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Lance Briggs wants out......interested?


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I am somewhat satisfied with our linebacking core as is now that Fletcher is on board....but this guy is a beast.... are we interested? I know we have Rocky and Lemar on one side and Marcus on the other.....but I think we can all admit Lance is a lil better than those two. Of course, I really DO NOT want to overpay for him and I'm sure he'll demand Porter type money....but wanted your thoughts.

PS....I am really happy with our front office the way they've handled their spending this offseason.



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Why? These are the type of signings that don't work for the Skins. He will be coming to a new system, not having Urlacher around him and no where near the D-line chic had.

So please explain why this would be smart?

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If the Redskins have a shot at all at getting Briggs they certainly should. He would instantly be the best defensive player on the field. He is fast, can cover, can rush the passer and is a terriffic tackler. Not to mention he is very young and to my knowledge very durable.

I see no reason why Washington shouldn't consider it, seeing as how if they have the cap room to sign him they won't be spending that money on anyone better this year.

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Why? These are the type of signings that don't work for the Skins. He will be coming to a new system, not having Urlacher around him and no where near the D-line chic had.

So please explain why this would be smart?

Have you ever seen Briggs? Do you not realize how slow, relatively, the redskins entire defense is?

Briggs would instantly bring speed to a position that hasn't seen speed since LaVar first got hurt. Hes as quick as a safety (Not like Marshall, who people SAY is as fast as a safety but really isn't) and can cover slot recievers and TE's, something I don't think any of the current redskins linebackers can do.

Briggs definitely isn't the product of a system, IMO. A "system" doesn't spruce up tackling skills and game speed.

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Yea, Briggs is exactly what we need....a fourth, and most expensive of the four, outside linebacker.

Especially when we made moves to get Rocky and Marcus Washington is a beast.

Everyone look at Rocky's stats the games that he started last year...

hes ready to start now.

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Yea, Briggs is exactly what we need....a fourth, and most expensive of the four, outside linebacker.

Especially when we made moves to get Rocky and Marcus Washington is a beast.

Everyone look at Rocky's stats the games that he started last year...

hes ready to start now.

And he has the speed that our LB corps in supposedly missing.

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Have you ever seen Briggs? Do you not realize how slow, relatively, the redskins entire defense is?

Briggs would instantly bring speed to a position that hasn't seen speed since LaVar first got hurt. Hes as quick as a safety (Not like Marshall, who people SAY is as fast as a safety but really isn't) and can cover slot recievers and TE's, something I don't think any of the current redskins linebackers can do.

Briggs definitely isn't the product of a system, IMO. A "system" doesn't spruce up tackling skills and game speed.

Sean Taylor is slow.

Marcus Washington is slow.

Carlos, Springs...there both slow.

Hell, Archuleta is even fast.

I dont think slow is the problem.

And as for our linebacking corp.

Last year the starters were....Holdman, Marshall and Washington.

This year. McIntosh, Fletcher and Washington.

waaaaaaaaaaaaaay different.

Plus Briggs wants like 90mill probably and wed have to trade for him.

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Sean Taylor is slow.

Marcus Washington is slow.

Carlos, Springs...there both slow.

Hell, Archuleta is even fast.

I dont think slow is the problem.

And as for our linebacking corp.

Last year the starters were....Holdman, Marshall and Washington.

This year. McIntosh, Fletcher and Washington.

waaaaaaaaaaaaaay different.

Plus Briggs wants like 90mill probably and wed have to trade for him.

Actually, Washington isn't very fast for a LB. Hes the fastest LB on the team, but thats only because a majority of the LBs on the Redskins are slow. Thats one of the reasons the defense against the screen is so horrid (like how you would see Tiki Barber run past everybody on a simple screen because they didn't have a player like that who could run him down).

Sean Taylor is fast, but hes being used as a deep safety, so theres no point in listing him.

Rocky is an ok player, but if you think he can do what Briggs can, I suggest you tone down your expectations a bit. He'll be great, but I'm not sure he'd be as good as Briggs is now, and thats down the road another season or two. Not to mention Marcus isn't getting younger and to me, dropped off last year. He is still a great strongside guy, but the weakside is still a weakness on defense.

Of course, Briggs would be extremely expensive, but all my point was is to at least try to go after him and if you can make the contract thing workout then its a good idea. Its the same with going after Asante Samuel too. Neither are likely, but if you have the shot, you go for it.

If Champ Bailey was a FA, wouldn't you want the team to at least try and find out if they have a shot?

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Have you ever seen Briggs? Do you not realize how slow, relatively, the redskins entire defense is?

Briggs would instantly bring speed to a position that hasn't seen speed since LaVar first got hurt. Hes as quick as a safety (Not like Marshall, who people SAY is as fast as a safety but really isn't) and can cover slot recievers and TE's, something I don't think any of the current redskins linebackers can do.

Briggs definitely isn't the product of a system, IMO. A "system" doesn't spruce up tackling skills and game speed.

I think we all said the same thing with AA last year. Everyone has raw skills in the NFL, that does not mean they will be great. Briggs benefits greatly playing next to Urlacher. What is his speed going to do when he gets double teamed on another team? What is he going to do when the d-line doesnt get pressure and he is out covering for an extended period of time? What hes going to do when the d-line sends a full back like Lorenzo Neal to block him instead of Urlacher?

Every player is a product of the system to a point and every player is not a star just because his stats say so. I have watched Briggs play a handful of games (I had the bears defense on my ffl team) and was impressed by him. But one thing I saw, is he can be blocked easily if focused on. I just rather see Rocky in there and show his raw skills and maybe he can be our Lance Briggs instead of us going to pay someone who has never played in our system.

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Actually, Washington isn't very fast for a LB. Hes the fastest LB on the team, but thats only because a majority of the LBs on the Redskins are slow. Thats one of the reasons the defense against the screen is so horrid (like how you would see Tiki Barber run past everybody on a simple screen because they didn't have a player like that who could run him down).

Sean Taylor is fast, but hes being used as a deep safety, so theres no point in listing him.

Rocky is an ok player, but if you think he can do what Briggs can, I suggest you tone down your expectations a bit. He'll be great, but I'm not sure he'd be as good as Briggs is now, and thats down the road another season or two. Not to mention Marcus isn't getting younger and to me, dropped off last year. He is still a great strongside guy, but the weakside is still a weakness on defense.

Of course, Briggs would be extremely expensive, but all my point was is to at least try to go after him and if you can make the contract thing workout then its a good idea. Its the same with going after Asante Samuel too. Neither are likely, but if you have the shot, you go for it.

If Champ Bailey was a FA, wouldn't you want the team to at least try and find out if they have a shot?

I know how good Briggs is...thanks.

What Im saying is, we just traded picks to move up and get Rocky to be our OLB. Combine that with the fact that we would have to trade to get Briggs, and give him a monster deal. Two things that would be dumb to do when you already have four linebackers on the roster.

We replaced Lemar Marshall inside with a tackling machine and defensive leader.

We replaced Holdman, a guy who doesnt even deserve a roster spot that was starting at OLB, with a young guy that we used a lot of picks to pick up.

We now have four lbs...with marshall back to the position he was meant to play.

So no, regardless of how good Briggs is, you just dont go after him.

If Champ Bailey was a free agent he would have demanded a bigger contract than Clements.

And we didnt go after Clements....

And i think the team "tries to find out if they have a shot" with basically every possible free agent out there.

Also someone started this same exact thread yesterday.

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He wants a 7 year deal worth $63mil and $30mil gauranteed. Does anyone still want him now? I did, but not at that price. That is way too much for a LBer. Plus, for all we know, Rocky could be just as good. And how foolish would we feel if we let go of Rocky, traded for Briggs, signed him to a ridiculous deal and then Rocky turns out to be a pro-bowler. I'd rather take my chances on Rocky.

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He wants a 7 year deal worth $63mil and $30mil gauranteed. Does anyone still want him now? I did, but not at that price. That is way too much for a LBer. Plus, for all we know, Rocky could be just as good. And how foolish would we feel if we let go of Rocky, traded for Briggs, signed him to a ridiculous deal and then Rocky turns out to be a pro-bowler. I'd rather take my chances on Rocky.

Thats only if Rocky turns out to be great, which people aren't even sure if he'll be a good starter yet. With that much money on the line, you do go with the young guy instead of the FA, because I don't think Washington is under the cap that much. If they had the money though, I would still go with Briggs, but thats just my opinion.

Rocky does look like he'll be a pretty good player, but there isn't a real dominant LB on the team that can help him out if he makes mistakes. Plus, I wasn't sure how well he played the run.

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If the salary cap weren't an issue, Briggs would be ours. Unfortunately, we can't break the bank on another LB, much less throw away another draft pick. Steady as she goes, Captain. No major detours on this ship.

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If the salary cap weren't an issue, Briggs would be ours. Unfortunately, we can't break the bank on another LB, much less throw away another draft pick. Steady as she goes, Captain. No major detours on this ship.

Yeah, I'd have to agree.

Now if only Washington would be willing to draft Patrick Willis... Oh well, the D-line needs some help, just as long as they don't take Branch, I'd be fine.

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Have you ever seen Briggs? Do you not realize how slow, relatively, the redskins entire defense is?

Briggs would instantly bring speed to a position that hasn't seen speed since LaVar first got hurt. Hes as quick as a safety (Not like Marshall, who people SAY is as fast as a safety but really isn't) and can cover slot recievers and TE's, something I don't think any of the current redskins linebackers can do.

Briggs definitely isn't the product of a system, IMO. A "system" doesn't spruce up tackling skills and game speed.

Have you seen the fact that we have nothing to trade them? No draft picks and they will surely want 2 first rounders.

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