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US Plan to Economically Destabalize and Absorb Mexico..


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If you wanted to destabilize the Mexican economy and get the people to petition the US for membership what steps would you take?

(1) You would need to have the Mexican economy totally dependent upon the US economy, such a one sided relationship would give America huge leverage over Mexico such that any interuption would be unthinkable for them. ( NAFTA, and current illegal remitances have lead to US accounting for as much as 80% of Mexico's economy, look for their economy to grow and become more dependent upon us. )....

(2) You would need to increase the number of English speakers in Mexico and foster good feelings between our two peoples. ( In the last Mexican census as much as 10% of their population was missing, presumed to be in the US. That's more than 20% of their workforce. 90% of the Mexican people by a poll currently would like to come to the US even if it means breaking US laws. We want to be sure as many as are able get their wish.)

(3) You would need to convince, bribe the Mexican government officials to allow it to happen. Best case, make them partners in the process. The benefits of NAFTA have most benefited Mexico's wealthy class who control the political process in Mexico. Hell their last President Fox was a former head of an American subsidiary company in Mexico.

(4) You need to allow for American citizens to move into Mexico, and own land. This was taken care of within the last decade, prior to that it was illegal for foreigners to own land in Mexico. You don't need millions. But having Americans move into the Mexican heartland, spending money; further accelerates good will and economic dependence.

(5) You need to ensure that Mexicans living legally or illegally in the US can vote in Mexican elections. They will vote their interests and vote for continued close® ties, even eventual merger, if it means they will get citizenship. Or will continue to benefit from the States.

(6) You would need for more balanced immigration from Mexico. Not just poor illegals, which are great. But also wealthier middle class Mexicans. The new immigration bill accomplishes this. Increasing the numbers of immigration visa's but also for the first time targets them at Mexico's middle class. Provisional open boarders for their best and brightest who don't currently swarm across our boarders illegally, but now will be targeted by increased Visa's on a segment of the population which currently doesn't illegally come here.

(7) You will need corrupt incompetent Mexican government something that America could "help" fix; for the benefit of the people. Nuff said.

(8) Ongoing civil unrest. Break away Indian tribes. Drug wars etc..... got that. Increasing instability something to be offset by American merger.

(9) The final step, you would need for true open boarders. If 90% of the population of Mexico wants to come here anyway, Opening the boarders as a final step would be the last nail in the coffin for an independent Mexico. When this happens we will likely have more than 50% of their workforce within our boarders already. Those 50% will have English skills and will vote their and American interests. The folks left back in Mexico will likely have significant economic interests in the US by this time, either relatives paying re numerations to them, or their jobs directly linked to the US economy.

It's coming.... When we get Mexico, some of the rest of central American countries won't be far behind. We've already have more Guatemalans in the US than there are in Guatemala. We don't need all of the central American countries either. Figure a contiguous land mass down to the canal will be the new 21st century manifest destiny.

Country's which are currently working like Costa Rica can remain as sort of quaint vacation spots like the Riviera in France.

You heard it here first.

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Cheney: "Gee, Sarge. What are we going to do tonight? "

Sarge : "The same thing we do every night, Cheney. Try to take over the world"

The Pinky and the Sarge, sarge, sarge.........

That's better :laugh:

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Where did you cut and paste that from?

I'm curious, because whoever wrote it is an idiot, and I'm pretty sure you are not an idiot.

Why? Why is that so far fetched? I'm the idiot. With a little help from George Allen, ( who is an idiot ). He basically alluded to such a plan when discussing immigration in the last Virginia senatorial race against Webb. Allen is too much of an idiot to actually have come up with this on his own. I started thinking about it. It's not that far fetched.

Since we passed Reagan's immigration amnesty in 1986 we've been accelerating their dependence on us. NAFTA was another step down that path. After NAFTA was passed their entire economy collapsed, remember it was only Clinton's bolstering them with Billions of IMF discretionary money which stopped their economy from a total implosion.

I've said what's in it for them...

What's in it for us. In the next 30 years both India and China will eclipse the US economy. They will accomplish this feet based on their population size alone. To forstal or even lesson this eventuality America has been on one of the greatest immigration periods of our countries existence. Currently 1 in 10 Americans were either not born here or their parents were not born here. The resulting effect of this has been the US quietly becoming the 3rd most populous country on the face of the planet. Currently behind India and China. Absorbing Mexico gives us defensible boarders to our South, huge oil reserves not just what Mexico currently exports but even larger fields not yet online in the Gulf of Mexico. It also increases our land mass, creates huge economic opportunity, and in one fell swoop adds more than 100 million people to our population. It would keep us #1 for another 50 years, To say nothing of all the beach front property.

This current legislation on illegal immigration is a step down this road. It's one of the explanations for why we aren't enforcing our laws. To allow for the continued exploitation of the illegal workforce is the second. Clearly different people in this alliance feel differently about which rational is the most important for continued empowerment of illegal immigration.

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0) First, the US has to want Mexico.

Bingo. And Mexico has to want to be absorbed by us.

Neither is true, not in the least.

What both governments do want is greater economic cooperation, which may or may not be a good thing (probably not, if you are a low skill worker in the US).

The rest of it is just silly speculation, based on the assumption that everything that happens in the economy is planned out in advance. It isn't. We entered NAFTA because the people in charge thought more free trade with our nearest neighbors would be a good thing economically, not because it would allow us to absorb Mexico in the future.

Heck, we can't even get Puerto Rico to join the US, and they have every reason in the world to want to do so.

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0) First, the US has to want Mexico.

No we don't. The first thing that has to happen is some polititians have to Want to remain the #1 economy in the world. Others have to want to make Billions off of explorting illegal immigation. This entire thing could be a done deal before the American people are even aware of what's going on. Economically Mexico is a fraction of the American economy. We can destabilize them by stomping or foot too hard. We did it accidentally when we ratified NAFTA.

There are significan benifits to such a merger for America and Mexico. It's not like Fox and Bush and even the Canadian PM haven't already entered into non public talks on such a merger.

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There are significan benifits to such a merger for America and Mexico. It's not like Fox and Bush and even the Canadian PM haven't already entered into non public talks on such a merger.

Link please. And not to worldnetdaily.

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Well... If George Bush gets a wild hair, he may invade Mexico... You never know... Besides, they are a threat... With all the bean burritos down there, they could easily coordinate a WAD attack... (Weapons of Ass Destruction) :paranoid:

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Bingo. And Mexico has to want to be absorbed by us.

Neither is true, not in the least.

Not now. But with the growing unprecedented economic dependence. With the growing unprecedented Mexican labor here. How long do you think that will be true in Mexico?

What both governments do want is greater economic cooperation, which may or may not be a good thing (probably not, if you are a low skill worker in the US).

And open boarders.

The rest of it is just silly speculation, based on the assumption that everything that happens in the economy is planned out in advance. It isn't. We entered NAFTA because the people in charge thought more free trade with our nearest neighbors would be a good thing economically, not because it would allow us to absorb Mexico in the future.

The record legal immigration since the 1980's been planned. I agree that NAFTA wasn't meant to destabilize Mexico's economy, but that was it's effect. Destabilize it, and make it significantly more dependent upon the US. Their entire economy almost collapsed because of one signature on a piece of paper. That was an eye openner.

Heck, we can't even get Porto Rico to join the US, and they have every reason in the world to want to do so.

Porto Rico is part of the US. We can't get them to become a State. But we also can't get them to declare independence.

It's all about the money. Follow the money. There is huge money to be made in this merger. There is huge money to be made in allowing continued illegal immigration. There is huge economic benifits which come from the resulting super state.

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Heck, we can't even get Puerto Rico to join the US, and they have every reason in the world to want to do so.
Huh? I don't recall the U.S. asking P.R. to become a state or the reverse. Plus, all P.R.s are U.S. citizens who benefit from Social Security and other U.S. programs, so it can said that they are a part of the U.S. already.

As far your Mexico response goes. Why waste time in your life to call someone an idiot, don't you have anything better to do? He makes some points which are worth debate. The ability of Americans to purchase land in Mexico was an incredible step in blurring the lines between our countries.

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The US doesn't want to inherit Mexico's problems.

case dismissed.

What problems? Huge infrastructure upgrade, and all the lucrative contracts which that entail. American companies would love a peace of that pie. Likewise we would have American citizens doing the work for the first time in a long time.

Mexican's are hard working and definitely fill a niche which American's and our peski social policies have paced us out off.

Latino's are already the #1 minority in this country, having eclipsed blacks more than a decade ago.

Drug wars are more of an annoyance than anything else. The Indian troubles would likely go away, we could just throw money at it. By American standards it would be cheap to pay off the Indians with jobs, infrastructure, schooling and the like.

Oil is a plus. But the real prize is the people, and the land. As I said the economic boom created by such a merger would keep America the #1 economy for 50 more years.

It's several orders of magnitude a better economic investment than another war; and roughly equivalent in cost. A 21 century Manifest Destiny, expand down to the Canal in order to remain the greatest economy on earth and not fall behind India or China. What's do out of the question about that.

Think we will even have a choice about remaining relavent in 50 years?

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Huh? I don't recall the U.S. asking P.R. to become a state or the reverse. Plus, all P.R.s are U.S. citizens who benefit from Social Security and other U.S. programs, so it can said that they are a part of the U.S. already.

As far your Mexico response goes. Why waste time in your life to call someone an idiot, don't you have anything better to do? He makes some points which are worth debate. The ability of Americans to purchase land in Mexico was an incredible step in blurring the lines between our countries.

It's not about us Requesting. It's about them deciding. They've had several votes on statehood over the last decade. currently the population is split down into thirds. for independence, for continue as is, and for statehood. The only consensus is for continue as is because Porto Rico is much better off as a US territory than any of their central American neighbors.

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Huh? I don't recall the U.S. asking P.R. to become a state or the reverse. Plus, all P.R.s are U.S. citizens who benefit from Social Security and other U.S. programs, so it can said that they are a part of the U.S. already.

There has been no formal invitation, but they have been debating statehood in P.R. for my entire lifetime.

As far your Mexico response goes. Why waste time in your life to call someone an idiot, don't you have anything better to do? He makes some points which are worth debate. The ability of Americans to purchase land in Mexico was an incredible step in blurring the lines between our countries.

No, he makes some factual points that are interesting, but ties them together with a conspiracy theory that there is a secret plan to merge the two nations. The subject has been discussed before on this site, and I still await any demonstration that it is anything more than a paranoid fantasy.

I have an ever decreasing tolerance for unsupported conspiracy theories.

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There has been no formal invitation, but they have been debating statehood in P.R. for my entire lifetime.

No, he makes some factual points that are interesting, but ties them together with a conspiracy theory that there is a secret plan to merge the two nations. The subject has been discussed before on this site, and I still await any demonstration that it is anything more than a paranoid fantasy.

I have an ever decreasing tolerance for unsupported conspiracy theories.


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