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Help me with my obese cat


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lmao thats awesome, My sister has a fat Kitty named Terrible chester, he used to be mine but I moved and couldn't keep him. anyway he weighs in at 24.5 pounds, we tried everything, low calorie food, one feeding a day several small feedings a day I even tried starbing him once for 5 days on the farm ( Im not cruel there were obviously lots of mice because he lost about a pound, I just got sick of him meowing at me all the time), nothing works. He is much like your cat, a big cat all around with a huge head and paws even if he wasnt fat he would be at least 18 pounds,and hes a big fatty his belly almost drags on the ground. its wierd because he still manages to kill mice and eat them. One time he even killed a weasel, anyway the thing that Chester does that is funny is that no matter where my sis puts his big pillow bed he will drag it to his food bowl and lay on his side and drag the food into his mouth with his paws. its one of the funneist things I have ever seen.

basically if there no food or killing involved he will not move all day except to use his litter (which is a scary thing to see and scarier to clean) cats are funny sometimes. good luck.

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I'll post some kitty pictures as soon as I get a new digital camera.

My current camera was stolen, along with a bunch of my other stuff, in Montreal. Damned Canadians.

I think the cat is eating too much because of low self esteem. Its owner has anger management issues clearly if he gets upset at Canadians.:D

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The treacherous Canadian people are notorious worldwide for their camera thievery - they are trained from infancy to snatch any camera within their reach. This is because they don't want anyone taking pictures of their horrible country. :)

You have to be careful when putting an obese cat on a diet - losing weight too quickly can lead to fatty liver disease - click the link for more info:


"Getting the Weight Off

If your cat is more than a little overweight, the first thing you need to do is make an appointment with your veterinarian. There are a few medical reasons for gross obesity that require veterinary care to fix. Barring a medical problem causing the condition, your vet should monitor your obese cat's health as you restrict calories. Strict dieting can be deadly to obese cats. Do not just drastically cut down on her food and hope the weight will melt off. Obese cats who are suddenly deprived of food are prone to Fatty Liver Syndrome, which can be fatal if untreated. Weight loss should be a gradual process - the natural result of a healthier diet and a more active life."


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When we tried weight-control food, the fatass cat gained a pound.

I love how you refer to him as "The Fatass." :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

And that line had me cracking up for a good minute.

I really dont know what you can do if you tried seperating them.

Does your cat look something like this?



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He looks sorta like that, but gray and white with a grapefruit sized head and paws like oven mitts. Since he's build like a tank already, he doesn't have that visual disparity between tiny paws/head and huge belly.

Don't get me wrong -- he still looks unusually fat. And I'm not saying he could palm a basketball with those paws. But still.

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He looks sorta like that, but gray and white with a grapefruit sized head and paws like oven mitts. Since he's build like a tank already, he doesn't have that visual disparity between tiny paws/head and huge belly.

Don't get me wrong -- he still looks unusually fat. And I'm not saying he could palm a basketball with those paws. But still.

So, more like this then?


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I love how you refer to him as "The Fatass." :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

And that line had me cracking up for a good minute.

I really dont know what you can do if you tried seperating them.

Does your cat look something like this?



Holy **** at first glance I thought that was my cat. Dude isn't that fat though. I've cut down on his food when I noticed he was starting to get big. Now he looks fine.

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ever hear of a water gun? nothing makes a cat move quicker than a stream of icy cold water.

And diet cat food? come on, cats sleep like what 23 1/2 hours a day? you really think low fat food will help this porker loose weight? NO one ever got thin by merely switching curly fries for carrot sticks, you need to mix in some exercise, and since cats dont listen to trainers, water gun is the way to go.

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NO one ever got thin by merely switching curly fries for carrot sticks

I lost five pounds in a month just by switching to diet soda. Nothing else.

At the end of the day, whether you're a cat or a human, losing weight is a matter of, um, ...expunging... more mass than you take in. Not terribly complicated, unless you're the kind of cat (or human?) who gains wait from diet food.

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