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Brandon Lloyd, do you like or dislike?


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There's some fans on here who believe that Brandon Lloyd isnt good, and some who are willing to give Lloyd another chance. I was wondering which category the majority of you will be in. I'm a fan who believes Brandon Lloyd has potential to be a good WR, and also a fan who believes he will do better in the 2007 season. But onto the poll, what category do you fall in? Tried to put a poll, but I messed it up.

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I think he has a HUGE attitude problem. He reminds me of myself as an athlete in h.s. He rolls his eyes, crys, complains, etc. He is a poor route runner, a bad teammate, and full of himself. Until those things change, I'm not the biggest fan. With that said, he's a Redskin so I don't dislike him...just his piss poor attitude. :2cents:


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He has the potential to be good on the field so I'll hold off on my opinion for one more year however I dont like the person. He comes across as a selfish me first baby in an otherwise solid locker room. He alienated Portis and whined and ****ed about Campbell in a few washington post articles. If I remember it correctly he was being disrespectful to Al Saunders when Al was trying to be enouraging. He referred to Campbell as "your quarterback."

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I agree with the first two posts. We weren't that solid of a team last year. We had ups and downs. Lloyd didn't play horrible, but he also didn't do anything noteworthy (on the good side)...except get taken from the starting role because of his temper. I think this coming year will be a good one for all of the guys. Lloyd sounded more than positive when he first got here and hopefully he still feels the same way. It is good to have some emotion on the field too. Granted, throwing a helmet and yelling at your teammates is not the best thing, but at least the guy has some passion, ya know? Anyway, I think Lloyd, as well as the rest of the offense will have a great year. I just hope the defense can hang with us and be as good as they were the first two years.

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i read his blog last training camp, and he came across as a normal guy. unlike alot of people on this site i don't think he was thrown to all that much. he can make the spectacular catch, but drop easy ones. saying that every reciever only any level does that.

we payed him the money and gave up a pick to get him, so he should be more involved.

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I was a big supporter before the temper tantrums, and now it seems like he's alienated some teammates... so I'll hope with a full off season of playing catch with Campbell and hopefully listening to Gibbs, that he'll be a good #2.... So I guess I'll give him another chance.

Plus I think winning 13-17 games next year will help his attitude....

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Personally, i'd be a lot more worried about your inability to create a poll with just two options. Do you want Lloyd? Yes. No. You might want to look into all that.

Actually I've made plenty of polls...have you ever heard of mistakes? Next time pay attention and you'll see what I have done, before you make a stupid assumption. Personally, I'd be alot more worried about your inability to answer a simple question, and if you cant do that, then why respond?

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