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Everybody please SLOOOOOOOOOOOW down.


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It's December 7, 2006.......let's all just slow it down a bit.

Joe Gibbs has said he's going to return next season...so there's no reason to begin speculation on who would be a better fit as coach. Besides, there really isn't anyone that comes to mind. LET HIM FIX THIS.

Suisham is NOT yet our franchise kicker...at least not until he's made at minimum ONE field goal.

Jason Campbell, while a promising, young prospect, is NOT yet our franchise quarterback. Let's give him a chance to learn and grow on the job...then we'll see what we've got. At the same time, I'm just not ready to be signing Brady Quinn. Who's to say he'll be the guy, anyway?

The Cowboys have NOT won the Super Bowl just yet....at least not that I've heard.

Our defense has certainly had a down year (to say the least), but let's NOT prematurely run out of town the ONE guy on this club that we've all had the most faith in over the last three years....give Gregg Williams the benefit of the doubt.

Let's try and keep continuity of the team. Half the threads on this site at one point or another point the finger at the inability of this team to hold onto its own, it's propensity for free-agents, it's revolving door policy on players, coaches and schemes. So, for goodness sake, let's not all call for immediate and irreversable action. I'm tired of hearing people call for the heads of all involved in one sentence, and then in the next condemn the team for policies that do just that. Let it lie...let the current administration put it back in order.

But, most of all, can we all just look forward...towards the future? We all tend to look at the past through rose-tinted glasses. I don't know about you, but I seem to remember HATING the Marty Schottenheimer year.....and no matter how much seeming improvement there may have been at times, the Norv Turner years were nothing but disappointement after disappointement at only the most critical times.

The future may not be now, but it's out there somewhere...and it's gonna come to us in it's own, due time.

Enjoy each game and each week as they come...look for the good, note the bad.....and please, let's temper the knee-jerk, bandwagon attitudes. Let's show ourselves for the loyal and intellegent fans that we are. Trade Portis? Fire Gibbs? C'mon.

No matter how these games turn out in the end, they're bound to still be a fun ride.

Here's hoping, anyway.


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Hear hear.

I couldn't agree more.

I haven't posted in quite awhile because of the negativity all over the board. A long term aproach is what this organization needs.

So far Gibbs II is 1 of 3 in seasons making the playoffs... how many times did we go in the 12 years he was gone? Give him time, he will fix it.

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Its difficult to NOT be negative at this point but you make some great points.

But another year like this will be hard on the old pride. Not that there's any other team I'd root for.

I try to look at it as every team has about a 3% chance to win the Super Bowl each year (I know that not all teams are equal so this percentage may vary but close enough). So there is about a 97% chance that you will NOT do it.

And what - less than a THIRD of the teams make the playoffs? It ain't easy to be good in this league.

Just sucks to see Dallas doing so well - if they were in the basement with us, the sting would not be as fierce. Just my .02 - I suffer as badly as the rest of you.

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sometimes i just feel like this organization is cursed. players, coaches, whoever.....the second they leave this organization, they find some sort of success.

Ir starts from the top and trickles down. Dan Snyder spends all the money he can but it is all on superstar names and never on the draft. What has this team done since he has been the owner?

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I still remember the Jim Fassell/Ray Rhodes for head coach debate this site was having prior to Gibbs' return. For a long time there, it seemed like Rhodes was the frontrunner as well. I'd hate to think where we'd be with either of those two having been named coach back then. My guess is that we'd be on our second new coach since the departure of Spurrier come next season.

Gibbs provides stability and a sense of professionalism in my personal opinion. We need to stay the course and be thankful he's here. The fans who seem to believe that the sky is falling will eventually see the light once again.

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Ir starts from the top and trickles down. Dan Snyder spends all the money he can but it is all on superstar names and never on the draft. What has this team done since he has been the owner?

:doh: , yes, Daniel Synder picks the players and gives them to our coaches...They are Synder's puppet....This hate for danny is astounding...

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I believe we have an awsome core team but the Gibbs II staff needs to be revaluated . They need to establish a new chain of command if we expect to win with these players. I'm personally not a Greg Williams fan and that's based on just local media coverage of this seasons defensive turmoils. I think there may be some sort of dissention to cause a breakdown this season.

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It's December 7, 2006.......let's all just slow it down a bit.

Joe Gibbs has said he's going to return next season...so there's no reason to begin speculation on who would be a better fit as coach. Besides, there really isn't anyone that comes to mind. LET HIM FIX THIS.

Suisham is NOT yet our franchise kicker...at least not until he's made at minimum ONE field goal.

Jason Campbell, while a promising, young prospect, is NOT yet our franchise quarterback. Let's give him a chance to learn and grow on the job...then we'll see what we've got. At the same time, I'm just not ready to be signing Brady Quinn. Who's to say he'll be the guy, anyway?

The Cowboys have NOT won the Super Bowl just yet....at least not that I've heard.

Our defense has certainly had a down year (to say the least), but let's NOT prematurely run out of town the ONE guy on this club that we've all had the most faith in over the last three years....give Gregg Williams the benefit of the doubt.

Let's try and keep continuity of the team. Half the threads on this site at one point or another point the finger at the inability of this team to hold onto its own, it's propensity for free-agents, it's revolving door policy on players, coaches and schemes. So, for goodness sake, let's not all call for immediate and irreversable action. I'm tired of hearing people call for the heads of all involved in one sentence, and then in the next condemn the team for policies that do just that. Let it lie...let the current administration put it back in order.

But, most of all, can we all just look forward...towards the future? We all tend to look at the past through rose-tinted glasses. I don't know about you, but I seem to remember HATING the Marty Schottenheimer year.....and no matter how much seeming improvement there may have been at times, the Norv Turner years were nothing but disappointement after disappointement at only the most critical times.

The future may not be now, but it's out there somewhere...and it's gonna come to us in it's own, due time.

Enjoy each game and each week as they come...look for the good, note the bad.....and please, let's temper the knee-jerk, bandwagon attitudes. Let's show ourselves for the loyal and intellegent fans that we are. Trade Portis? Fire Gibbs? C'mon.

No matter how these games turn out in the end, they're bound to still be a fun ride.

Here's hoping, anyway.


very intelligent post:applause:

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Excellent post! :notworthy :notworthy

As for lots of pointing fingers, that's what some passionate fans do especially in a losing season. I don't, but it's expected really. Washington fans have always been fire-eaters. I'm glad. At least we still care!! A lot.

:laugh: :laugh: minimum of one field goal. PRICELESS

And, like fans from other teams have told me, and fans from our team, there are too many chiefs in the big office. Once Gibbs takes back more control, quite like Billick did in the playcalling, we will have a better team. :helmet:

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At least watch our team play a few games when they are totally healthy before deciding to make wholesale changes to the roster. They have yet to play a game at full capacity since the 5 game run last year.

Injuries not only lead to a dropoff in talent, but they lead to a dropoff in team chemistry.

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Im kind of new to ES and I certainly don't want to make enemies here since like all of you I bleed this team. I am sick right now. I am actually looking at myself and saying "You care too much about this football team." Like, I live outside of philly and i am sick this week. That being said, I don't understand the idea that a fan can't be upset with the organization? I wholeheartedly agree with a whole lot of this post particularly the idea that Gibbs should not go if he really doesn't want to leave. If he thinks he can fix it, then damn it 82, 87, and 91 has earned that from me and the rest of us skins fans. Turning on Joe Jackson Gibbs is just something I will never do. He has so much character that he would step down if he really believed he couldn't cut it or the game has "passed him by". He won't hold on and hurt his players, team, owner, fans, his own legacy etc etc etc out of ego. This man is character from the top of his head to the tip of his toes. Gibbs decides when Gibbs leaves as far as Im concerned. But. . .

I have read alot of the "negative" threads and those FANS are right. Philip Daniles is tied for lead in both sacks and interceptions!! Ladell betts is first in rush yardage and second in reception yardage on a team with Brandon Lloyd, Antwaan Randle El, Santana Moss and Chris Cooley! Our kicker was bagging groceries 3 weeks ago and kicking in his parents backyard. Our tackles have aged ten years this offseason. Our entire team is deconditioned (look at the hamstring problems!!), We have absolutely no identity. We don't smashmouth, downhill run on people consistently. Sometimes we are slip screen finesse team. Sometimes we run stretch runs, occassionally (yet very effectively) we run guts and powers. We throw down the field with absolutely no confidence that one of our people is going to catch it. We for the first half of the season were so undisciplined that we got penalized for more yards that we rushed. Our 33 million dollar safety is a special teams liability at this point. We traded away significant and desperately needed draft picks for Duckett, who doesn't play!!! The people we let go include Antonio Pierce, Champ Bailey, and Fred Smoot. Andre Carter is not being considered a MEGA bust only because Archuleta is on the same team!! Brandon Lloyd is doing worse than Taylor Jacobs only Jacobs kept his mouth shut and just played. Randle el has been useless as a reciever and is the prettiest three yard punt return in the business. He gets an obligatory and incredibly anticipated reverse every game that gets 3 yads setting up third and long. Oh, yea I almost forgot, our team is anonymously telling the media that the coaches have totally lost the team. I think you can love the Redskins. You can be a faithful fan who would never root for anyone ever but the Redskins against anyone in any situation and own all of their merchandise, spend money on their stuff, buy tickets to their games, drive to see them get beat up and absolutely love them!! . . . .and still say they are horrific right now and things must get addressed as quickly as possible. Gibbs doesn't have to go but there must be CHANGES. Coaches, players. I like chemistry as much as the next guy and I dont want to change what doesn't have to change but we have serious issues at:

1) both offensive tackles

2) Offensive Coordinator/headcoach sharing of responsibility

3) the entire Defensive line

4) two of the linebacker positions and address fact that Rocky can't find the field in a 4-8 year behind holdman and marshall

5) Does Greg Williams need professional therapy

6) how many different assistant head coaches of cornerbacks do we need? I mean we are making up titles and they don't even talk to each other

7) corners!!! Bad

8) One safety (nope, not vernon fox)

9) KICKER - for God's sake.

10) Quarterback - if only getting JC better - but this has to stabilize and the kid needs work.

11) Scouting department overhauled.

12) Conditioning program and off season/training camp revamped with some calisthenics maybe!! Maybe even putting on the pads a couple times to check out how they fit!!

I could go on forever I am so annoyed!! BUT I LOVE THEM. I support them. I won't ever stop watching, I won't ever stop making my children skins fans. I won't ever stop buying their stuff. I won't ever stop screaming at the games. I will do whatever 1 fan can do to help. I will. But part of that is voicing my displeasure to this organization because it is letting very intelligent, very passionate, very loyal fans down and they are angry and rightfully so. This is a real mess. This is beyond bad. This is illness throughout the organization. It is poisonous. This doesn't develop overnight folks. This is neglect. I can't believe I am saying that with Joe at the helm but this was neglect. These mistakes are just too big and too many. I hurt for the fans and I hurt with them. I understand their anger and bitter dissappointment. And I understand why they believe they deserve answers. And none of it has to do with them not being fans. They. . ahem . . . WE are fans. And we want change. :eaglesuck :helmet:

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Im kind of new to ES and I certainly don't want to make enemies here since like all of you I bleed this team. I am sick right now. I am actually looking at myself and saying "You care too much about this football team." Like, I live outside of philly and i am sick this week. That being said, I don't understand the idea that a fan can't be upset with the organization? I wholeheartedly agree with a whole lot of this post particularly the idea that Gibbs should not go if he really doesn't want to leave. If he thinks he can fix it, then damn it 82, 87, and 91 has earned that from me and the rest of us skins fans. Turning on Joe Jackson Gibbs is just something I will never do. He has so much character that he would step down if he really believed he couldn't cut it or the game has "passed him by". He won't hold on and hurt his players, team, owner, fans, his own legacy etc etc etc out of ego. This man is character from the top of his head to the tip of his toes. Gibbs decides when Gibbs leaves as far as Im concerned. But. . .

I have read alot of the "negative" threads and those FANS are right. Philip Daniles is tied for lead in both sacks and interceptions!! Ladell betts is first in rush yardage and second in reception yardage on a team with Brandon Lloyd, Antwaan Randle El, Santana Moss and Chris Cooley! Our kicker was bagging groceries 3 weeks ago and kicking in his parents backyard. Our tackles have aged ten years this offseason. Our entire team is deconditioned (look at the hamstring problems!!), We have absolutely no identity. We don't smashmouth, downhill run on people consistently. Sometimes we are slip screen finesse team. Sometimes we run stretch runs, occassionally (yet very effectively) we run guts and powers. We throw down the field with absolutely no confidence that one of our people is going to catch it. We for the first half of the season were so undisciplined that we got penalized for more yards that we rushed. Our 33 million dollar safety is a special teams liability at this point. We traded away significant and desperately needed draft picks for Duckett, who doesn't play!!! The people we let go include Antonio Pierce, Champ Bailey, and Fred Smoot. Andre Carter is not being considered a MEGA bust only because Archuleta is on the same team!! Brandon Lloyd is doing worse than Taylor Jacobs only Jacobs kept his mouth shut and just played. Randle el has been useless as a reciever and is the prettiest three yard punt return in the business. He gets an obligatory and incredibly anticipated reverse every game that gets 3 yads setting up third and long. Oh, yea I almost forgot, our team is anonymously telling the media that the coaches have totally lost the team. I think you can love the Redskins. You can be a faithful fan who would never root for anyone ever but the Redskins against anyone in any situation and own all of their merchandise, spend money on their stuff, buy tickets to their games, drive to see them get beat up and absolutely love them!! . . . .and still say they are horrific right now and things must get addressed as quickly as possible. Gibbs doesn't have to go but there must be CHANGES. Coaches, players. I like chemistry as much as the next guy and I dont want to change what doesn't have to change but we have serious issues at:

1) both offensive tackles

2) Offensive Coordinator/headcoach sharing of responsibility

3) the entire Defensive line

4) two of the linebacker positions and address fact that Rocky can't find the field in a 4-8 year behind holdman and marshall

5) Does Greg Williams need professional therapy

6) how many different assistant head coaches of cornerbacks do we need? I mean we are making up titles and they don't even talk to each other

7) corners!!! Bad

8) One safety (nope, not vernon fox)

9) KICKER - for God's sake.

10) Quarterback - if only getting JC better - but this has to stabilize and the kid needs work.

11) Scouting department overhauled.

12) Conditioning program and off season/training camp revamped with some calisthenics maybe!! Maybe even putting on the pads a couple times to check out how they fit!!

I could go on forever I am so annoyed!! BUT I LOVE THEM. I support them. I won't ever stop watching, I won't ever stop making my children skins fans. I won't ever stop buying their stuff. I won't ever stop screaming at the games. I will do whatever 1 fan can do to help. I will. But part of that is voicing my displeasure to this organization because it is letting very intelligent, very passionate, very loyal fans down and they are angry and rightfully so. This is a real mess. This is beyond bad. This is illness throughout the organization. It is poisonous. This doesn't develop overnight folks. This is neglect. I can't believe I am saying that with Joe at the helm but this was neglect. These mistakes are just too big and too many. I hurt for the fans and I hurt with them. I understand their anger and bitter dissappointment. And I understand why they believe they deserve answers. And none of it has to do with them not being fans. They. . ahem . . . WE are fans. And we want change. :eaglesuck :helmet:

WOW...you should post yours on every post that is not promoting change!!!! NOT Gibbs but I DO think that he needs to be more invloved. We, at least, made the playoffs when he was involved in the offense.....GREAT POST!!!

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