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Duckett Trade shows incompetence of FO


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would you be saying this if Portis was injured for the entire season?

Yes. No matter how you look at it trading a 3rd and 4th round pick for what is basically a one year rental of a player that averages less then four touches per game in which he was active is terrible.

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At the time we needed a RB cause Portis's status was uncertain,

the Skins thought there would be some problems there if CPs injury didnt get better. Gibbs stated this numerous times.

So at the time it was a great move, but it didnt turn out that way, get over it.

It was never a "great move". It was a panic move. No one in the entire NFL regards it as a "great move".

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It was never a great move, period. You don't give up a 3rd round pick for a one year rental. We had Rock Cartwright still on our roster and we could have picked up a veteran in free agency to give us one more warm body.

There is absolutely no way of defending this move.

Agreed. At this point, almost every move made by this FO (Gibbs) can be questioned.

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It was a bad move. No matter what it was to much to trade for a back w/ Duckett's ability, and then throw in he is in the last year of the contract makes it even worse. For the picks they gave up, you really should get a back that is #1 quality RB. Like the original poster said, you could have had Alexander (or Edge) for a 2nd rounder. The fact of the matter is if he had not traded for him Atlanta may have even cut him.

I've been saying this since the trade. Duckett does not run like a big back; he runs like Herschel Walker. I've also said since the trade you can't put a guy in there for 3 carries a game and expect him to perform. There is such a thing as getting in rhythym, so I actually believe he is better than he showed Sunday, but they have to get him about ten carries a game for him to be effective.

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On Redskins radio they are saying the Duckett move is going to cost us a 3rd round pick this year and a 4th in 2008. A 3rd and a 4th round pick for a one year rental. Absolutely terrible.

This team needs a GM but will never get one because Joe Gibbs' is the team President. Bringing one in wouldn't mean much because they wouldn't have the authority needed to disagree with the head coach.

It isn't just Joe Gibbs. Would you take a job as a GM if you had an owner above you with a history of meddlesome fantasy-football behavior who's only held in check by a Hall of Fame coach with a history of lousy talent acquisition? That's a losing proposition if I've ever heard one. There is no GM in the NFL who could succeed here with the current setup, and, unfortunately, it would only get worse for him if Gibbs left.

Remember, Spurrier demanded a GM when he was hired. He got the Danny and Vinny show. Blaming Gibbs for the lack of a GM is ignoring the reality of this organization.

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Duckett is just 1 on a very long list of mistakes made by this incompetent front office

Ain't that the truth. Take a look at this list: Carter, Archuleta, ARE, Lloyd, Duckett, McIntosh. That's the free agent, trade, and top draft pick haul from this offseason. The Skins spent millions of dollars and mortgaged the future for absolutely no production. Even the best on the list, ARE, is a role-player at best.

It's indefensible. It's pathetic. Is there anyone on Earth who can credibly argue that this team would be worse if they'd made absolutely no changes in the offseason?

I haven't done the math, but if you add up the contracts it's gotta be over $50 million. And if you add up the draft picks (4th for Lloyd, 3rd and 4th for Duckett, 2nd for McIntosh), you've got the equivalent of a first round pick they gave away to get these "stars".

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There are so many bad moves. This is probably the most glaring blunder of all. Letting Pierce, Smoot, and Ryan Clark go in free agency in the name of fiscal responsibility is another. Then overspending on Lloyd, ARE, Carter, and AA is yet another. These decisions seem so impulsive and inconsistent, as if it's constant knee-jerk reactions.

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I haven't done the math, but if you add up the contracts it's gotta be over $50 million. And if you add up the draft picks (4th for Lloyd, 3rd and 4th for Duckett, 2nd for McIntosh), you've got the equivalent of a first round pick they gave away to get these "stars".

Sure could've used that money to keep Pierce, Smoot, and Clark. Could've used the picks on D-line help. Could've used Carlos Rogers' pick on an impact DE. All problems on Defense solved!!!

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Sure could've used that money to keep Pierce, Smoot, and Clark. Could've used the picks on D-line help. Could've used Carlos Rogers' pick on an impact DE. All problems on Defense solved!!!

The funny thing is that the Skins use all the expensive players (Arch, McIntosh, etc) on special teams... but they aren't that great on special teams either. Averaging 9 yards on punt returns? 24 on kick returns? Those are average numbers... just average.

The Skins now have to deal with the aftermath of their overspending: those two second-rounders they spent on McIntosh. The 3rd and 4th for Duckett. The 4th for Lloyd. That's quite a few young future players that won't play for the Skins.

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WHO WOULD YOU OF PICKED UP? OR WHAT WOULD YOU HAVE DONE DIFFERENTLY? Since you are all professional general managers here

One answer was already on the board when you posted:

It was a panic move. It showed a real lack of patience and savvy by the FO. And it proved why having the coach making all the personnel moves isn't always a good idea. This trade was purely short-term over long-term. The Steelers were in the market for Duckett too, but they weren't going to pay that price for a 1-yr rental. So they were patient and picked up Najeh Davenport after the Packers cut him. Same style RB.

Najeh Davneport is a big nice runner. AND, they can keep him next season if they like.

I wonder what it's like when you receive a phone call from the Skins' front office, whether you are a player or a GM for another team? They must get an ear-to-ear grinchy smile because they KNOW that they are going to make out well! I can imagine Mike Shanahan calling in the rest of the staff, telling them to listen in and having to put their hands over the phone to muffle their laughter! "They want to give us what? A third round pick for Duckett? WTF? Hey Mike, just to **** with them, see if they'll thrown in some extras! Ask them about a 4th rounder or to trade #1's. No, they would never do that. . . . ."

I wonder what the conversation was like when we wanted to trade Bailey?

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Ain't that the truth. Take a look at this list: Carter, Archuleta, ARE, Lloyd, Duckett, McIntosh. That's the free agent, trade, and top draft pick haul from this offseason. The Skins spent millions of dollars and mortgaged the future for absolutely no production. Even the best on the list, ARE, is a role-player at best.

The only bad moves seem to be Arch and Duckett. Anything judging the passing game right now would be suspect. Hell, Moss isn't having the year we are expecting.

Carter has been getting better every game, and he is putting pressure on the QB.

As for McIntosh, kinda harsh to judge a rookie on one year, isn't it?


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The only bad moves seem to be Arch and Duckett. Anything judging the passing game right now would be suspect. Hell, Moss isn't having the year we are expecting.

Lloyd has continuously dropped the ball in crucial moments. Not only that, his attitude and behavior have been a negative for the team. When is the last time Coach had two successive days of meetings with a player to discuss his attitude? Seems like money not well spent.

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OK, so all of you guys that think it was a bad move....

WHO WOULD YOU OF PICKED UP? OR WHAT WOULD YOU HAVE DONE DIFFERENTLY? Since you are all professional general managers here :rolleyes:

Its over your beating a dead horse

Portis was only going to miss a game or two at most. You play w/ Betts and Rock. If somebody like Duckett gets cut, which he probably would have been, you bring him in.

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Carter has been getting better every game, and he is putting pressure on the QB.

Please, Carter had one good game and as I explained in the Andre Carter thread the othe day it wasn't even that good. The only time he got close to Garcia yesterday was when they blitzed. Good DE's get pressure w/o blitzing.

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Portis was only going to miss a game or two at most. You play w/ Betts and Rock. If somebody like Duckett gets cut, which he probably would have been, you bring him in.

Actually, it looks pretty obvious that Portis was never really going to be healthy this year. While I think they overreacted to it, I think the concern was real.

BTW, we most likely will be just giving up a 3rd for Duckett, considering our record.


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Well, we have great depth now at the RB position. So, we don't need to go look for one in the offseason. TJ isn't hurting the football team. The defense, turnovers, and penalties are hurting the team right now.

Woo-hoo. We have even more depth at the one deep position on the roster.

Unfortunately, we don't have a third round pick.

We traded a third rounder for 25 carries.

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