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WCP: Snyder runs away with Unsportsman of the Year honors

E-Dog Night

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We all could have stopped reading right after seeing that this was an article in the Washington City Paper.

I still don't see the connection between Dan's management style, mistakes, misdealings, etc and being unsportsmanlike? Just one more hack who is unable or unwilling to produce an original piece of work.

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For the love of the fans, Danny, sell the team. Oh wait, you don't love the fans...you just love their money.

The mans in the business to make money and own the team he loves.

It's not like the Redskins belong to any of us or even owe us anything. Snyder charges us to see his team.

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We all could have stopped reading right after seeing that this was an article in the Washington City Paper.

I still don't see the connection between Dan's management style, mistakes, misdealings, etc and being unsportsmanlike? Just one more hack who is unable or unwilling to produce an original piece of work.

yep - all this "writer" has ever done is look for things to bash Snyder for, so apparently the agenda is personal.

Snyder has made some mistakes since buying this team, although every team has made mistakes over the years. The media seems to resent Snyder's self-made success, so they blame him for the lack of success of the organization. - It's convenient that they ignore the fact that this team lost more games in the seven years before he bought the team than the seven years he's owned it.

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I've been a Snyder supporter, but perhaps he really is pure evil. That whole Six Flags of New Orleans business is pretty terrible.

It's all about making money with him. That's it!!!!!!

OOh, and as someone said in an earlier post about him donating a half a million..................ask later on if he wrote it off on his taxes!!!!!!

Also most entertainers wrote a million dollar check and they don't have half the money Snyder has................so to me he is a half a million short on that.

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I think he can afford to do atleast that. This guy is a --ck

Parking revenue alone increased almost $250k with the price increase last year! $250k doesn't seem like a lot of money to an NFL franchise that throws money away at player bonuses likes it's nothing but a 40% price increase to the fan is a slap in the face when it only generates $250k additional to the club and nothing is done to enhance the gameday experience.

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"The Redskins under Snyder are a perfect example of how not to run a sports team. Hassett also branded as a myth the fact that Snyder spends more money on players than other owners. He just spends it with more noise."

Why can't more true fans pick up on what a fake and a sham this ownership is? We don't have a chance to be competitive w/Snyder as owner until he makes a sea change in how personnel decisions are made. The sad thing is, the midget makes $$$ every year no matter how pathetic our team is. This was a great article, read it people.

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It's all about making money with him. That's it!!!!!!

OOh, and as someone said in an earlier post about him donating a half a million..................ask later on if he wrote it off on his taxes!!!!!!

Also most entertainers wrote a million dollar check and they don't have half the money Snyder has................so to me he is a half a million short on that.

Then you should root for the Cardinals, Raiders and the lions then

or maybe try the cleveland browns on for size...

They all have great owners who dont care to make a dime from you while they continue to spend money to insure that their team is loosing just like snyder...:rolleyes:

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Raising the prices for fans and overspending on players is a habit that has to stop.

Why do we release/trade/get rid of players that have earned their pay and then shell out ridiculous amounts of $$$ for guys who have never stepped on Skins soil.

It is a vicious cycle and in the end it gets dumped on the fans. Sounds like the red, white, and blue to me.

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If we had a good season Snyder would be praised.

Give the man a break.

That's a pretty damning article.

With regard to the season... IF we had a good season, it would have probably meant that good decisions were made. We didn't have a good season. In fact, we had a terrible season, which most likely means that terrible decisions were made.... again. I don't see how this defends him at all.

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I think he can afford to do atleast that. This guy is a --ck

yeah, when he does that - it's a public relations move. He hopes there's a reporter around, in fact.

go ask the late Dan Turk's widow what she thinks of Snyder. It's a WHOLE DIFFERENT story - one not for the PR releases.

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Then you should root for the Cardinals, Raiders and the lions then

or maybe try the cleveland browns on for size...

They all have great owners who dont care to make a dime from you while they continue to spend money to insure that their team is loosing just like snyder...:rolleyes:

yeah, people look foolish when they cry about Snyder ONLY giving this much or that much, but he does as much or more than any other owner in this league and more than most businessmen that aren't in the spotlight because they own a professional sports franchise.

...a small example - last year's Pop Warner team from Hyattsville couldn't afford to go to the National Championship game in Florida - Snyder pays for all of their expenses.

- he heard of how run down Shawn BArber's high school football program was, so he donated $40, 000 to renavate the field and buy equipment

- bought TC Williams High School a new scoreboard and a burgandy and gold tractor

- recently it was revealed that Snyder had been anonymously donating MILLIONS of dollars every year to the Heart Association in honor of his father

- a million to Pentagon 911 victims

- when he bought the team he formed the Redskins charitable foundation to help leverage support from the big businesses in the area to support local charities.

- gives out food every Thanksgiving to underprivigled families in PG county

- sent his private jet to New Orleans to get Robert Royal's family during Hurricane Katrina

- helped Hue Jackson find the best specialists money could buy when his daughter kept having sezuires.

- referred Marty Schottenheimer's son to a specialist when he had cancer (after Marty was in San Diego)

- countless times has allowed players or staff to use his jet for family emergencies.

...it's one thing to not like the guy because of the free reign he gives his coaches, or not hiring a GM or whatever, but it's childish to say he's some evil guy just because your football team hasn't won as many games as you'd like this year.

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He's killing our franchise. I don't know about all his other business dealings. I really don't care that much quite frankly. But i have been a Redskins fans my whole life! I remember Jack Kent Cooke's reign! This is horrible. Its so embarrassing. Adam Archuleta!! My God!! Its horrific. If he is trying to win I am cool with it. But what they are saying about screwing fans for money is flat out true and his product has simply sucked. It really looks like he is signing names to sell jerseys and tickets and parking etc. AT this point how in the world does he not see whats wrong with the high paid older free agent at the expense of draft picks? We don't OWN the redskins and we all see it right? :eaglesuck

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Danny's brief moments of good heartedness seem like little more than his PR machine at work. A half mil here, a jet ride there. Danny is not exactly Leland Stanford.

When compared to the means of the average ESr, Danny's charitable contributions and occasional good karma amount to one of us giving; $50 a year to cancer research, $5 to Jerry's Kids, and your old clothes to the Goodwill.

Hopefully, Danny can follow the Bill Gates model. Remember, Gates was hated in the 1990s for his mannerisms similar to the Danny of today. However, Gates seems to have evolved into a significantly better character in recent years. Only time will tell.

It's up to Danny to right his own ship of PR. His spokespeople don't seem to be very effective.

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Thank Norv and Cookes idiot sons for that

Oh noooooo

The Cookes have never done wrong by this franchise.....

All they did was build the awful stadium that people blame snyder for....and left the team with 100 million in debt on the stadium....:doh:

All of the its a bout money talk should apply to the cookes as well...because they sold the team because they were loosing money....

Cooke new it thats why he instructed them to sell it..

The cookes stuck around while the team was winning and pushed for the new stadium to gain from the teams growing demand and popularity and then by the time the stadium was ready they had bolted when things got tuff....:doh:

after 6 straight years of the team being horrible and becoming a total joke....

Snyder comes in and rebuilds the media coverage of the team and takes us to the playoffs in his 2nd full year as owner...

To bring up six flags and his other ventures is pure envy of what he has that you dont....

He buys a better radio frequency to correct the Red Zebra problem that the article spoke about and people still ***** about that because he had to get rid of classical music.....

so ******* what!

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That is what I love about this site. Snyder shows no respect to the fans of this team and he does token gestures to show appreciation like drug dealers handing out turkeys at Thanksgiving to poor residents and some of you continue to praise the man. I love the Skins and Joe Gibbs so what do I do? Never root for my team while he is the owner? Or support the coaches and players regardless how I feel about Snyder? Well all I can say is that this must be payback for all the success we had in the past. Well at least were not in Detroit. Go Skins.

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A fish rots from the head first...why do you think teams like the Cardinals and Lions are crummy every year? The Cards have had the inept Bidwills in charge for over half a century...and have not won a playoff game since 1947. Coincidence?

The Irsays ran the Colts franchise into the ground in the 80s. It was no coincidence that they started winning again after the goofy father Bob was ousted.

The Lions are run by the Fords, who only know the car business and not football. Who else would keep a chowderhead like Matt Millen around for five years??

The Buccs were a joke under Hugh Culverhouse, who admittedly cared more about making money than winning football games. As soon as Culverhouse was out the door and Glazer came in, things started to change.

One of the reasons the Steelers are usually a good team is because of solid ownership by the Rooneys.

Can teams succeed in spite of bad ownership? Sure, but it's usually a one-year thing...and then the owner steps in and messes with the chemistry of the team, like Snyder does. Snyder isn't to blame for everything, of course, but he seems more interested in marketing the Redskins brand than winning.

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I believe that Dan Snyder has done for the Washington Redskins, what corporate radio has done for its listeners. Some good, alot of bad.

In a matter of years, a great product has been turned into what we have today, Mediocre mass appeal performances at maximum profits for the corporate executives and shareholders. Corporations feed on the passion people have, they exploit it and Uncle Sam is right there as well to take his cut. Its the American way right?

Our team has suffered since the Jack Kent Cooke era because we've had a heart tranplant. We're still in intensive care and I'm still praying for this team.

Dan Snyder may love the Redskins but I'll bet he loves money more. Will he cut and run in the future? Only time will tell that story.

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