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Microchips mulled for HIV carriers in Indonesia's Papua


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Lawmakers in Indonesia's Papua are mulling the selective use of chip implants in HIV carriers to monitor their behaviour in a bid to keep them from infecting others, a doctor said Tuesday.

John Manangsang, a doctor who is helping to prepare a new healthcare regulation bill for Papua's provincial parliament, said that unusual measures were needed to combat the virus.

"We in the government in Papua have to think hard on ways to provide protection to people from the spread of the disease," Manangsang told AFP.

"Some of the infected people experience a change of behaviour and can turn more aggressive and would not think twice of infecting others," he alleged, saying lawmakers were considering various sanctions for these people.

"Among one of the means being considered is the monitoring of those infected people who can pose a danger to others," Manangsang said.

"The use of chip implants is one of the ways to do so, but only for those few who turn aggressive and clearly continue to disregard what they know about the disease and spread the virus to others," he said.

A decision was still a long way off, he added.

The head of the Papua chapter of the National AIDS Commission, Constant Karma, reportedly slammed the proposal as a violation of human rights.


So it begins. I said a few years back that it would start with prisoners but looks like I was wrong. Sick people get tagged first!

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this is a good idea

Don't worry you're chip will be coming soon. It's the logical next step in controlling people. First they'll get those that are "a threat" and then they'll get everyone else in the name of safety. Then when everyone is nice and trackable... we're ****ed.

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They have been doing this for a little while. It works great for pets and kids. Eventually, all of your information will be on there. No more uncomfortable wallet, just swipe your wrist. No more drugs or Dui, chip senses the poisons and the cops save the day. Never getting lost or losing your information. If you get into an acident, all of your info is avalible via your own personal bar code. I can't see what the problem is, what are you guilty of?

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They have been doing this for a little while. It works great for pets and kids. Eventually, all of your information will be on there. No more uncomfortable wallet, just swipe your wrist. No more drugs or Dui, chip senses the poisons and the cops save the day. Never getting lost or losing your information. If you get into an acident, all of your info is avalible via your own personal bar code. I can't see what the problem is, what are you guilty of?

lol :laugh:

You sound like a scientologist "what are you guilty of"

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Again, how does this work? Having a chip isn't going to prevent you from having sex with someone and spreading the disease. Are they planning to hand out chip scanners to everyone and expect them to use them before having sex with somone to make sure they don't have a disease?

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Don't worry you're chip will be coming soon. It's the logical next step in controlling people. First they'll get those that are "a threat" and then they'll get everyone else in the name of safety. Then when everyone is nice and trackable... we're ****ed.

why u getting offended?

do u have aids or something?

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I don't have AIDS nor am I getting offended. I just dislike plans to tag humans like animals. One reason is as good as another once it becomes acceptable.

I agree. This is one road we can't step one foot on. There is no "well it's okay now, but I'll be upset when they do ....". This needs to be stopped now, in every country.

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