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Schefter on Eagles Live...Mentioned a Skins Move?


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Is Schefter consistently off-base?

uhhh... Yeah. Schefter gets nothing right imo. I can't name specific things right now but basically any rumour he spits out has about 10% chance of actually happening imo. Schefter seems to think the giants were talking to a bunch of guys and interested in a bunch of guys. The giants have brought in only 2 guys, and may have been trying to get mgahee, i don't see the giants telling schefter "ya we like this guy and him and him, but we won't invite them." I think he started the ian scott rumour to the giants, not sure if that was him. The guy just puts up everything he hears and trusts his sources way too much. If he has sources...

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I am listening and this is what they said....

The Eagles really do want Edwards and will sign more guys within the next 24-48 hours.

A 1st round CB is likely.

The Redskins are looking at Reno Mahe

Corey Dillion or Chris Brown will be an Eagle.

Kevin Curtis might sign next week.

Looking at the RB Michael Bush from Louisville/

Awwwwwwwww Heeeellllllllllllllllll No, he sucks.

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If anything, I think they might use him as.....well, I'm not sure what they would use him as. Maybe an expert in Crab Fries?

I could see us using him as a runner. "Gibbs, darn I forgot my clipboard" Reno run and get it for me. Other than that not sure why we would want him.

edit: oops I forgot we have an assistant associate head coach for that.

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