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Insane Boost = Brunell??


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I love how everyone went to this thread and starting arguing that Campbell is better than Brunell, so not about that...hehe.

I enjoyed it. Made me chuckle.

Well I figured that eventually this was gonna start the argument about Campbell vs. Brunell. Glad you enjoyed it.

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Yes, you are absolutely correct. Lets bring back that 3-6 Brunell record, because if that doesnt scream success, I dont know what does. Given a few years, when Brunell matures and reaches his peak(rookies never perform that well) I expect too see better numbers.

And you are absolutely correct on how well he pass last year. In fact, he lead all NFL QBs in passing behind the line of scrimmage. He led the NFL in TDs, QB rating, Comp % behind the line of scrimmage. One thing NFL coaches always look for out of college is a guy who can throw that 0 yard pass, its something you are born with, you cant learn it. I think Brunell exemplifies that, and will have a very succesful NFL career, once he gets his bearings. Nevermind he couldnt throw the ball down the field(bottom of the NFL in that category), or that he took 10 yard drops in the pocket, those are things all young QBs struggle with, and he will get better at as his career progresses.

Im looking eagerly forward to the future, to see how this young Brunell matures. Its exciting.

Absolutely brilliant. Well said. I haven't seen the dude back here yet and therefore i think he has accepted his loss.

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Not to complain... but WTF is prolly? I see people post this word all of the time. The word is probably. Learn it... love it... its the english language dammit! If you are past the fourth grade, you should know this.


That is all.

If you're looking to change people's ways...then thats prolly not gunna happen.

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Yes, you are absolutely correct. Lets bring back that 3-6 Brunell record, because if that doesnt scream success, I dont know what does. Given a few years, when Brunell matures and reaches his peak(rookies never perform that well) I expect too see better numbers.

And you are absolutely correct on how well he pass last year. In fact, he lead all NFL QBs in passing behind the line of scrimmage. He led the NFL in TDs, QB rating, Comp % behind the line of scrimmage. One thing NFL coaches always look for out of college is a guy who can throw that 0 yard pass, its something you are born with, you cant learn it. I think Brunell exemplifies that, and will have a very succesful NFL career, once he gets his bearings. Nevermind he couldnt throw the ball down the field(bottom of the NFL in that category), or that he took 10 yard drops in the pocket, those are things all young QBs struggle with, and he will get better at as his career progresses.

Im looking eagerly forward to the future, to see how this young Brunell matures. Its exciting.

Funny. :laugh:

Oh, I dunno. Sometimes the problem just kinda of takes care of itself.

Funnier. :laugh: :laugh:

I couldn't stop laughing at this post.


Let's have a moment of silence...for Mark Brunell's career...

Funniest. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

And by the way, Scott Boonell>Mark Brunell.

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haha I wasnt sure if you had the same username or not but I was positive you were a member there as well. Pretty good site alot of funny ass people there.

Yeah, I am R34-Skyline on there, I made that name awhile back when my brother was still owning the streets of NOVA with his coupe.

I don't really post on there much, I am on Drag VA though.

I think its vadriven now or something.

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Yeah, I am R34-Skyline on there, I made that name awhile back when my brother was still owning the streets of NOVA with his coupe.

I don't really post on there much, I am on Drag VA though.

I think its vadriven now or something.

I am cyphergs-r I was on there a good bit when I had my integra gsr and I dont really post there much kinda just read the GDD.. good stuff man
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Yea I am pretty positive I remember seeing that tag before..

Yeah, we went out to Baltimore / Rockville a lot.

We also use to meet up at the Burger King in Manassas, now all that place is, is none turbod cars, pretty much teenage meet up, real bad place now.

But yeah, we went to MD a lot, use to destroy cars out there :laugh:

But nothing compares to the rich momma boy in Burke, we crushed that kid bad :laugh:

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Yes, you are absolutely correct. Lets bring back that 3-6 Brunell record, because if that doesnt scream success, I dont know what does. Given a few years, when Brunell matures and reaches his peak(rookies never perform that well) I expect too see better numbers.

And you are absolutely correct on how well he pass last year. In fact, he lead all NFL QBs in passing behind the line of scrimmage. He led the NFL in TDs, QB rating, Comp % behind the line of scrimmage. One thing NFL coaches always look for out of college is a guy who can throw that 0 yard pass, its something you are born with, you cant learn it. I think Brunell exemplifies that, and will have a very succesful NFL career, once he gets his bearings. Nevermind he couldnt throw the ball down the field(bottom of the NFL in that category), or that he took 10 yard drops in the pocket, those are things all young QBs struggle with, and he will get better at as his career progresses.

Im looking eagerly forward to the future, to see how this young Brunell matures. Its exciting.

In defense of Campbell, you point out that Brunell’s record was 3-6, while Campbell’s record was worse at 2-5?

If Brunell is so awful and Campbell is so terrific, how did Brunell finish with higher completion percentage, higher yards per attempt, fewer interceptions, and a higher passer rating? Brunell can’t throw the ball past the line of scrimmage, but he manages a higher yards per pass attempt? There is something to be said for the quarterback who can complete short, precise passes while taking care of the football. Over the years, fans of Washington have booted quarterbacks like Brad Johnson and Mark Brunell (smart and accurate, but not flashy), while becoming enamored with quarterbacks like Jeff George, Patrick Ramsey, and Jason Campell (have monster arms, but aren’t good quarterbacks). The jury is still out on Campbell, but I wasn’t overly encouraged with Campbell as capable of being a franchise quarterback. The biggest issue with Campbell is the fact that he simply isn’t a very accurate passer. On far too many occasions, Campbell threw inaccurate passes to wide open receivers.

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In defense of Campbell, you point out that Brunell’s record was 3-6, while Campbell’s record was worse at 2-5?

If Brunell is so awful and Campbell is so terrific, how did Brunell finish with higher completion percentage, higher yards per attempt, fewer interceptions, and a higher passer rating? Brunell can’t throw the ball past the line of scrimmage, but he manages a higher yards per pass attempt? There is something to be said for the quarterback who can complete short, precise passes while taking care of the football. Over the years, fans of Washington have booted quarterbacks like Brad Johnson and Mark Brunell (smart and accurate, but not flashy), while becoming enamored with quarterbacks like Jeff George, Patrick Ramsey, and Jason Campell (have monster arms, but aren’t good quarterbacks). The jury is still out on Campbell, but I wasn’t overly encouraged with Campbell as capable of being a franchise quarterback. The biggest issue with Campbell is the fact that he simply isn’t a very accurate passer. On far too many occasions, Campbell threw inaccurate passes to wide open receivers.

1) Brunell had a higher completion percentage because he threw MUCH shorter, safer passes... thus completing more passes (such as a swing pass to a back)

2) Brunell had more yards per attempt because that includes what the runner does after catch, not how far the ball was thrown. So if Brunell throws a slightly forward pass to Betts, and then he runs it for 50 yards, that counts as a 50 yard pass. So in fact, Brunell can barely throw past the line of scrimmage and still have higher yards per attempt than Campbell. Think of it like this... if I shoot 10 layups and make 8, then ive shot 80%. Then if you shoot 10 three pointers and make 6 of them, youve shot 60%. On the surface it would seem that I am a better shooter but its not even close to a fair comparrison.

3) and speaking of inaccurate passes. How about all the times Brunell threw the ball into the stands instead of even attempting to find a reciever. Was that innaucrate enough for you?

Brunells numbers often look good because he is unwilling to take chances. Defenses dont respect his long ball so they load the box and this creates all sorts of problems. Its very easy to never miss a shot if you dont take any.

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In defense of Campbell, you point out that Brunell’s record was 3-6, while Campbell’s record was worse at 2-5?

If Brunell is so awful and Campbell is so terrific, how did Brunell finish with higher completion percentage, higher yards per attempt, fewer interceptions, and a higher passer rating? Brunell can’t throw the ball past the line of scrimmage, but he manages a higher yards per pass attempt? There is something to be said for the quarterback who can complete short, precise passes while taking care of the football. Over the years, fans of Washington have booted quarterbacks like Brad Johnson and Mark Brunell (smart and accurate, but not flashy), while becoming enamored with quarterbacks like Jeff George, Patrick Ramsey, and Jason Campell (have monster arms, but aren’t good quarterbacks). The jury is still out on Campbell, but I wasn’t overly encouraged with Campbell as capable of being a franchise quarterback. The biggest issue with Campbell is the fact that he simply isn’t a very accurate passer. On far too many occasions, Campbell threw inaccurate passes to wide open receivers.

Couple options here:

(1) You're joking

(2) You're senial

(3) You've never seen Brunell and Campbell play

(4) You know next to nothing about football

I'm leaning towards the latter. I'm going to say this once and only once: STATS AREN'T EVERYTHING! According to "stats", Brunell is the 10th highest rated passer IN NFL HISTORY. Is Brunell, even in his hayday, a Top 10 in NFL History QB? No. He's not even a Top 100. Not even close. His best years, his pro bowl years, he was Top 5 CURRENTLY, in that year.

Despite my signature, if you look at my posts before mid-late last year, I defended Brunell. When people bad motuhed him, I defended him. Truth is, I defended him for too long. Brunell is an average QB in the NFL currently if he's 110% healthy. If he so much as has a bruise on his elbow, he's in the worst 5. Easily. Don't believe me? Watch the games last year. There were several games were he looked DAMNED awful - 1st dallas game, tennesse game, 1st philly game, etc.

This is a guy who's been our starter for 3 years basically. He's a vetern QB, supposed to be comfortable with the players, etc. He had ALL off-season to learn Al's system. Practiced EVERYDAY with the 1st team. And look at what he did - jack ****.

In comes Campbell. Never played a down in the NFL. Forget about the ENTIRE off-season to work with the receivers - he didn't take any snaps with them EVER because Collins was the backup! The FIRST time he took snaps with them is 1 week before TB game. 1 ****ING week! And what does he do? 2 td's, 0 int's. But again, stats do not tell the story. Campbell's passes looked crisp. He looked like a genuine leader out there. And when we were down by 2 scores late, he ****ing took control of HIS team, in his FIRST start, and marched right down the field and got us a touchdown. He fought hard and showed all the things you want to see from a franchise QB - accuracy, leadership, the deep ball, the short routes, moving out of the pocket, and the ability to drive the team. Yeah, he made mistakes. Excuse him for not being perfect in his 1st HALF season.

I agree with you on one thing - we haven't seen enough to know for sure that he is our franchise QB. And the ONLY reason we are not sure of that is because you can't make that decesion on ANYONE in that short of a time. We will find that out this year, since he has the entire off-season to work with the offense. But to say "you weren't overally encouraged" is just out of this world. He showed us more than enough to get us excited that we found our man. He just needs to go and prove it now.

And to say he's not an accurate passer is ludacris. If retards like Lloyd stop dropping his passes, his accuracy STAT <cough, cough> will go up. And if you look at current franchise QBs (manning, palmer, mcnabb) you will see they weren't superstars in their 1st 7 starts either. I wonder why? Maybe their teams should have started old QBs with noodle arms to play instead.

Look, I realize this is a fourm where people come and state their opinions. But to tell me the sky is orange is insanity. So please, everyone - stop this Brunell talk.

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Couple options here:

(1) You're joking

(2) You're senial

(3) You've never seen Brunell and Campbell play

(4) You know next to nothing about football

I'm leaning towards the latter. I'm going to say this once and only once: STATS AREN'T EVERYTHING! According to "stats", Brunell is the 10th highest rated passer IN NFL HISTORY. Is Brunell, even in his hayday, a Top 10 in NFL History QB? No. He's not even a Top 100. Not even close. His best years, his pro bowl years, he was Top 5 CURRENTLY, in that year.

Despite my signature, if you look at my posts before mid-late last year, I defended Brunell. When people bad motuhed him, I defended him. Truth is, I defended him for too long. Brunell is an average QB in the NFL currently if he's 110% healthy. If he so much as has a bruise on his elbow, he's in the worst 5. Easily. Don't believe me? Watch the games last year. There were several games were he looked DAMNED awful - 1st dallas game, tennesse game, 1st philly game, etc.

This is a guy who's been our starter for 3 years basically. He's a vetern QB, supposed to be comfortable with the players, etc. He had ALL off-season to learn Al's system. Practiced EVERYDAY with the 1st team. And look at what he did - jack ****.

In comes Campbell. Never played a down in the NFL. Forget about the ENTIRE off-season to work with the receivers - he didn't take any snaps with them EVER because Collins was the backup! The FIRST time he took snaps with them is 1 week before TB game. 1 ****ING week! And what does he do? 2 td's, 0 int's. But again, stats do not tell the story. Campbell's passes looked crisp. He looked like a genuine leader out there. And when we were down by 2 scores late, he ****ing took control of HIS team, in his FIRST start, and marched right down the field and got us a touchdown. He fought hard and showed all the things you want to see from a franchise QB - accuracy, leadership, the deep ball, the short routes, moving out of the pocket, and the ability to drive the team. Yeah, he made mistakes. Excuse him for not being perfect in his 1st HALF season.

I agree with you on one thing - we haven't seen enough to know for sure that he is our franchise QB. And the ONLY reason we are not sure of that is because you can't make that decesion on ANYONE in that short of a time. We will find that out this year, since he has the entire off-season to work with the offense. But to say "you weren't overally encouraged" is just out of this world. He showed us more than enough to get us excited that we found our man. He just needs to go and prove it now.

And to say he's not an accurate passer is ludacris. If retards like Lloyd stop dropping his passes, his accuracy STAT <cough, cough> will go up. And if you look at current franchise QBs (manning, palmer, mcnabb) you will see they weren't superstars in their 1st 7 starts either. I wonder why? Maybe their teams should have started old QBs with noodle arms to play instead.

Look, I realize this is a fourm where people come and state their opinions. But to tell me the sky is orange is insanity. So please, everyone - stop this Brunell talk.

Post of the Year so far. :applause:

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1) Brunell had a higher completion percentage because he threw MUCH shorter, safer passes... thus completing more passes (such as a swing pass to a back)

2) Brunell had more yards per attempt because that includes what the runner does after catch, not how far the ball was thrown. So if Brunell throws a slightly forward pass to Betts, and then he runs it for 50 yards, that counts as a 50 yard pass. So in fact, Brunell can barely throw past the line of scrimmage and still have higher yards per attempt than Campbell. Think of it like this... if I shoot 10 layups and make 8, then ive shot 80%. Then if you shoot 10 three pointers and make 6 of them, youve shot 60%. On the surface it would seem that I am a better shooter but its not even close to a fair comparrison.

3) and speaking of inaccurate passes. How about all the times Brunell threw the ball into the stands instead of even attempting to find a reciever. Was that innaucrate enough for you?

Brunells numbers often look good because he is unwilling to take chances. Defenses dont respect his long ball so they load the box and this creates all sorts of problems. Its very easy to never miss a shot if you dont take any.

Close 2nd for post of the year. :applause:

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Why did Campbell have more success you ask? First off, it is debatable whether or not Campbell did actually have more success. Brunell had a better winning percentage as a starter at 3-6 than did Campbell at 2-5. While the offense as a whole improved under Campbell, the passing game regressed.

Campbell had the benefit of a prolific running game, accompanied by Gibbs' return to smashmouth football after the Tampa Bay game. Some might say that our success running the football was a result of opponent's respect for Campbell's deep ball, but that was not the case. Brunell did not have the benefit of a similar running game, yet still quarterbacked a more productive passing game. In games where the Redskins ran the ball effectively (Jacksonville, Houston, and the second Dallas game), Brunell had very productive outings. Though Campbell was the beneficiary of strong running game in all but one of his starts, he had few stellar outings.

Again, I'm not suggesting that we replace Campbell because that would set the franchise back. However, Brunell is the better quarterback right now.

"Voice of reason" at 17? OK not to beat this kid up, but how old were your when the Skins won their last SB? Sorry young man. not carrying wait here

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