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Anderson/Springs vs Bly/Daniels


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with all the talk about the possible Broncos trade I wonder if our front office looks long term at all. If we make the deal that's on the table then by all accounts next year we win and get better value from Bly/Daniels but a year or two down the line, Daniels is out of football, Dre Bly is two years older and all of a sudden Jamaal Anderson might be the next best DE in football.

I just wish our front office thought about this. It seems like so many of us, as fans, know this and realize this but does anybody in our front office think about that.

At this point, do any of us really believe that if we add Dre Bly to the team we'll be a Super Bowl contender next year?

Come on, I hate to say it but Dre Bly is not putting us over the top next year so why not keep our pick and let's see if Jamaal Anderson can be the next Julius Peppers.

Just a random thought, but I would hope somebody in our front office realizes this before Denver rapes us.

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You're leaving out whomever gets drafted with the rumored #21 and the 2nd and 3rd round picks. It's not so simple.

And even with, it would be Anderson/50% of Springs, because that's all he'd ever play this season.

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I think you forgot to include Adam Carriker in the Bly portion of the equation. And Josh Beekman. And perhaps even Brandon Mebane.

The main point of this trade would be the trade-down for the picks. Bly would be a nice addition that would allow us to move Springs for another pick.

Anderson could be great. Or he could fail. You really want to wager 3 or 4 potential picks on that? I'd say the FO is looking long-term for the first time in a long time...

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with all the talk about the possible Broncos trade I wonder if our front office looks long term at all. If we make the deal that's on the table then by all accounts next year we win and get better value from Bly/Daniels but a year or two down the line, Daniels is out of football, Dre Bly is two years older and all of a sudden Jamaal Anderson might be the next best DE in football.

I just wish our front office thought about this. It seems like so many of us, as fans, know this and realize this but does anybody in our front office think about that.

At this point, do any of us really believe that if we add Dre Bly to the team we'll be a Super Bowl contender next year?

Come on, I hate to say it but Dre Bly is not putting us over the top next year so why not keep our pick and let's see if Jamaal Anderson can be the next Julius Peppers.

Just a random thought, but I would hope somebody in our front office realizes this before Denver rapes us.

You are not taking into account the two other picks that come as a possibility with this trade. Not only are we getting Bly and a lower first. We get a second and a third, as reported earlier. That accounts for another two players. We can definately use the depth. I agree that Bly won't get us to the superbowl. But we could use a few more picks this year.

PS... Be careful with your usage of words (rape)...

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There are plenty of examples of our FO not looking long-term at all, and I'm very critical of them in that regard.

The case of this rumored trade (which I'm not even particularly a fan of) and your post, I'm not sure that's a fair is a good example of that, though.

In the first place, you leave out the value of the acquired draft picks. Sure, Anderson might be great, but then again, the 3 players we would be picking on the first day might be as well. And they will certainly carry lower cap figures for 3-5 years.

Also, you left out the value of Springs being dealt and getting us even more picks. And you certainly have to expect Bly will be a lot better than Springs two years from now. Plus, the cost of trading Springs/trading for Bly/signing Bly to an extension probably costs us cap room this year, while saving cap room for at least the next couple of years.

So, I'm not sure this is a great example of short-sightedness on the part of our organization.

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Even if we net other picks, 2nd, 3rd, are they really going to contribute from the start? We all know the answer is no. Look at Gibbs and Greg Williams history of playing rookies. Not good, they don't play. Plain and simple. Here we are with Rocky McIntosh, this year and does anybody even know if he'll be the starter week 1?

I hope Rocky is the answer at WLB but it's looking like Marshall will be the starter. I hope Rocky breaks through and I'm sure he will but it's a question of when?

What good are the extra picks if it's years down the line before they make an impact?

So yes, to answer the question I would rather gamble on Jamaal Anderson being the real deal then to trade down for multiple picks.

The last time we were picking a player with this kind of upside his name was Sean Taylor and I think everybody can agree that he is a stud, so yes, why not say no to Denver and keep the pick and roll the dice on Jamaal Anderson?

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with all the talk about the possible Broncos trade I wonder if our front office looks long term at all. If we make the deal that's on the table then by all accounts next year we win and get better value from Bly/Daniels but a year or two down the line, Daniels is out of football, Dre Bly is two years older and all of a sudden Jamaal Anderson might be the next best DE in football.

I just wish our front office thought about this. It seems like so many of us, as fans, know this and realize this but does anybody in our front office think about that.

At this point, do any of us really believe that if we add Dre Bly to the team we'll be a Super Bowl contender next year?

Come on, I hate to say it but Dre Bly is not putting us over the top next year so why not keep our pick and let's see if Jamaal Anderson can be the next Julius Peppers.

Just a random thought, but I would hope somebody in our front office realizes this before Denver rapes us.

i just wish fans realized that our front office knows so much more than they do about football. it seems like so many of us fans realize this, but i wonder if other fans even think about that.

at this point, do any of us really beleive that if we add jamaal anderson to the team, we'll be a superbowl contender next year?

come on, i hate to say it, but jamaal anderson is not putting us over the top next year. hes an unproven rookie and we would be idiots to gamble on him, when we could trade our #6 pick, get a veteran cornerback who is an interception machine, trade down in the 1st round and pick up a solid DT or DE, get a 2nd round draft pick to use on another defensive lineman or young cornerback to develop, and then use our third round pick to get an offensive lineman to replace dock. why fill FOUR HOLES on our team when we can take a gamble on a rookie defensive lineman? oh wait, i know. its because our front office knows what they are doing and us fans don't.

just a random thought, but i'm really glad that our front office knows more about football than the fans on this site, myself included.

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Even if we net other picks, 2nd, 3rd, are they really going to contribute from the start? We all know the answer is no. Look at Gibbs and Greg Williams history of playing rookies. Not good, they don't play. Plain and simple. Here we are with Rocky McIntosh, this year and does anybody even know if he'll be the starter week 1?

I hope Rocky is the answer at WLB but it's looking like Marshall will be the starter. I hope Rocky breaks through and I'm sure he will but it's a question of when?

What good are the extra picks if it's years down the line before they make an impact?

So yes, to answer the question I would rather gamble on Jamaal Anderson being the real deal then to trade down for multiple picks.

The last time we were picking a player with this kind of upside his name was Sean Taylor and I think everybody can agree that he is a stud, so yes, why not say no to Denver and keep the pick and roll the dice on Jamaal Anderson?

So, your argument that the FO isn't looking long-term is based completely on the value of draft picks in year 1?


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And what if Anderson ends up like Mario Williams, a player with a lot more hype and upside that has thoroughly disappointed? Now, I wouldn't say Mario Williams is a bust, but if the Redskins draft Anderson and he has a similar rookie season, then you might as well say the D-Line will be pretty bad for another season coming.

People always assume the "guy with the tremendous upside" will become the next best guy at his position. If that was always the case, you wouldn't have teams trying to dump so many top ten first round picks or busts.

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it's not that I am against picking up multiple picks, it's just that I want more value than what is on the table currently. Dre Bly is a good corner, yes, but let's not kid ourselves he's not in the same class as Bailey, Samuel or Clements.

He's good, no doubt about it, better than what we have in the secondary now but why not hold our for more value.

I doubt highly that Mike Shanahan or anybody from Denver FO reads our message boards but if they did they are probably loving the fact that so many fans are in love with this rumored Dre Bly trade. Because in the end, don't you think Shanahan realizes the value of that #6 pick.

Gut check time, and I hate to say it but who has the better FO us or the Broncos? Not a hard question to answer.

In case we forgot, see Champ Bailey trade.

I love Gibbs, I do, but I just don't want to see us make this move unless we get a lot more value for it.

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Even if we net other picks, 2nd, 3rd, are they really going to contribute from the start? We all know the answer is no. Look at Gibbs and Greg Williams history of playing rookies. Not good, they don't play. Plain and simple. Here we are with Rocky McIntosh, this year and does anybody even know if he'll be the starter week 1?

I hope Rocky is the answer at WLB but it's looking like Marshall will be the starter. I hope Rocky breaks through and I'm sure he will but it's a question of when?

What good are the extra picks if it's years down the line before they make an impact?

So yes, to answer the question I would rather gamble on Jamaal Anderson being the real deal then to trade down for multiple picks.

The last time we were picking a player with this kind of upside his name was Sean Taylor and I think everybody can agree that he is a stud, so yes, why not say no to Denver and keep the pick and roll the dice on Jamaal Anderson?

I agree. I'd rather take the best guy we can this year, while we have a high 1st round pick, and then wait until next year's draft (where we have all of our picks) to get as much depth as possible. We don't need a few serviceable guys. We need an impact player to help with our pass rush. Is it possible that one of the guys we'd get if we traded down could be a diamond in the rough? Sure. Likely? Nope. We would most likely get one ok starter and a couple of backups/special team players. How does that help us get more pressure on the QB? I'd rather take my chances with a guy like Anderson at 6. The Skins have a pretty decent track record of high 1st round picks (Bailey, Samuels, Taylor).

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these people in here that keep doggin us about the Champ Bailey trade seem to all forget that, Bailey DIDNT want to be here anymore, so why wouldnt we try to get something out it rather than lose the best corner in football to free angency, which would have happened unless we paid him some unbelieveable amount (see: Michael Vick's contract):doh:

And i know NONE of you were all pissy when Bailey left and you saw what Portis did for us the first 2 seasons. Cause Bailey YES is a shut down corner, and the best of this generation. But you can throw away from Bailey, you can NOT run away from Clinton Portis, this boy is a game changer, and a defense must gameplan against a player like Clinton Portis.

I didnt like the fact we gave them a #1 along with it. But Gibbs wanted a RB and he got himself a top 5 RB, and gave up the #1 corner that didnt want to be here. So i dont see the problem.

This talking about us getting screwed over that trade needs to stop. Who cares anymore its done. I miss Bailey, but if he didnt want to be here, then so be it, he doesnt have the heart that we need on this team.

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And Anderson could be a bust!

Or Anderson ends up like Richard Seymour

and Dre Bly ends up like Shawn Springs. We trade for him, we get 1 to 1.5 good years out of BLy, then he gets injured and unproductive, we ask him to restructure and he says no.

But, let's not forget if we make this trade we also get Carriker at DE and a year or two everybody is disappointed because he's not even the next Kenard Lang, but let's not forget in the 2nd rd we also get Pit**** from OSU and he turns out to be a bust too.

But, hey, hopefully the 3rd rd pick is an OL who can play for us for a couple of years....maybe he challenges Ross Tucker for depth.

Nah!--all the above sarcasm........

I'll take my chances with Anderson and see if he turns out to be the real deal. I'm critical of this unless Denver wows us with a lot more value.

It's funny on these boards weeks ago all the guys who were hyping up Jamaal Anderson are now suddenly turncoat and on board the Dre Bly trade down bandwagon. Ask yourselves this if my prediction of Carriker/Pit****/OL is dead on, are you guys going to be happy if we end up losing out on Jamaal Anderson for the basic sake of having Dre Bly give us one good year?

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Or Anderson ends up like Richard Seymour

and Dre Bly ends up like Shawn Springs. We trade for him, we get 1 to 1.5 good years out of BLy, then he gets injured and unproductive, we ask him to restructure and he says no.

But, let's not forget if we make this trade we also get Carriker at DE and a year or two everybody is disappointed because he's not even the next Kenard Lang, but let's not forget in the 2nd rd we also get Pit**** from OSU and he turns out to be a bust too.

But, hey, hopefully the 3rd rd pick is an OL who can play for us for a couple of years....maybe he challenges Ross Tucker for depth.

Nah!--all the above sarcasm........

I'll take my chances with Anderson and see if he turns out to be the real deal. I'm critical of this unless Denver wows us with a lot more value.

It's funny on these boards weeks ago all the guys who were hyping up Jamaal Anderson are now suddenly turncoat and on board the Dre Bly trade down bandwagon. Ask yourselves this if my prediction of Carriker/Pit****/OL is dead on, are you guys going to be happy if we end up losing out on Jamaal Anderson for the basic sake of having Dre Bly give us one good year?

I have a hard time agreeing with anything you said. So you think its MORE likely that a player that played only a single year at his position has a better shot at being RICHARD SEYMOUR, and those other 3 guys the Redskins could draft would be total busts as opposed to the other way around?

To me, its more likely Anderson will do like Mario Williams, a player even bigger and stronger than him who struggled his first year against big competition.

And are you saying any player in the 2nd-7th rounds are all busts? Yea I'm sure that guy named Tom Brady was a real big bust. For every top 5 guy that becomes a pro bowler, theres twice as many drafted out of the top 10 that are pro bowlers.

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Or Anderson ends up like Richard Seymour

and Dre Bly ends up like Shawn Springs. We trade for him, we get 1 to 1.5 good years out of BLy, then he gets injured and unproductive, we ask him to restructure and he says no.

But, let's not forget if we make this trade we also get Carriker at DE and a year or two everybody is disappointed because he's not even the next Kenard Lang, but let's not forget in the 2nd rd we also get Pit**** from OSU and he turns out to be a bust too.

But, hey, hopefully the 3rd rd pick is an OL who can play for us for a couple of years....maybe he challenges Ross Tucker for depth.

Nah!--all the above sarcasm........

I'll take my chances with Anderson and see if he turns out to be the real deal. I'm critical of this unless Denver wows us with a lot more value.

It's funny on these boards weeks ago all the guys who were hyping up Jamaal Anderson are now suddenly turncoat and on board the Dre Bly trade down bandwagon. Ask yourselves this if my prediction of Carriker/Pit****/OL is dead on, are you guys going to be happy if we end up losing out on Jamaal Anderson for the basic sake of having Dre Bly give us one good year?

You are forgetting Gaines Adams if he is even still there. I get the sneaky feeling there is a rope a dope going on here and the skins are really after Adams. The only problem is he might not make it past 5 so that what makes this trade viable. I do not see the skins going 6 with anyone other than adams. The only way this changes is if anderson has a sick workout. Right now I see his stock falling. Not worht the 6 pick at all.

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Im starting to be in the keep Springs corner, we don't stand to gain or lose much by cutting him. He is a good/great starter...we keep the 6th overall and pick one of the two beasts Adams or Anderson. All I know is, we really need a DE.

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I have a hard time agreeing with anything you said. So you think its MORE likely that a player that played only a single year at his position has a better shot at being RICHARD SEYMOUR, and those other 3 guys the Redskins could draft would be total busts as opposed to the other way around?

To me, its more likely Anderson will do like Mario Williams, a player even bigger and stronger than him who struggled his first year against big competition.

And are you saying any player in the 2nd-7th rounds are all busts? Yea I'm sure that guy named Tom Brady was a real big bust. For every top 5 guy that becomes a pro bowler, theres twice as many drafted out of the top 10 that are pro bowlers.

Technically he played 3 years at it. However he didn't start until some time during his 2nd year. Remember, his 1st year he was still working on putting on enough weight to be a DE since he came in as a 6'6 210 lb WR. Then in his 2nd year starting he went on to dominate in probably the toughest conference in college football. He actually got most of his sacks against their best opponents (Tenn, Wis, Auburn, LSU) as opposed to a guy like Abiamiri who got most of his against ND's worst opponents. The guy is an athletic freak and has nothing but upside. If he put up those numbers in the SEC based on pure talent imagine what he could do with some NFL level technique coaching under his belt. Could he be a bust? Sure. But so could ANY of the top 10 picks. The point is that they have much more potential to be great or to be studs than later guys.

And please. Stop bringing up Brady, guys. That was a once in a lifetime stroke of LUCK. Plain and simple. I don't think he was saying that the other 3 guys the Skins draft if they took the trade would necessarily be busts or that all round 2-7 guys are busts. What he is saying is that the 3 lower picks we would get are more likely than a top 10 pick to just be either "ok" starters or backups/special teamers than great players. It is the same with rounds 2-7. If we look back over the years I'm sure we can find a few gems hidden in there each year, and some "good" players. But think about how many players there are in rounds 2-7 and then think about the small number of those that end up being studs or pro bowlers. The majority of them certainly don't end up being great or even good. The majority of them either end up being backups, career special teamers, or guys who just bounce around from team to team.

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Technically he played 3 years at it. However he didn't start until some time during his 2nd year. Remember, his 1st year he was still working on putting on enough weight to be a DE since he came in as a 6'6 210 lb WR. Then in his 2nd year starting he went on to dominate in probably the toughest conference in college football. He actually got most of his sacks against their best opponents (Tenn, Wis, Auburn, LSU) as opposed to a guy like Abiamiri who got most of his against ND's worst opponents. The guy is an athletic freak and has nothing but upside. If he put up those numbers in the SEC based on pure talent imagine what he could do with some NFL level technique coaching under his belt. Could he be a bust? Sure. But so could ANY of the top 10 picks. The point is that they have much more potential to be great or to be studs than later guys.

And please. Stop bringing up Brady, guys. That was a once in a lifetime stroke of LUCK. Plain and simple. I don't think he was saying that the other 3 guys the Skins draft if they took the trade would necessarily be busts or that all round 2-7 guys are busts. What he is saying is that the 3 lower picks we would get are more likely than a top 10 pick to just be either "ok" starters or backups/special teamers than great players. It is the same with rounds 2-7. If we look back over the years I'm sure we can find a few gems hidden in there each year, and some "good" players. But think about how many players there are in rounds 2-7 and then think about the small number of those that end up being studs or pro bowlers. The majority of them certainly don't end up being great or even good. The majority of them either end up being backups, career special teamers, or guys who just bounce around from team to team.

And the majority of the top 10 get payed twice as much as the rest of the 1st round, so a team like Washington that has more than just one hole would get hurt way more taking a chance on someone that is still a mystery despite his immense skill.

Not only that, but I wasn't just mentioning late round guys. I just used Brady because he is the best example of people outside the first round. But the fact is you can still get LOTS of starter talent in the late 1st round. In fact, most of the best players in the NFL tend to get picked up mid-1st to mid-2nd.

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i think it is probably a good trade for us but i don't think its going to happen. All i want in the draft is a monster DT to eat up space and free up others. If we do the trade im not sure we can get that. Maybe we can but i dunno. On the plus side though, we'd prob get our replacment for dock and some much needed depth. I

'm 50/50 on this one....

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dre bly is so overrated. he's not that good, personally i think he sucks. detroit's defense has always blown, and bly is not worth the money nor the draft pick. skins should keep what they have, go for the top DE in the draft, and then work on molding the team into something that will make the playoffs. paying these so-so cornerbacks top dollar is ridiculous... who ever talked about dre bly last season? nobody... until he became a free agent. the only corner i would ever pay the amount of money that bly would probably get is one we already had, champ... no other corner in football is worth even close to the amount of money bly, samuel, or clements got/would get... except CB.

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If you polled all of the scouts and GMs in the NFL they would come up with this consensus:

Anderson,Branch and Adams are all blue chippers,and any one of the three would help the Redskins defensive line immediately at #6.All three will be snapped up in the first 12 picks.

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