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Now Presenting the Redskins Defense Lineup for 2007!


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With Fletcher-Baker signed, and Smoot on the way here's how I see the defense.

FS Sean Taylor


CB1 Springs\Smoot(Fight in Traning Camp)

CB2 Smoot\Springs or Carlos

CB3 Loser of all Position Battles

LOB Marcus Washinton

ROB Rocky Macintosh

MLB London Fletcher Baker

DE Andre Carter

DL Griffin

DL Golston

DE Adams**(Trade down for a #2 rounder)



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Perfect except you've got 3 DTs listed. I say pick up Kerney in the free agency and draft either Okoye or Branch...so that list would look exactly the same except D-Line which would be:

DE Carter

DT Griffin

DT Branch/Okoye

DE Kerney

I like the way you think man


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With Fletcher-Baker signed, and Smoot on the way here's how I see the defense.

FS Sean Taylor


CB1 Springs\Smoot(Fight in Traning Camp)

CB2 Smoot\Springs or Carlos

CB3 Loser of all Position Battles

LOB Marcus Washinton

ROB Rocky Macintosh

MLB London Fletcher Baker

DE Andre Carter

DL Griffin

DL Golston

DE Okoye(trade down to 11 for a 2nd rounder)



I like most of what you had, but Rocky starting over Lemar NO WAY! LM is a much better player is more suited for the weak-side. RM I feel is not starting LB right now. I feel he will be a back up for outside LBs spots. He will start someday but he is not ready I feel.

This is what I have at LB Positions:

Strong-Side LB: Marcus Washington

MLB: London Fletcher Baker

Weak-Side LB: Lemar Marshal

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As others have said, Okoye is NOT a DE, he is a DT. Also, Springs is our #1. There is not open competition for that one. The competition will be between Smoot and Carlos for the right to start and believe it or not, Smoot is likely to win. There's a possibilty Marshall will start over McIntosh, but I don't thinks Williams has the balls to piss the fans off that much.

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DE Carter

DT Griffin

DT Branch

DE Kerney

OLB Washington

MLB Fletcher

OLB Marshall/McIntosh

CB Springs

CB Rogers

CB Smoot

FS Taylor

SS Archuleta

I hope we can somehow sign Kerney because otherwise we almost have to trade down in the draft to fix the rest of the defense. I think our defense is really starting to look good as long as we can keep Springs around too. I would hate to lose him because when he is 100% he is a top 10 CB. We also need to find an OL to take Dockery's spot, but if we can do those things we should easily make the playoffs next year!

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With Fletcher-Baker signed, and Smoot on the way here's how I see the defense.

FS Sean Taylor


CB1 Springs\Smoot(Fight in Traning Camp)

CB2 Smoot\Springs or Carlos

CB3 Loser of all Position Battles

LOB Marcus Washinton

ROB Rocky Macintosh

MLB London Fletcher Baker

DE Andre Carter

DL Griffin

DL Golston

DE Adams**(Trade down for a #2 rounder)



I really like the look of our defense.

Lots of money out on the field in seasoned, old, and experienced veterans. Should be a great combo.

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According to Redskins.com - Gaines Adams did not leave much of an impression at the combine - pretty sure I read it that way.

I personally would at least look at Mike Doss. Pat Kerney I like but he is looking for 8 million a year plus a huge bonus likely around 18-20 million according to Adam Schefter.

Doss can be had for a reasonable contract I think. Target Carriker and Tank Tyler foremost in the draft via trade down or another DL and Pat Willis as option #2 - if trade down not possible look at Anderson or Branch at #6.

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Marshall is an excellent starting outside linebacker. Rocky is still behind the proven vet. You are giving waaaaay too much credit to Rocky to start him ahead of Lemar.

Rocky played waaaaay better than Lemar last year. Lemar isn't thatproven. Plus he doesn't have a 42 inch vertical.

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Phillip Daniels is not that bad for a year if we go DT. And Golston/Salvea have shown they can hold their own for just one season.
He is coming off three offseason surgeries. BOTH ankles and his elbow. Apparently, he says he already feels better than he did last season, but it's tough to tell when a guy is just saying things because he wants to continue his career.
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Rocky played waaaaay better than Lemar last year. Lemar isn't thatproven. Plus he doesn't have a 42 inch vertical.

Since when does having a 42" vertical put you in the right position at the right time and give you the ability to takle someone without getting dragged 3 yards to do it? Since that is a WSLB job...The vertical is useless, I don't care if you can jump over the goal post.

Lemar is really a WSLB anyway not a true MLB, he'll play better when he is back in his native position.

Didn't Rocky play some ILB in a 3-4?

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I really dont see Marshall losing his job completely. I expect him to start at OLB. I hope we maybe implement a little 3-4 with Fletcher and Marshall at MLB. Something for Greg Williams to play with.

im sure we will give some looks in the 3-4 this year. Obviously it wont be out base set, but with a coprs of

SLB- Washington

MLB - Fletcher

MLB - Marshall

WSLB - Rocky

im sure we will see the 3-4 sometime this year

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According to Redskins.com - Gaines Adams did not leave much of an impression at the combine - pretty sure I read it that way.

I personally would at least look at Mike Doss. Pat Kerney I like but he is looking for 8 million a year plus a huge bonus likely around 18-20 million according to Adam Schefter.

Doss can be had for a reasonable contract I think. Target Carriker and Tank Tyler foremost in the draft via trade down or another DL and Pat Willis as option #2 - if trade down not possible look at Anderson or Branch at #6.

He left good impressions to everyone else who saw him at the combine. He is a top ten pick with no doubt. Adams also ran 4.6 40. I don't know what the redskins staff din't like. It would be interesting know. I like the idea of picking up Kerney only if we can afford him. I would mind trading down if we can get some extra picks. There are alot of good gaurds in the draft. IF we could get a late to mid first and a late second I would forget about adams.

I can't wait ti see what happens but I just hope we sur up the D line and get some to replace Dock. Then we are set for next year.

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Since when does having a 42" vertical put you in the right position at the right time and give you the ability to takle someone without getting dragged 3 yards to do it? Since that is a WSLB job..

Using the vertical to judge his ability to accelerate and pop - it was just to juxtopose Rocky's elite level athleticism (to go along with a mean hitting streak - and well known high football IQ) not to mention he did all of that and led the Redskins in tackles in his first start.

Yeah Rocky split time at WLB/MLB/SLB, being most successful at the WLB/MLB, but projected to the NFL mostly as a WLB because he is so good at covering TEs and had a tendency to get chop blocked more than most scouts liked.

Puh-lease, Lemar is good, but don't give me this wonderful vet-instinct stuff, he had a good year, thats it. I'll take the guy who would have been a 1st round pick save for some pretty bad injuries in college over the underweight guy who never lays the wood (but I am a fan of none-the-less, please don't think I'm hating on Lemar)

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