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Fox News Devoted 12 Times More Coverage To Anna Nicole Than Walter Reed


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The source sounds awfully biased, but the table is still interesting...


Our national media embarrassment was again on full display on Friday. Both MSNBC and Fox News devoted more coverage to Anna Nicole Smith — three weeks after her death on Feb. 8 — than they did to the multiple developments involving the neglect and deplorable conditions at Walter Reed military hospital.

The most lop-sided coverage by far was aired by Fox News, which featured only 10 references to Walter Reed compared to 121 of Anna Nicole — roughly 12 times the coverage. MSNBC featured 84 references to Walter Reed and 96 to Anna Nicole.

References to Anna Nicole and Walter Reed on cable networks on March 2:










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Not surprising. I started a thread about this a week or two ago. It's a shame. I actually think this says more about us than the news networks. Especially since the both wings of the media are guilty. The numbers should not be close. Then again, I think Tony Snow is still getting a paycheck from Fox since he is doing the same job for the White House that he did for Fox ;)

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If you click the again in your story it gives a similar take on a different day with the media roles reversed. One is no better (or worse) than the others. I don't believe this is a sad commentary, people who want real news know where to find it, those quasi news stations appeal to a completely diferent need.

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On the other hand, according to a recent Military Times survey, a full 56% of current soldiers want our troop level in Iraq to stay the same or increase. Kind of a sharp contrast to the 60 Minutes piece the other night.

Everybody has an agenda, and in that department, presenting skewed or false evidence to further said agenda, CBS News BY FAR leads the league.

I will say the new Half-Hour News Hour on Fox is pretty embarassing though.

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On the other hand, according to a recent Military Times survey, a full 56% of current soldiers want our troop level in Iraq to stay the same or increase. Kind of a sharp contrast to the 60 Minutes piece the other night.

Everybody has an agenda, and in that department, presenting skewed or false evidence to further said agenda, CBS News BY FAR leads the league.

I will say the new Half-Hour News Hour on Fox is pretty embarassing though.

I thought that 60 minutes piece did a good job of explaining that those soldiers were going to be viewed disfavorably by the majority of the military after giving that interview. I didn't think the piece was about a majority of servicemen who believed the increase was right/necessary, but more about the fact that these people were never previously allowed to voice their opinions and are doing so now under a recent law that gives them that right.

In terms of Anna Nicole/Walter Reed, I really don't think it's fair to paint Fox News with this particular demonization. All this pop culture crap (Anna Nicole, Britney, Paris etc.) is reported in detail on all the networks as if its actually important.

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Now, if they or the Compost want to do a real service, they'll keep on going with this story. Take a look at all the hospitals in the DoD. Most of them are crap. Look at the housing that is in the same shape. Show the rot in the infrastructure. IT's the only way to get Congress to spend money on it

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I thought that 60 minutes piece did a good job of explaining that those soldiers were going to be viewed disfavorably by the majority of the military after giving that interview. I didn't think the piece was about a majority of servicemen who believed the increase was right/necessary, but more about the fact that these people were never previously allowed to voice their opinions and are doing so now under a recent law that gives them that right.

CBS received a total of 1400 letters from servicemembers complaining about Iraq/Afghanistan. There are currently almost 1.4 million soldiers in the active Army and reserves/National Guard.

So what does CBS do? Run with their story, based on the opinions of .1% of the Army. That's disingenuous no matter how you look at it. The REAL story is "WOW. Look how many of our troops are still of strong morale and motivation, in spite of mistakes by the administration, and the disapproval of the media and American public."

In terms of Anna Nicole/Walter Reed, I really don't think it's fair to paint Fox News with this particular demonization. All this pop culture crap (Anna Nicole, Britney, Paris etc.) is reported in detail on all the networks as if its actually important.

Couldn't agree more. I find it difficult to stay in the room when my wife is watching Entertainment Tonight, let alone being bombarded on legitimate "news" channels.

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Now, if they or the Compost want to do a real service, they'll keep on going with this story. Take a look at all the hospitals in the DoD. Most of them are crap. Look at the housing that is in the same shape. Show the rot in the infrastructure. IT's the only way to get Congress to spend money on it

There was a story in today's Post about how the problems were not limited to only Walter Reed.

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John Gibson of FOX Doesn't Consider Himself a "News Guy"

John Gibson is the big-haired FOX host that, amongst few other distinctions, pimps the "War on Christmas" meme more than the rest. Now he's finally got something to really hang his hat on: he's the one FOX guy who will stand up to CNN's "news guy snobbery." Covering the "real" news is for nerds -- elitist nerds! Like soulful, squinty, supernerd Anderson Cooper.

To explain. On his radio show the other day, Gibson defended FOX's non-stop coverage of Anna Nicole Smith's death. He said that the story supplies all the drama people love in TV and movies, except the facts are all real. He accused CNN's Cooper of exemplifying the "news guy snobbery" that leads news outlets to shrink from stories like the Smith saga and to instead bore their viewers with Iraq coverage (presumably stuff like global warming, the minimum wage, and the impending war with Iran would also fall in this category; I think it's safe to say John Gibson wouldn't approve of MoJoBlog).

At one point in the show Gibson mocks Cooper, saying, "Oh, 'There’s a war on! There’s a war on!' Maybe, just maybe, people are a little weary, Mr. Cooper, of your war coverage, and they’d like a little something else." But he doesn't limit his criticism to Anderson Cooper. Also guilty? Basically any self-respecting journalist. Gibson rails against the "high-minded view of a lot of news professionals, people who think, you know, their news program is just another part of Foreign Affairs Quarterly." He again evoked the s-word. "Those people are snobs." Edward Murrow, Dan Rather, David Brinkley, Walter Cronkite -- please exit history, stage left. John Gibson has dismissed you.

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CBS received a total of 1400 letters from servicemembers complaining about Iraq/Afghanistan. There are currently almost 1.4 million soldiers in the active Army and reserves/National Guard.

So what does CBS do? Run with their story, based on the opinions of .1% of the Army. That's disingenuous no matter how you look at it. The REAL story is "WOW. Look how many of our troops are still of strong morale and motivation, in spite of mistakes by the administration, and the disapproval of the media and American public."

So it should be implied that the other 99.9% of soldiers who didnt write letters are perfectly happy.

Not trying to get off topic with a debate just pointing out that your logic is just as flawed as everybody elses.

IMO 1400 letters written to CBS by servicemen is pretty significant.

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CBS received a total of 1400 letters from servicemembers complaining about Iraq/Afghanistan. There are currently almost 1.4 million soldiers in the active Army and reserves/National Guard.

So what does CBS do? Run with their story, based on the opinions of .1% of the Army. That's disingenuous no matter how you look at it.

How is that disingenuous? 1400 letters is a lot of letters.

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So it should be implied that the other 99.9% of soldiers who didnt write letters are perfectly happy.

Or that they're not upset enough to do something as painfully simple as writing a letter, yes.

Not trying to get off topic with a debate just pointing out that your logic is just as flawed as everybody elses.

IMO 1400 letters written to CBS by servicemen is pretty significant.

If one-tenth-of-one percent of people complaining is "pretty significant," then I can assure you that by your logic nothing in the world is going right. Nothing.

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How is that disingenuous? 1400 letters is a lot of letters.

Again, one-tenth-of one percent complained. That means 99.9% were at least satisfied enough to feel there was no need to take action. Come on.

If 99.9% of people were in support of say, Hillarycare, and FOX did a story on the other .1%, you'd crucify us for it.

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On the other hand, it's generally a rule of thumb that the number of calls and letters received needs to be multiplied by a factor of ten (I don't remember the exact average) because most people who feel a certain way do not actually write or call-in. Not everyone against writes and not everyone pro-writes. Regardless, that there is this large of a public outcry (even if it is proportionally small) is unfortunate.

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I could respect Fox if it was run by RESPECTABLE right wing hacks.

Instead, it's run by moronic right wing hacks like Gibson and O'Reilly. How can any self-respecting individual gobble this junk up?

Sarge, you're always talking about how the country is going down the crapper, but maybe you should take a long hard look at Gibson's comments and realize that he's basically assaulting and criticizing serious and respectable journalism, and he's making no bones about it.

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On the other hand, it's generally a rule of thumb that the number of calls and letters received needs to be multiplied by a factor of ten (I don't remember the exact average) because most people who feel a certain way do not actually write or call-in. Not everyone against writes and not everyone pro-writes. Regardless, that there is this large of a public outcry (even if it is proportionally small) is unfortunate.

Fine. That being true, we're still talking about 1%.


Tell me, honestly. If 99% of people were supporting a liberal position, would you guys defend the protesting 1% of conservatives like this?

You're a very level guy, and a straight shooter, Burgold. I have a lot of respect for you and the way you present your positions. But come on, bro. Something just ain't right here.

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Or that they're not upset enough to do something as painfully simple as writing a letter, yes.

If one-tenth-of-one percent of people complaining is "pretty significant," then I can assure you that by your logic nothing in the world is going right. Nothing.

one tenth wrote a letter to CBS. I don't know about you, but when I'm upset with my current situation the first thing I do is write a letter to CBS. Then my family and friends come second.

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one tenth wrote a letter to CBS. I don't know about you, but when I'm upset with my current situation the first thing I do is write a letter to CBS. Then my family and friends come second.

Wow. This is unbelievable. I hope no one on here ever calls me a partisan hack again. If you guys can defend your position against a 99.9% majority, you can defend anything.

***edit*** And BTW, 56% of the troops surveyed in the Military Times poll also want to see troop levels the same or higher than they are now. Remember, this is a survey of people who have been deployed to Iraq already, or likely will be in the future.

God bless them for standing up to this.

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Wow. This is unbelievable. I hope no one on here ever calls me a partisan hack again. If you guys can defend your position against a 99.9% majority, you can defend anything.

Look in no way am I saying that CBS was right, i'm just saying is that implying because sombeody did not write a letter they are happy is very incorrect logic.

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This is one of those weird situations. I know from anecdotal evidence from my time at Brook Army, Balboa, Walter Reed, and Bethesda that there is a lot of grumbling and discontent (although not nearly as much as one would expect from guys in as much pain and physical trauma as you might expect). I also know that there is a lot that needs to be done that isn't being done and that some of these troops have been wronged in spirit if not in deed. So, I tend to believe that the discontent is real. I also know that some of the grumbling is the casual grumbling you hear at every job. Some of that belief is the projection of my own feelings. It irks me that guys being treated at military hospitals have to pay for their own room and board while in hospital. It irritates me that hospitals can't shell out a nickle so a marine can tell his wife or parents that he's alive. It bugs me that the millitary will only fly the family in once (unless they are on the verge of death) regardless of how many operations that soldier, marine needs to go through. It frustrates me that marines are being released from hospital today straight into homeless situations.

I can't speak as well about the guys in theater who haven't been hurt, but I sympathize with the guys who seem to endlessly have their tour extended. It just feels wrong. And so when you hear that there are a group of soldiers or marines fed up with it, part of you (if you're me) says "of course they are"

I doubt it reflects the general attitude or even a majority attitude, but it wouldn't surprise me if in the quiet of the night and amongst their best friends if it represented how a sizeable minority felt.

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I still maintain that if you reverse the issues (use any liberal topic), reverse the parties and reverse the news channels (Fox instead of CBS) the left would be crying foul all day.

Isn't that the nature of politics though?

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