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Fresh Fish **Not for the queazy**


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Anyone seen this video of a Japaneses restaurants new definition of "Fresh Fish?"

Poor Fish

One word....Cruel...

Cruel? The guy is cutting bait. I do it all the time.

How do you think we catch trout and rockfish? Cut a live peeler crab in quarters.

Nothing better than putting a live spot on the end of a baitrunner as well.

Sometimes if I catch a small hardhead I cut it up live on the boat to catch rock.

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Cutting a fish live is one thing...descaling a live fish is something else. :doh: By the way, it's not how fresh the fish is, it's where you catch it. No point eating a live fish if it was caught in water full of raw sewage...and we all know raw sewage is pumped into the sea in asia.

But then again...they'll eat anything over there.

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What what??? Descaling? You know...taking the scales off the fish...the thing he does at the beginning with the DESCALING knife? That must hurt a fish.

By the way...you prepare eels by skinning them alive and lobsters have to be prepared alive too. Though no reason to EAT the blimming things live.

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Both...but that wasn't what we were talking about. You said you cut the fish up as bait into quarters. That doesn't hurt as much because it probably dies after the first cut. :applause:

So you are saying descaling is cruel punishment because the fish does not die?

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Cruel? The guy is cutting bait. I do it all the time.

How do you think we catch trout and rockfish? Cut a live peeler crab in quarters.

Nothing better than putting a live spot on the end of a baitrunner as well.

Sometimes if I catch a small hardhead I cut it up live on the boat to catch rock.

Yes I know all of that, and thats fine. But how do you fry the fish while its still alive, and serve it at the table when its still trying to fight for life? Is that something thats done on a regular basis?

Didn't think so.

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Fish have a very different nervous system than higher animals. There is much debate, but most of the stuff I have read says that fish don't feel pain.

Throw a hook in a fish and throw him over. He'll swim and eat just like the rest.

Anyways, if we're just a product of natural selection, then why should we be different than the grizzlies who skin live salmon? ;)

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Ok, so what happens if your live fish takes a crap on your plate while your about to eat him?


That would be the ultimate FU from the fish! Fighting til the end. If only it could raise its middle fin and flip off the diners too.

I'm no animal rights zealot, but that gimmick is too sadistic for me. And the video showed the kids digging in too.

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First, I don't exactly understand how the heck that would taste good at all.

Second, that really does seem to be cruel just for cruel's sake. Put the damn thing out of its misery -- I'm pretty sure 5 minute dead fish tastes the exact same as still kickin' fish.

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I don't mind the scaling and cutting while it's kicking. That is normal for anyone who fishes. They aren't always dead when you get home to clean them. But quick frying the lower half so the fish is still kicking on the plate is nasty. I couldn't see, but I suspect he didn't fully gut the fish. Maybe only removed the lower intestines so the heart would still function long enough, without intestine gunk soiling the fish. I don't recall ever having a fish still kicking after completely gutting it.

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I was fishing one time with a friend and a fish we caught swallowed the hook so we decided to stab it to put it out of its misery, we ended up stabbing it like three times but it didn't even act like anything was wrong, we threw it back and it just swam away like nothing happened.

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I was fishing one time with a friend and a fish we caught swallowed the hook so we decided to stab it to put it out of its misery, we ended up stabbing it like three times but it didn't even act like anything was wrong, we threw it back and it just swam away like nothing happened.

You don't stab fish...you either hit them on a rock or cut the blimming head off. :doh:

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You don't stab fish...you either hit them on a rock or cut the blimming head off. :doh:

Well I am sure the fish is dead now and is swimming freely among all the fishes up in heaven and could care less what happened to him while on earth because he is with his fishy friends eating all the hookless worms they want.

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Well I am sure the fish is dead now and is swimming freely among all the fishes up in heaven and could care less what happened to him while on earth because he is with his fishy friends eating all the hookless worms they want.

Yeah, but it's still embarassing for a fish to get stabbed. Imagine what all the other fish did when they saw a fish with holes in it swim by...leaking water.

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Yeah, but it's still embarassing for a fish to get stabbed. Imagine what all the other fish did when they saw a fish with holes in it swim by...leaking water.

Who knows, it might of became trendy?

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Poor little fishie. Looked awful lonely on that plate...

Anyways if you really want something to make you never want to eat asian food again search out how cats and dogs fur is removed in china. The fish got off light in comparison. Saw it on the history or discovery channel once and its hard to forget.

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