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As of now are we a 5-11 team or 11-5 team in 2007


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Unacceptable. You never aim for anything less than the Super Bowl.

DAMN RIGHT!!!!!!!!! We need to get out of the funk of last year. Yes, it was a horrible season but it was LAST SEASON. No depth, adaptation to new coaching, and injuries, along with a rookie quarterback(who i was very pleased with but thats beside the point) killed us last year. Remember the preseason game against cincinatti when portis got hurt. Well if you do there was a small stretch at the beginning of that game where we had all of our starters against their starters and our defense was freakin awesome. they couldnt' move the football and we were in their backfield like a jailbreak. After that for the most part our defense wasn't healthy. i for get the game but it wound up bein like week13 we had everyone playin, and then carlos broke his hand. With the additions we've made we are gonna be alot more solid. Lemar on the outside is gonna be awesome next year. i hope to see more of mcintosh. fletcher is our ray lewis. smoot will be extra bodies, that is if springs can go one damn year without an injury. I honestly hope to see a second chance for archuleta next year, i still think he might come thru. and hopefully the comeback of pierson. offense just needs more experience in the same system and to build chemistry and they'll be fine. we definitley are stacked on offense. the return of portis. to end this, don't forget what new orleans did last year when they had a good season and the season before wound up having the 2nd pick in the draft.. that was worse than our season. so you can only have one thought if you are a skins fan, and that is. THIS IS THE SEASON BABY!!!!!!!!! SUPER BOWLL ALL THE WAY!!!!!!!!! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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It's really hard to know. There are just too many factors. Have we improved any? Yeah, I think so. Campbell is coming in as the undisputed starter and has a little experience. Smoot will help. Fletcher will some too, but honestly, LB just doesn't have that much of an impact in our 4-3 defense. We also lost Dockery and that's going to hurt more than many think.

So, we have improved some and with the 6th overall pick in the draft, you'd think we'll improve a little more, too. We really need DL at #6, and that will truly help if we go there. I hope we don't do something dumb during the draft and miss out on a good DL there.

However, we haven't improved much on a roster that was a legitimate NFC East cellar dweller last year, so I'm not looking for too much more this season.

I think Dallas has improved itself too, so far this season. With their QB spot in good hands, they'll be a contender. Philly is a contender too. NY without Tiki won't be as good, I think. The Giants are in trouble IMO. Philly and Dallas will both be pretty good I think.

So, we'll be in a fairly tough division once again, which will hurt our overall record, of course. If we can have some success against those NFC East teams... we can against anyone. That's what we need to focus on... just winning the East.

I'll say 8-8 would be a pretty decent year in Campbells second season. If he's the real thing, he should improve much during this year and be set to make a run by 2008. If he isn't the real deal... well, we're up **** creek.

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no one can handicap the Redskins because of the uncertainty surrounding Campbell. he is just too young, too raw and too talented to go too far in trying to either build him up or tear him down.

last year the Redskins could have won a number of games with better play from the quarterback position, not to say that the defense was in any way acceptable overall.

but the difference between 5 or 6 wins and 9 wins is often times very close.

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Maybe now that we have a decent kicker,we can win close games.It seems like our kickers have sucked since the days of Lohmiller.Im like JG,every time we attempt a FG I dont look,but I know I will soon be hearing NO GOOD,or he hit the upright.We must play better in our division and if we do I say 10-6.

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meh.....how about asking if we are in shape to be a

1. Great team

2. Good team

3. Mediocre team

4. Bad team

5. Terrible team

My opinion is that we are still a bad team until we go out next year and prove otherwise. Who cares what the speculation is about the record.

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All one has to do is look at how much money we spent in the offseason. Lots? We'll suck. Not much? We'll be okay. :)

2004- Spent, sucked.

2005- Saved, succeeded.

2006- Spent, sucked.

2007 so far- brought back Smooty.

Leave the roster alone, draft Gaines Adams and rule the NFC East. :applause:

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Unacceptable. You never aim for anything less than the Super Bowl.

ding ding ding ding ding....winnna winnna chickin dinnna


how can you guys honestly say you think we are going to be 5 - 11? while yes i admit i am a major homer when it comes to this, i can still look at the facts....

Last year, we had a massive weakness on our defensive perimeter.....we sign Fred Smoot (who was a pro bowl player when he was here)

We had some holes in the middle and a serious lack of ability to cover the middle of the field (not to mention the serious lack of ability to tackle)........we sign London Fletcher (who can also pass rush, another issue we had last year)

Now we go into the draft with very few "pressing" needs and we still have 4 months of free agency left. How can you guys honestly say we havetn improved to AT LEAST a 10 - 6 team? we all know that the majority of our losses last year were ours for the taking....heck, we dont know if Fletcher could have met LT in the whole and tackled him in Overtime last year and given us a chance to win.....

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because we haven't played the games yet :)

I agree - it looks like we have improved, but I thought so last year until injuries kept 1/2 the defense playing in the trainers room rather than on the field and the depth didn't step up.

This year, we have addressed some problems, but one glaring issue seems to be on everyone's mind - DL.

We have a few who want to trade the farm and get CJ, but hopefully we will trade down, get DL help and then I will be willing to say maybe 10-6. Truthfully though... after the last several offseasons, I hesitate to prognosticate anymore... and any guess I have is subject to a lot of issues.... tired of winning in the offseason and losing in the regular season. Every time I get excited about moves we make, the team seems to lose their ever lovin minds and play like high schoolers.

Tired of guessing - want to see the Skins come back to where they belong - contenders.

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