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Core 2 Duo


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I'm typing this on a Core 2 Duo laptop right now. It's pretty nice.

I have to say it's not quite as much of a step up as I expected... I benchmarked it against my 2 year old laptop in some homemade, completely unscientific performance tests on database queries and code execution speed, and it was maybe 10% faster on those tasks. I was hoping for more.

I also have a couple of issues with things like the keyboard feel of this Dell machine, which is squishier than my previous Dell. And I have yet to activate the fingerprint reader.

But it's a nice machine, and I'm getting used to the widescreen setup -- which is great on planes. A very good setup for road warriors.

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Depending on speed, your looking at anywhere from $200-500 for a desktop CPU/motherboard combo from newegg. Probably closer to $350-400 if you shop right and still get quality components.


dammit, why is everything good so damn expensive?

everytime i think about upgrading my computer, i come to the same realization... i need a whole new computer. :(

what happens when i want a new video card?

1: AGP is out, PCI-e is in.

2. If i decide to go with an AGP anyways: my power supply is WEAK!

thinking about a new processor?

1. motherboard sucks, no point in spending money on a faster processor with a crappy motherboard that won't overclock.

2. Pentium 4s are already out style

3. if i don't want a bottleneck i'll need more ram. if i want more ram, i'll need a new mother board or expensive ram because my motherboard only has two DDR SDRAM slots

thinking about more ram?

1. its still pretty damn expensive

2. crappy motherboard

its a vicious cycle that just won't end! AARRRGH!

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core2 duos are pretty nice right now.

They're easily very overclockable (though I'm not sure the point somewhat, as most games still are not where the hardware is as far as performance, though dx10 should separate the pack some), and they provide a lot of pop for the price.

If you're going to upgrade, now might be a good time to switch to core2 duos. The quad cores aren't selling that well, and I'm not sure if they're going to do a big roll out.

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Like I've said in previous threads regarding computer upgrades, it pays to do your research.

You should only need to upgrade your MB and CPU about every five years. Most games and software still perform quite quick on systems that are five years old. So what does that mean? Venture on over to tomshardware.com and have a peek at chipsets and upgrade paths. Both AMD and Intel normally supply this site with generic chipset development paths spanning a couple of years. Get a quality motherboard that spans the greatest chipset timeline. That way, if you need to upgrade the CPU your only paying for the CPU and not the MB as well.

AGP has been around for the better part of a decade with PCI-Express being the new technology. My best guess is that PCI-Express will also be around for another decade until the next bleeding edge technology comes around.

The key is, pace yourself and it isn't as bad as you think. Kinda like buying a car, it's not an investment.

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dammit, why is everything good so damn expensive?

everytime i think about upgrading my computer, i come to the same realization... i need a whole new computer. :(

Its actually not that expensive if you check out forums that deal with sales on a lot stuff. For example, microcenter had this sale where u buy a nvida gfx card and u get a free motherboard. I sold the motherboard for $80 and I exchanged the gfx card for a 7900gs. I paid about $40 for the card and right now its selling for $140 in newegg! I got alot of stuff for A LOT cheaper than I should have paid. I have a core 2 duo e6300 thats rated at 1.86ghz but I have overclocked mine to 3.2ghz to achieve the same performace of the $1000 Core 2 duo processors :) and I paid a whopping $160 :D I spent my money carefully and I have a pretty powerful computer for around $800 including a 22inch widescreen monitor. But yeah these core 2 duos, especially if they are overclocked are simply amazing.

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Okay I saw the title and immedieatly thought: those processors are supposed to be sweet... Then I read:

Anyone have a computer with these new processors in it? I got one and I got to say they really blow

And I was like...what the hell?!?

Then I read the next line and read:

everything else away. They overclock like champs and are very quick.

Then I said OOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHH okay. Yeah those are supposed to be amazing, I have an AMD Athlon cause I was pissed that my old Intel chip was crap compared to AMD but Intel is really on the right track with the core 2 duo from what I have heard...I mean I still gotta get one and try it but friends whose opinions I hold in high regard have told me it is the best stuff ever...

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Your old AMD Athlon? That chip came out when you where 12 years old. The Intel chip prior to the Athlon blew the doors off anything AMD provided at the time. Over the last decade, AMD was the way to go price per cycles wise but damn, welcome to Moore's Law. Just ask people who have been around the block about the overclocking capabilities of a P3 and Celerons to boot. I'm not talking about the pencil trick with the Athlons. Both chips are good, pick and choose as you must. My only advice is that you do a little research, say 6 months prior to buying it. Me, I'm content with my P4 1.8Ghz that game out 7 yrs ago. I'm due for an upgrade, but not in the short term.

Trust me, and I don't say this often. All the hype you hear about faster chips isn't all that great. If you can stick with what you've got for a little bit longer, once dual-cores become mainstream, then you'll save yourself quite a few bills. Do the research and learn how to build your own computer.

Jesus ****ing christ, I make a vague statement without actually telling you which specific AMD or Intel chips I had. You make assumptions and tell me whats what? Jesus your on a Redskins forum talking about processors. ****ing relax man.

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All the hype you hear about faster chips isn't all that great. If you can stick with what you've got for a little bit longer, once dual-cores become mainstream, then you'll save yourself quite a few bills. Do the research and learn how to build your own computer.

If you play this game, you will be waiting forever. Once the dual-cores become mainstream you will say just wait for the quad-cores to become mainstream and so on. Such is the world of computing. You can never stay ahead of the rate that technology comes out.

And yes the hype is that great. I can encode a video 3x as fast than with my old P4 3.0ghz HT chip. Well worth the money.

If you are content with you current processor than I can deduct you do not do much more than using it for basic tasks such as internet and office applications. As a computer gamer, I know that after a certain point my processor will be bottle necking my video card so for me enjoy my games, the chip needs to be upgraded in order to keep up the new game titles.

O yeah, I build my own computers. It's the only way to do it.

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Just bought a E6600 2.4GHz last Monday after they droped the price to $225. I've always been an AMD guy but the price and the proformance was too good to pass up. I also overcolcked that 2.4GHz chip to 3.2GHz and it screams!

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How would people compare the Intel Core 2 Due to the other chips out there. I am going to buy a laptop in July and need to know what is better to buy. I heard the Core 2 Duo is the best right now, but I'm not sure what AMD Turion has to offer, and Intel seems to have various Dual Core stuff under different names (Celeron I know sucks, but there are the other 2).

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How would people compare the Intel Core 2 Due to the other chips out there. I am going to buy a laptop in July and need to know what is better to buy. I heard the Core 2 Duo is the best right now, but I'm not sure what AMD Turion has to offer, and Intel seems to have various Dual Core stuff under different names (Celeron I know sucks, but there are the other 2).

Get the Core 2 Duo. Not the Core Duo. Research it and you will see why.

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