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I heard a funny Christian Conservative joke

E-Dog Night

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A man was being tailgated by a stressed out woman on a busy avenue. Suddenly, a traffic light turned red in front of him, and he slammed on his brakes rather than try to beat the light.

The woman behind him slammed on her brakes as well, then literally hit the roof, (and her horn) as she screamed in frustration at missing her chance of piggy-backing through the intersection. She dropped her cell phone and lipstick tube at once in order to flip the bird to the motorist in front of her. She then opened her window, raised the double bird salute, and proceeded to hurl multiple obscenities, the nature of which would make a sailor blush.

As she was in mid rant, she was startled to have an officer of the law approach her car from the rear. The officer ordered her to exit the car with her hands up. She was taken down to the station, booked and fingerprinted, and placed in a holding cell.

After a few hours, the officer approached the holding cell and opened the door. She was escorted back to the booking desk, where she retrieved her personal effects. It was then that the officer apologized.

"I'm sorry ma'am", he said. "You see, I was behind you while you were blowing your horn at the guy in front of you while you were flipping him off and dropping F-bombs a mile a minute.

"I noticed the 'Choose Life' bumper sticker, the 'What Would Jesus Do' license plate holder, the 'Republican Values are Family Values' sticker, and the large chrome-plated Christian Fish emblem embedded on the corner of your trunk.

"Naturally, I assumed you had stolen the car."

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When I put the bumper sticker on my car from my church I had to watch myself. It has actually made me a better driver and person knowing I have it on my car. She obviously didnt think of the implications.......sad

My pastor even made a joke about it making you a better driver and he was right in my case.

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how about this why not re sign lavar and put him on the d line as a defensive end he is quick strong and the knock against him has always been that he likes to free lance too much that in my opinion would make sense not only for us but for him he is a top 15 player in the nfl just on athleticism
this is definineatly a christian joke. i hope you are a redskin fan because we love christains. excuse the spelling! draft a pass rusher.
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Cute. I like it.

Even when I was a Christian I never put religious stickers/magnets on my cars. Partially because I do occassionally react like the woman in the joke when people do absolutely stupid stuff in their cars. The bumper stickers my cars have had over the years include such suggests as: "Prey should know it is Prey"; "Keep honking I'm Reloading"; "Driver only cares $20 in Ammunition"; and others.

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'At's a knee-slapper, man, that's funny raught thar.

Wwwwwoooooooooo . . . . dum deedle dum deedle deedle deedle dum deedle ding dang dong ding doong. OOOOOhhhhhhhhh . . . . dum deedle dee deedle deedle dang ding dong dong deedle ding dang dong. Deedle deedle dim dang dongalongasooooooooo . . . . ding dang deedle deedle deedle dong dang.

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