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The BOOING of Brunell


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Yes :doh: it is true alot of Redskins fans that were booing Brunell dont desereve to be called Redskin Fans. Go Away those fans need to be booed too. Brunell came out on the field to do the best he could. True Redskins fans support the entire team.

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Dude, here is the reality of the situation. JC gets knocked out, and by rule must come out of the game for at least one play since the medical staff went on the field and play was stopped for a injury. Basically, Brunell MUST come in at that point, unless 1 of 2 things happen.

1. The Redskins take a time out. Not something you want to do when trying to come back.

2. Todd collins, the 3rd and EMERGENCY QB comes in. If he comes in, Campbell is OUT for the rest of the game.

So why the f*ck do you boo a guy that is coming in because it's the smartest move? The answer is: because you are an idiot.:doh:

Shows how stupid some of our fans are

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Yes :doh: it is true alot of Redskins fans that were booing Brunell dont desereve to be called Redskin Fans. Go Away those fans need to be booed too. Brunell came out on the field to do the best he could. True Redskins fans support the entire team.

100% agree:applause:

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Brunell was the scapegoat of all our problems. I was not at the game, but had I been there, I would have cheered for Mark. He is a good team player, and he QB'd our only playoff team since 1999. I hope he remains with the team next year as the backup.

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I agree with the topic maker, when I heard the boos for brunell I was so ashamed of this town. All of you people that boo a backup qb replacing our injured starter make me sick. In a game that doesnt even matter? What is your deal? for any of you that did that I wish I was sitting next to you so I could have let you know how stupid and retarded that is.

Pathetic, seriously pathetic.

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its good to read that there are still fans out there that know football..true redskin fans who don't boo one of their own at home...i still can't believe that of all of this year's problems, mark brunell is at the top of the list. it's a joke!

i didn't see the defense get any better after the switch to campbell was made.

just like the guy said earlier, the first QB to lead us to the playoffs in 6 years and he gets booed...embarrassing.

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Yeah, I was at this game too. I guess I'm still just of the mind that if they come out in our colors, I'm hoping they do well.

It was tough to watch, especially since I think Brunell is a good guy who certainly hasn't done anything to undermine the team. He got old and his arm went a bit dead...can he still be a good back-up for us? Yeah. Does he still deserve some support? Hell yes.

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I sat in the stands and watched Jason Campbell trot of the field from that hit, I was embarassed to see our fans boo Brunell when he came in relief. I am not a staunch Brunell fan, but in that scenario we should have cheered for him to be successful in replacing JC. I know we are all frustrated the way the game was going at the time and with the way the season went..... I just think we have more class than that. I saw more fights in the stands than I ever did......we're not Eagle fans..we are REDSKIN fans! Hail skins and here's to next year !

Happy New Year!

I haven't read this whole thread but :applause: to this post.

It made me sick to my stomach when they booed Brunell. When I heard the booing...I actually stood up and clapped and people were laughing at me for this. I thought he needed to be benched in favor of Campbell but there is NO EXCUSE for that booing ****. There was a lot of disgraceful things at FedEx Sat. nite and that was one of the worst of them! :2cents:

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I haven't read the entire thread, but am I the only person who doesn't believe the boobirds were booing Brunell, per se, but that perhaps they were booing because they didn't trust Coach Gibbs to not try to "pull a Ramsey" on Campbell? I am not necessarily one of them, but there are still a good number of people who believe Coach Gibbs will find any reason possible to give Brunell another go at the QB job. And, even though I don't share their fears, I don't find them to be totally unreasonable -- especially after listening to the Gibbs presser this afternoon where the Brunell love affair was still blatantly apparent.

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I haven't read this whole thread but :applause: to this post.

It made me sick to my stomach when they booed Brunell. When I heard the booing...I actually stood up and clapped and people were laughing at me for this. I thought he needed to be benched in favor of Campbell but there is NO EXCUSE for that booing ****. There was a lot of disgraceful things at FedEx Sat. nite and that was one of the worst of them! :2cents:

we have gone to being the best fans in the league to the worst :(

that would have never happened at RFK, never

thanks Synder look what you have done

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trust me ..they booed MB

I believe a large number of fans were booing the lack of a penalty flag on the head- hunting shot on JC the previous play.

I don't think they were booing MB.

If ST had made a hit like that, he'd be flagged, ejected and fined by the NFL. The lack of consistency of officiating and the official posturing by the NFL each week to try and "spin" the weak calls has gotten to be pretty tiresome. Still think it's ridiculous that uniform (socks) violations and celebration fines are often higher than cheap, violent and unnecessary hits. :2cents:

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Maybe they were saying "Whoooooooooooo cares?!?"

I know I am after reading this useless thread.

Fans boo the opponents who we compete against, so what's the difference?

We fans were competing against him all year, wanting him to hit the bench and stop slowly bleeding our season to death. If you want, blame Gibbs for the situation. By not benching him earlier, he made a heel out of him (ala pro wrestling).

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I think the Boos were a sign of saying OK gibbs enough is enough....

I think the fans had a Patrick Ramsey flashback and thought Campbell would never get his job back.

Mark has been in and out of the line up since 2004 with out good results....

(Please dont bring up the playoff run last year...:doh:)

Its just time for him to be cut and the fans know it.

We saw him in this offense let us see what collins can do....

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OK, no one should have booed Brunell, it was uncalled for, but here are the facts: it was a colossal mistake to even bring him here in the first place, he has held this franchise back with his poor quarterbacking, Gibbs has a blind and unjustified devotion to this man, and the fans are sick of seeing him on the field. I think the fans were voicing their frustration with his general presence on the team (hint hint front office), and with the hit on Campbell. I like the guy, but I will rest easier when he is cut from the team, so there is no possibility that he will ever start for us again.

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Thanks for starting this post. I was there Sat night and the booing was a sad display. Brunell is a better man and has more class than anyone who booed him.
Just chiming in with my disgust at fans, the one that were still there, booing Brunell.

Brunell did the best he could. There were so many other factors that contributed to the demise of our season. If people need to boo, wait for the end of the game / season, when the worst season, as far as expectations, finally came to an end..


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