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Question regardling Rogers last year (no debate)

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The reason his drops are so memorable is that they come at very, very key times. The best example of that is and always will be the '05 playoffs against Seattle. That drop equalled a 14-point swing in Seattle's favor. Catching that ball was a sure TD and Seattle wound up with a TD on that drive.

What are the other INT drops that came at very, very key times?

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and as for the blitzing, my second question (if your assumption is correct), is why did he never blitz? he hits very hard and hes fast, so why not?
He's rarely ever sent on a blitz. I do remember seeing him blitz before and he wasn't suited for it.
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i didn't "blame him for everything than actually use my head and think logically", in fact if you've read any of my posts i've specifically said that the defensive injuries were a huge reason why he sucked so much last year and i've been an huge advocate that the injuries caused williams to curtail his defense. but i guess it's just easier for you to ignore that this thread was about a specific question regarding rogers and not about the defense in general.

that beign said, this defense of roger's play and playing deep a lot b/c we were in a cover - 2 makes no sense at all. in a cover 2 you have help over the top....THAT MEANS YOU CAN STEP UP TO THE LINE.

This is actually a pretty good point.


Cover 2: How is it played?

In Cover 2, it is obvious that the safeties have a tremendous burden and a lot of field to cover. They must get help from the underneath coverage to keep receivers from outnumbering them in the deep zones. There are two critical techniques that can help the safeties. First, the corners must collide with the receivers and flatten out their routes to keep them from running outside freely, which would stretch the safeties. If the wide receivers release unmolested, it is almost impossible for the safeties to get enough width quickly enough to defend the deep pass. The corners are responsible for their outside fifths, which is a shallow area, but they must sink with the receiver until another receiver threatens their zone.

Given that the CB only has a small amount of space where contact is allowed before it is a penalty, it doesn't make all that much sense in a cover 2 to have a CB that far back from the LOS, although I'm sure GW has his own random modifications of the cover 2 scheme. Either way, it is odd. Also of note is that generally in a cover 2 the front 4 are, for the most part, solely responsible for getting pressure. Either way, it seems our D was screwed from the get go with what we had and the injuries.

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Considering how many "passes defended" he had (17), in comparison to how few picks (1), I'd say there were a lot.

But I actually remember the biggest problem being him not turning to locate the ball at all - not getting his hands on it and dropping it. It seems like he would've had atleast another half dozen picks if he would've just played the ball instead of the receiver.

For all the crap he's taken, I believe he'll prove why he was taken where he was this year. Hell, even last year was not nearly as bad as a lot of people on this board make it out to be. As bad a people dog him around here, he was an all-around solid CB last season.


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It is irrelevant whether or not he was playing a cover 2, because for us to know we would literally have to review game tape and watch how the plays unfolded. The posters point is, whether its a cover 2 or not, Carlos was TOLD to play off his man. Do you really think he got scared and decided to back up to give a cushion????

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i have 2 questions, and im not sure if anyone can answer them because i dont know who would track these stats. but here it goes.

does anyone know how many INTs he actually dropped? i know we say "oh rogers dropped 192 ints" but i would love to know the actual number. i know some of you stats hounds on here could find it or know where to find it. if you know the answer, youre my hero.

my other question is, how many blitzes did we send rogers on last year? its a well known fact that williams loves his CB blitzes, im just wondering if rogers was ever sent last year after the QB? he never got there as evidenced by his 0 sacks, but im wondering if he attempted any. i dont think he was sent a lot, and my 2nd part of this question would be why didnt williams send him a lot?

rogers seemed like a big topic today, other than debate why he sucks or doesnt suck, i was just looking for some obscure numbers. any help would be appreciated. :cheers:

he dropped i think about 3, and he was sent on blitz a couple of times, i think..and i know this guy doesnt suck, for sure..hes made some nice plays before..for a small guy, he can wrap up people pretty nicely

but anyone notice? last year we missed a lot of tackles too...

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Darrell Green used to drop several pics every year. That's why he was a corner and not a receiver. Los probably dropped 4 or 5 last year.

I don't think I remember Los blitzing a single time last year off hand. Williams didn't blitz much at all without Springs in there.

Rogers had a bit of a sophmore slump last year, but I look for him to break out this year.

In order to have a sophmore slump that means they had to be good as a rookie. Which he wasn't

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Rogers has all the potential in the world. He is quick, can cover anyone, and is young. However, his achilles heel is his inability to intercept a ball that hits him in the hands. If he does not correct that this season, I'm afraid he may lose his starting role eventually. I would hate to see that, but if he continues to drop balls that hit him in right in the hands, Coach will have to look for someone else to play that position. I believe he will improve, and become a premeir db in the NFL. Only time will tell.

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Rogers has all the potential in the world. He is quick, can cover anyone, and is young. However, his achilles heel is his inability to intercept a ball that hits him in the hands. If he does not correct that this season, I'm afraid he may lose his starting role eventually. I would hate to see that, but if he continues to drop balls that hit him in right in the hands, Coach will have to look for someone else to play that position. I believe he will improve, and become a premeir db in the NFL. Only time will tell.

He didn't look that quick when he got bruned in the minny game.

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I think that if Carlos held on to the one in Seattle,we might see a more confident player on the field instead of what we saw last season.I cant wait to see him get a pick and score,I bet that would take a load off of him.

you can tell he is dealing with pressure to get more interceptions. I can only image how anxious he was when he was bobbling that ball in the new orleans game, trying to get it under his control. I do think the int in NO relieved some of that pressure which had been accumulating from the seattle game through the 06 season.

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Rogers has all the potential in the world. He is quick, can cover anyone, and is young. However, his achilles heel is his inability to intercept a ball that hits him in the hands. If he does not correct that this season, I'm afraid he may lose his starting role eventually. I would hate to see that, but if he continues to drop balls that hit him in right in the hands, Coach will have to look for someone else to play that position. I believe he will improve, and become a premeir db in the NFL. Only time will tell.

Can we please stop talking about how many balls CR dropped last year!:( The guy was playing with a broken hand for half the year, so it's not like it's his fault. I am tired of hearing he can't catch. How good would you'll be able to catch with a broken hand. Rogers will be a very good CB in the league starting this year with a pair of hands that aren't broken.:doh:

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Can we please stop talking about how many balls CR dropped last year!:( The guy was playing with a broken hand for half the year, so it's not like it's his fault. I am tired of hearing he can't catch. How good would you'll be able to catch with a broken hand. Rogers will be a very good CB in the league starting this year with a pair of hands that aren't broken.:doh:

:applause: Db's aren't supposed to have the best hands in the world. That's why they're db's and not receivers. Just be thankful he can tackle. :2cents:

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