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Are NFL Officials Cheating? ... (LONG)

[S.S.F. | Nero]

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The Answer To Your question is...........YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!; with all the money bet on Pro Football and with calls being made that Ray Charles could see better, I have been saying it for years; the Green Bay Packers call was so obviously blatant, it makes me sick to this day................Thomas Jefferson in his Memorial was more in Motion than any Redskin on that play;:helmet:

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I went to the Panthers/Cowboys game a couple of years ago on Christmas Eve and there had to be a fix. Carolina held Dallas to a field goal and Peppers broke free, deflected the kick, then creamed the kicker. They ruled it running into the kicker and Dallas got 1st and goal from like the 2 yard line.

Carolina challenged and still got screwed. Dallas then went in and scored a TD. I was in the upper level around the 20 yard line, on the side of the field Dallas was driving on. I saw the ball go in a straight line, then bolt off at a 45 degree angle to the line it was traveling because Pepper first deflected it before hitting the kicker. Horrible call. I'm no Panther fan, but they were playing the Boys and that prevented a Dallas loss :mad:

Also, let's not forget when we crammed Stephen Davis down around the goal line (in Carolina), caused a fumble, recovered, game over. The friggin refs stood there about 5 seconds before making a call and then the TD sign went up. That was such bull****, because now we could only challenge that it was not a TD and if we win, Carolina gets the ball back on the 1 yard or 1/2 yard line. The right call would have been to call a fumble, recovery Washington, so if Carolina challenged and won, they would get the ball back at the 1 yard line or 1/2 yard line, but if we won, we would have gotten the ball. Both teams actually have something to gain (based on the outcome of the challenge).

So, I believe the officials cheat sometimes, because they take 5-8 seconds before making calls, and usually when they take that long, they pick the call that never benefits both teams should a challenge arise.

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Are NFL Officials on the take?

One official and one flag can shift a lot of cash from one side of the table to the other. If anyone thinks that in the history of the NFL there has never been a corrupt official then I've got a bridge to sell you.

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Honestly, it wouldnt surprise me one bit. Ive seen many abosolutely horrible atrocious calls that no sane human being could reasonably make, and not just in Redskin games. The worst part is when the Refs review the call on instant replay and STILL blow it.

Any time you have a system where people are not allowed to be criticized, you open the door for rampant corruption. Dictators dont allow criticism, free governments do. The NBA scandal raises one very important question....Why was the referee able to blatantly make horrible calls to change the entire outcome of a game, time and time again? Because otherwise, he wouldnt actually be changing the outcome of a game. He did it and NO ONE NOTICED. Thats how bad refereeing has gotten.

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Honestly, it wouldnt surprise me one bit. Ive seen many abosolutely horrible atrocious calls that no sane human being could reasonably make, and not just in Redskin games. The worst part is when the Refs review the call on instant replay and STILL blow it.

Any time you have a system where people are not allowed to be criticized, you open the door for rampant corruption. Dictators dont allow criticism, free governments do. The NBA scandal raises one very important question....Why was the referee able to blatantly make horrible calls to change the entire outcome of a game, time and time again? Because otherwise, he wouldnt actually be changing the outcome of a game. He did it and NO ONE NOTICED. Thats how bad refereeing has gotten.

I know, i know... this burns me up, it really pisses me off when you know the call shouldn't of been made and then you challenge it and bright as day, but yeth they say there isn't sufficient evidence to over-turn that call, which is bull**** because everyone else see's it clear as day.

Something has to be done so the refs don't have all the say in a game when that oculd very well be the outcome... there should be another source that isn't connected to the refs but the teams or someone would make a call and tell them to check out the call and see if it should beover-turned or not.. obviously, if you are overturning a refs call, he thinks he made the right call and will make sure his call stands in any way possible, which is BS in my opinion. PLain and simple, they shouldn't be the ones to have the final say on the outcome of something as of this. there has to be some other type of commitee that can be available to be the defining factor of a bogus ass call.

I honestly, get so pissed off at some calls that I feel like I would hurt the ref who makes weak calls like that.. This is sports zebra, do your job and do it right.. all you have to do is make obvious calls, stop trying to get more attention than you need, and stop tryin to overutilize the rules against a team. I mean in every play you could blow the whistle... but unless it effects play or is really bovious then call the right call..

all i can say is i'd rather have a couple of remedial kids being the refs, at least they have fun with it and won't lie and cheat.


i could go on for days.. (this is a sore topic, especially being a redskins fan)

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