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AA to STOP VICK?????

rdskns n 05

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I was checking out Redskins.com at the bottom where we all vote this week topic who can spy on Vick.......I was thinking about who would be better than AA that is one of his strengths right????? That and he has got to earn a little bit of his pay check.... What do you guys thinks? Anybody see the Nick Novak interview??? Dude looks like he is going to cry....

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What about getting those heckler fans to run around and start talking shiznit to Vick? He'd draw so many unsportsmanlike conduct penalties, we'd win by default.

I actually relocated to Atlanta this year...He is catching alot of **** over that move down here....I really hope GW keeps his guys focused... I getting so damn tired of seeing D play great for one game and then play like **** for the next three. :2cents:

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Guest ComebackKing

AA would have problems stopping me.

He even blows punt coverage.

I try to fool myself into thinking he will snap out his funk but so far 3 months down the drain and he's almost worse if that's possible.

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I say we put Rocky McIntosh on him.

This is what I was thinking but for the poll on the main page I went with Andre Carter since Rocky wasn't an option. Rocky has the atleticism to go sideline to sideline and should be able to at least slow Vick down if he takes the right angles. This should be a simple (as far as mental aspect) assignment and a good way to get Rocky some playing time.

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I actually relocated to Atlanta this year...He is catching alot of **** over that move down here....I really hope GW keeps his guys focused... I getting so damn tired of seeing D play great for one game and then play like **** for the next three. :2cents:

Whattaya mean? When did our d have another good game this year? I could have sworn Ive seen every game but I dont remember our d playing well other than vs. Carolina! Are you sure youre thinking of this year?

Archy would actually do well spying Vick but only if we played him in a nickle package. Id rather him replace a linebacker than a corner or safety and he's got the speed to spy Vick also.

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Do what the Saints did, they allowed him to run for 150+ yards and they only scored 13 points to their 31. I say put Taylor 30-40 yards deep let Vick get into the 20 yards in one scamper position ,start ST, and it would be a Train hitting a large SUV, thus , bye bye vick hello Matt Schaub, though Schaub is good.

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