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CNN: Child molester, parents, indicted in slaying of Georgia boy


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Let me ask a serious question.

What makes you guys more outraged about this than if the victim was an innocent adult?

I'm curious to hear different views.

An adult is FAR more able to protect him/herself physically than a 6 year old child.

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Let me ask a serious question.

What makes you guys more outraged about this than if the victim was an innocent adult?

I'm curious to hear different views.

No doubt part of it is instinct.

Species that take care of their children survive better.

(That's also one reason why protecting children is such a hot button topic with so many people.)

(And no, I'm not saying "it's instinct" because I'm saying it's bad. It's an instinct that's there for a very good reason.)

An even more basic answer to "why is it worse if it's a child?" is "Because it is."

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No doubt part of it is instinct.

Species that take care of their children survive better.

(That's also one reason why protecting children is such a hot button topic with so many people.)

(And no, I'm not saying "it's instinct" because I'm saying it's bad. It's an instinct that's there for a very good reason.)

An even more basic answer to "why is it worse if it's a child?" is "Because it is."

Why doesn't it appear to be the case in other animals such as reptiles and amphibians, but just mammals?
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Why doesn't it appear to be the case in other animals such as reptiles and amphibians, but just mammals?

My best educated guess:

Because adult mammals play a far larger role in ensuring the baby mammal makes it to adulthood. The baby is dependant on the mother/father for everything for a specific period of time once born. Special bonds are formed during this period.

The same is (generally) not true of Reptiles,Amphibians and fish.

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1) I want to know what liberal weenie gruop brought a lawsuit against implementation of that bus stop law

2) These people need to be removed from the gene pool

3) If that were my son, my life would be over, because these pieces of **** would meet a slow death, hanging upside down in my basement with jumper cables attached to their nuts. Then I'd be the one in jail, but it would have been worth it

4) May God help the family thru this ordeal. I can't even imagine

I agree 100%. You lose your kid(s), your life is over(not literally, but figuratively in most cases). The authorities would never get the opportunity to do anything with them because I would torture them to death well before they had the chance.

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That is just so......SICK.......all 3 of them......and what the mom did WHILE it was going on.....My God:doh:

I thought I'd heard it all......but I never get used to hearing what people are capable of doing.......and the boy looked like he could light up a room.....what a shame.......things like this sure can make you wonder who your neighbors really are,geez.

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I agree 100%. You lose your kid(s), your life is over(not literally, but figuratively in most cases). The authorities would never get the opportunity to do anything with them because I would torture them to death well before they had the chance.

Yeah, I really don't understand how the parent of a victim in a crime like this would contain themselves. I'd think think "A Time to Kill" instances would be more common than they are.

In general, I'd imagine it has to do with the fact that law enforcement/prosecutors probably do a pretty good job of reassuring the parents' sentiments that justice will be done.

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That is just so......SICK.......all 3 of them......and what the mom did WHILE it was going on.....My God:doh:

I thought I'd heard it all......but I never get used to hearing what people are capable of doing.......and the boy looked like he could light up a room.....what a shame.......things like this sure can make you wonder who your neighbors really are,geez.

I didn't see anything about what the mom did. Did I miss something?

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It reminds me of a 30-something woman in my neighborhood who would have sex with the local high school boys while her own 50-something father would watch and suck on her toes during the act. :puke: Disgusting. I remember everybody felt bad for her husband because evidently he didn't have a clue.

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Why doesn't it appear to be the case in other animals such as reptiles and amphibians, but just mammals?

There are different survival strategies for different animals.

One survival strategy is to have 10,000 offspring, and hope that two of them live long enough to reproduce.

It has been pointed out that the "higher" animals raise their young, and that part of the reason for this is because those animals' young need more training and care to be able to survive on their own.

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Yes, letting your heart bleed for let's say a 45 year old man raping an innocent 6 year old boy is rational. :doh:

If you are that worried about where these animals live maybe you can use your home as a shelter. I'm also sure that you wouldn't mind if you had one living next door to entertain your kids, neices or nephews.

Damn there are a lot of strawmen in the Tailgate today.

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Guest sith lord

Another thing that has really pissed me off is the fact that this story isn't getting the media attention that simular stories has got in the past?

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she watched it all happen.

According to local reports, she also diddled herself on the couch.

These people really do need to die, Chinese style. Meaning, immediately after the verdict is read, lead them out and shoot them.

And then go find the rest of their family. Obviously defective.


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According to local reports, she also diddled herself on the couch.

These people really do need to die, Chinese style. Meaning, immediately after the verdict is read, lead them out and shoot them.

And then go find the rest of their family. Obviously defective.


Honestly, Bang, your post reads like it was written by one of the guys on the far right of the cartoon in your signature.

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Honestly, Bang, your post reads like it was written by one of the guys on the far right of the cartoon in your signature.

Well, i wasn't joking. Local reports say mom masturbated on the couch while dad held the kid down and junior had his fun.

Sorry. I see no redemption for these people at all. I can't find an ounce of pity. Their crime is one of the single most depraved and foul things I've ever had the displeasure of reading about.


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Well, i wasn't joking. Local reports say mom masturbated on the couch while dad held the kid down and junior had his fun.

Sorry. I see no redemption for these people at all. I can't find an ounce of pity. Their crime is one of the single most depraved and foul things I've ever had the displeasure of reading about.


I have no love for them either. None. But to deny them any appeal and immediately execute them in cold blood "Chinese style" and then go after the rest of their families solely because of the genetic connection... that is what you said. I expect a mindless post like that from some of the posters here, but not from you.

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