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Break Dance


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I can think of a lot of reactions to this, but I can't for the life of me figure out why laughter would be one of them. WTF are you people thinking? Predicto, I can't believe you're on this bandwagon.

I laughed because people were just dancing, and no one intended that anyone be hurt, and it turned out ok, and it was just so unexpected. It is nothing but unintended slapstick.

I don't support hurting kids or anything like it, nor does anyone else in this thread.

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Spare us your self righteous indignation.

You wanna feel better? Pretend she was an athiest baby or an immigrant baby or something. Then you can laugh gleefully with the rest of us.

You sure got me pegged don't you PreDICKto :rolleyes:

Righteous indignation? That makes sense - not.

I fail to see the humor in this. You may view this as on par with America's Funniest Home Videos type slapstick, but I do not. I think the limbic system of your brain is in dire need of tweaking.

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