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Security Clearence: Your job history?


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I need to fill out a security clearence form soon and i was told that i have to be as accurate as possible for job history. I've had a few jobs, some farther than the eye can see.

I'm trying to dig up old papers verifying a few dates but for other jobs at the mall and such are harder to find b/c there was no hard paper needed for me to keep to work there.

Any ideas?

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I need to fill out a security clearence form soon and i was told that i have to be as accurate as possible for job history. I've had a few jobs, some farther than the eye can see.

I'm trying to dig up old papers verifying a few dates but for other jobs at the mall and such are harder to find b/c there was no hard paper needed for me to keep to work there.

Any ideas?


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just try and be as accurate as possible with the dates. Typcially month/year should be good enough. Once you get the whole form filled out make sure you keep a copy of it yourself for your own recoreds. It makes the five year updates go so much smoother if you do.

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You're also pretty young. You may be able to go to the source. You were working for them within the last 8 years probably. I bet they keep records at least that long in case they get audited. It might be a pain for them/you, but I bet there is some accounting department at Kemp Mill Records or Target or wherever that could find you if you could furnish them with a SS number and a year.

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If it's a real clearance or something significantly more than just a position of Public Trust, don't worry... they'll find the exact dates you were at certain jobs probably before you do... ;)

really now???.. thats interesting.... i may find myself applying for that sometime within the next few months myself so when i saw this i started getting worried because i m DREADFUL at keeping track of information such as that.....

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Man I'm jealous, every good job I apply for needs a security clearance but I've never found a job that will pay for the clearance.

I didn't get the hear any phrase w/ the word "hiring or hired" from the phone call backs.

But, it did sound positive and they were already requesting for me to get security clearence before the big boss decides they want me or not...

WAIT A MINUTE! WHILE I WAS TYPING THIS POST ... THEY CALLED BACK AND IT TURNS OUT I START MONDAY! WOOOOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! :notworthy:notworthy:notworthy:notworthy:notworthy:notworthy:notworthy:notworthy:notworthy:notworthy:notworthy:notworthy:notworthy:notworthy:notworthy:notworthy:notworthy

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really now???.. thats interesting.... i may find myself applying for that sometime within the next few months myself so when i saw this i started getting worried because i m DREADFUL at keeping track of information such as that.....

Well, what I mean is that they'll go verify those dates. If you can just get a roundabout time frame, that's probably enough. If you're off by several months, they may be concerned. If it's anything less than TS they won't do interviews, but they'll be able to verify your job history pretty easily.

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But, it did sound positive and they were already requesting for me to get security clearence before the big boss decides they want me or not...

Makes sense. Only takes a few days (or a couple weeks tops) to get an interim clearance. A co-worker of mine literally went from turning in his papers to having an interim Secret in fewer than 48 hours. It'll take at least a year for everything to complete, but interim is enough for many places.

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To be honest, they look at your accuracy with regards to job history for two reasons:

1. Honesty

2. To see how responsible you are.

If you are not responsible enough to keep personal records, then do you think they would want you working with National Security info?

Then again they give out clearnances to anybody these days which is also why I'm cleaning up classified data spills several times a year.

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Well, what I mean is that they'll go verify those dates. If you can just get a roundabout time frame, that's probably enough. If you're off by several months, they may be concerned. If it's anything less than TS they won't do interviews, but they'll be able to verify your job history pretty easily.

O okay... I am looking into doing some DOD work right out of school and i might get an oppurtunity to start while i m in school but i cant apply til august 1st... here is to hopin i can get in....

oh an CP... congrats on the job buddy!! :applause::applause:

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I didn't get the hear any phrase w/ the word "hiring or hired" from the phone call backs.

But, it did sound positive and they were already requesting for me to get security clearence before the big boss decides they want me or not...

WAIT A MINUTE! WHILE I WAS TYPING THIS POST ... THEY CALLED BACK AND IT TURNS OUT I START MONDAY! WOOOOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! :notworthy:notworthy:notworthy:notworthy:notworthy:notworthy:notworthy:notworthy:notworthy:notworthy:notworthy:notworthy:notworthy:notworthy:notworthy:notworthy:notworthy

Congrats man! Im in the IT industry to let me know more about the security clearance process while you go through it.

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To be honest, they look at your accuracy with regards to job history for two reasons:

1. Honesty

2. To see how responsible you are.

If you are not responsible enough to keep personal records, then do you think they would want you working with National Security info?

Then again they give out clearnances to anybody these days which is also why I'm cleaning up classified data spills several times a year.

Really?? wow... well thats good to know i am gonna go tearing through all of my paper work and see if i cant find all of my employment history! I dont want to lose out on a job offer because i was deemed irresponsible...

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To be honest, they look at your accuracy with regards to job history for two reasons:

1. Honesty

2. To see how responsible you are.

If you are not responsible enough to keep personal records, then do you think they would want you working with National Security info?

Then again they give out clearnances to anybody these days which is also why I'm cleaning up classified data spills several times a year.

They are trying to establish a picture of who you are and who you worked for. That is all. If you leave out a job all the interviewer is going to do is come back to you and ask you why left it off. I forgot is an acceptable answer. When I was going through intel school one of the soldiers in my class left off an arrest. The interviewer asked him why he left it off and he said he was scared he wouldn't get the clerence. Well, last time I looked he had his TS/SCI. An arrests weighs far more heavily in consideration than job history. So again just try and be as accurate as possible.

There are probally two main reasons you are cleaning up classified leaks....1) dealing with officers who are not in the intel field or 2) dealin with members of our esteemed government.

I have seen a couple time where people just made mistakes. They happen, its ok as long as they don't happen alot to the same person.

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They are trying to establish a picture of who you are and who you worked for. That is all. If you leave out a job all the interviewer is going to do is come back to you and ask you why left it off. I forgot is an acceptable answer. When I was going through intel school one of the soldiers in my class left off an arrest. The interviewer asked him why he left it off and he said he was scared he wouldn't get the clerence. Well, last time I looked he had his TS/SCI. An arrests weighs far more heavily in consideration than job history. So again just try and be as accurate as possible.

There are probally two main reasons you are cleaning up classified leaks....1) dealing with officers who are not in the intel field or 2) dealin with members of our esteemed government.

I have seen a couple time where people just made mistakes. They happen, its ok as long as they don't happen alot to the same person.

Thanks for the insight man. I appreciate it.

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They are trying to establish a picture of who you are and who you worked for. That is all. If you leave out a job all the interviewer is going to do is come back to you and ask you why left it off. I forgot is an acceptable answer. When I was going through intel school one of the soldiers in my class left off an arrest. The interviewer asked him why he left it off and he said he was scared he wouldn't get the clerence. Well, last time I looked he had his TS/SCI. An arrests weighs far more heavily in consideration than job history. So again just try and be as accurate as possible.

There are probally two main reasons you are cleaning up classified leaks....1) dealing with officers who are not in the intel field or 2) dealin with members of our esteemed government.

I have seen a couple time where people just made mistakes. They happen, its ok as long as they don't happen alot to the same person.

The reason I deal with leaks alot is because there are no consequences from the government and the company I work for. The consequences are for me to spend a whole day wiping file slack and destroying expensive backup tapes.

Just once I'd like them to make an example out of somebody.

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To be honest, they look at your accuracy with regards to job history for two reasons:

1. Honesty

2. To see how responsible you are.

If you are not responsible enough to keep personal records, then do you think they would want you working with National Security info?

Then again they give out clearnances to anybody these days which is also why I'm cleaning up classified data spills several times a year.

good points. however if you do all the work for these people, then they would be bored and surf ES all day.

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The reason I deal with leaks alot is because there are no consequences from the government and the company I work for. The consequences are for me to spend a whole day wiping file slack and destroying expensive backup tapes.

Just once I'd like them to make an example out of somebody.

I know the feeling, I spent 7 years in the Army as an CI agent. We had a case come to us where a engineer 1LT left a bunch of Secret documents in a hotel room. From what we could tell it wasn't a DSC so we took it to his commander to let him take care of it instead (we were trying to be nice) Guess what happend....He got a "Letter of Concern" in his file! WTF is a Letter of Concern. This dumb ass 1LT left at least 50 pages of classified material in a hotel room and it was found by the maid and all you can do is give him a Letter of Concern. I guarentee if the person would have been enlisted his career would have been GONE.

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really now???.. thats interesting.... i may find myself applying for that sometime within the next few months myself so when i saw this i started getting worried because i m DREADFUL at keeping track of information such as that.....

You give them your social security number and any good security officer will be able to find out if you are clearable or at least if no red-flags pop up. Other forms you sign give them the right to check (although with a social security number and a little social engineering, I wouldn't even need that though I'd be breaking the law and/or anybody who gave me info might also be breaking the law). The main reason for the ESPQ is to find out how honest you are by comparing what they found out with what you told them. Discrepencies between what they know and what you said may cause them to red-flag or deny you, but some things they know are probably just guesses by you.

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I know the feeling, I spent 7 years in the Army as an CI agent. We had a case come to us where a engineer 1LT left a bunch of Secret documents in a hotel room. From what we could tell it wasn't a DSC so we took it to his commander to let him take care of it instead (we were trying to be nice) Guess what happend....He got a "Letter of Concern" in his file! WTF is a Letter of Concern. This dumb ass 1LT left at least 50 pages of classified material in a hotel room and it was found by the maid and all you can do is give him a Letter of Concern. I guarentee if the person would have been enlisted his career would have been GONE.
Yeah, they say "oh, that doesn't build good morale..." Give me a break. :laugh:
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To be honest, they look at your accuracy with regards to job history for two reasons:

1. Honesty

2. To see how responsible you are.

If you are not responsible enough to keep personal records, then do you think they would want you working with National Security info?

Then again they give out clearnances to anybody these days which is also why I'm cleaning up classified data spills several times a year.

Um, I got my first clearance back in the late 80s. Back then you could wander all over the Pentagon without any check besides knowing somebody. For some reason they thought my mother was born somewhere she was not. I never kept records of any job until I was saving for a house.

Main reason for data breaches is that they require the clearance first and then worry about competence (if then).

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They are trying to establish a picture of who you are and who you worked for. That is all. If you leave out a job all the interviewer is going to do is come back to you and ask you why left it off. I forgot is an acceptable answer. When I was going through intel school one of the soldiers in my class left off an arrest. The interviewer asked him why he left it off and he said he was scared he wouldn't get the clerence. Well, last time I looked he had his TS/SCI. An arrests weighs far more heavily in consideration than job history. So again just try and be as accurate as possible.

There are probally two main reasons you are cleaning up classified leaks....1) dealing with officers who are not in the intel field or 2) dealin with members of our esteemed government.

I have seen a couple time where people just made mistakes. They happen, its ok as long as they don't happen alot to the same person.

Military guys, I've usually got them to back down by talking about the problem of physical security. I do remember once when a certain high-level person wanted to log into a secure data system from an unsecure system (his personal laptop) with not even so much as a password. He was still complaining that the IT department wouldn't help him with this months later even after we explained the issue to him, a non-technical person explained it and even an officer tried to explain why we couldn't do that.

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