask for this too be posted, just in case someone noticed something.


Hope someone can help him out... Hail skins

(link fixed)

I understand your angst but I cannot sympathize with you. Apparently you had the gall to walk into"SKINS" territory with a t-shirt advocating being a cowboy fan also.!! Look for it in the dumpster. !! :mad:
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I understand your angst but I cannot sympathize with you. Apparently you had the gall to walk into"SKINS" territory with a t-shirt advocating being a cowboy fan also.!! Look for it in the dumpster. !! :mad:

:doh: dude not cool. if you read the post on the other site it said that they were in tears leaving camp. i dont care what team you root for you dont deserve to have your belongings stolen. whether it was left at their seats while they went to get autographs or not us skins fans should look out for each other. i live in texas so cant do anything to help but i do send my well wishes for a safe recovery of all your things.

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I understand your angst but I cannot sympathize with you. Apparently you had the gall to walk into"SKINS" territory with a t-shirt advocating being a cowboy fan also.!! Look for it in the dumpster. !! :mad:

The shirt is bashing Cowboy fans. Think before you post man. Even if he was an opposing team's fan that's no way to act. There's no excuse to show no class, even when others aren't. Be better.

I hope this guy gets his stuff back. I contributed my bump. :)

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