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Fun with Rosie's pic


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In the spirit of the infamous "Fun with Eli's Drunk Pic", I have started a "Fun with Rosie Pic" thread. I, of course, will start.

513649429_fc3d18e8a4.jpg?v=0This could be fun!

I can't tell what part was Photo-shopped.

:rotflmao: :doh:

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Ya know, I don't mind that Rosie has her opinions about things. Fine. But if you're gonna take over a show and spout them off all the time as gospel and than get called on the carpet for them, than whine about the fact that you got called out, to me is childish. And than to not justify your comments is just plain stupid.

I personally don't think that you should be spouting off such anti-american views on a talk show like she did, but that's just me. If you do, you get what you get.

Just like the Dixie Chicks. They cried foul that they were being censored for their comments. No, if you are a celebrity or musician and you piss off your fan base by saying something controversial, than your fans have every right, just like you to say what you want, to not go to your shows, not buy your records and turn away for what you said. Free speech and free will go both ways, which Liberals tend to forget.

Rosie forgot that when she says hurtful things and things that ruffle feathers, that people will judge her for them. She got judged and she didn't like it. boo hoo, I', so sad now. Later rosie, don't let the door hit ya where the good lord slit ya :)

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