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observations on redskins postgame show

Brandon Lloyd Christmas

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I noticed that Czaban was gone as well probably because of his comments. Did you also notice that they are not asking players or coaches any questions either when that girl, i forgot her name interviews them. On XXX morning show they hit on the topic of Gibbs press conference. They were saying along the lines of Gibbs would just love to come out and say that see this isnt Brunells fault and most people thought it was. As much as this is true it is also wise to point at that if we are going to still lose and are defense sucks might as well get Campbell experience and maybe he will get better and better this year and put up some more points.

That's inane. Campbell's performance yesterday was better then any of Brunell's performances this season. For one thing, Campbell did not have Portis or Moss. Try putting Brunell in without Portis or Moss. Ugh, I couldn't even watch that.

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It's just weird how Gibbs is acting all fruity about things now, because the only thing that has chnaged has been Jason Campbell. THis team has been playing like this (inconsistently) for the entire season, why is he just now getting upset?

Really makes no sense to me other then maybe he's crabby about Jason being in there.


Excellent observation. It's true that the only thing that has changed is JC for MB so why wait so long to complain about the defensive woes?

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I didn't see/hear Gibbs' press conference, but you're about the 20th person that have made that observation so there must be some truth to it and if he's that stuck on Brunell, I've lost all respect for him.

220 people could say it, and it still wouldn't make it so.

The man obviously had other things on his mind than quarterback. I agree with a few others that inside he was seething mad at the play calling, and is struggling internally on how to go about fixing it considering he signed off on the whole saunders play-calling plan. He seemed angry at himself for letting it get to this point.

I would not be suprised if some major shake-ups occur this week.

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An Extremeskins member who apparently works with Comcast posted that Comcast gave Czaban a one-week suspension from the show after his questioning of Brunell last week.

Also, he said the Redskins dictated that this week, the cast of Comcast's Post Game Live show would NOT be allowed to ask questions from the studio, apparently more fallout from the Czaban interview.

Regarding Gibbs' presser comments on Campbell, he seemed to offer only faint praise at first, but warmed some as follow-up questions were asked.

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When a player is playing well, you critique him. When he's playing poorly, you focus on the positives. This is no big coaching secret. Those of you who expect Gibbs to come out and throw praises on Campbell are clueless. He has to be pissed at the D, and Williams in particular. Eveyone is moaning at the loss of the Defensive players, and their replacements, but you can bet Gibbs deferred to his Defensive genius in these decisions.

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first of all, czaban wasnt on and i can only assume he got pulled this week because he grilled boonell after the last game, so they brought in some dork from the post who added nothing. czaban makes that show fun to watch, b mitch feeds off of him like crazy and without him, b mitch is insanely boring. anyways.

gibbs postgame conference was the strangest thing ive ever seen. does it seem to anyone else like gibbs is upset that campbell is playing? we now have a kid with a rocket arm who can put the ball anywhere, whos mobile, spreads the ball around (7 different receivers), and has great vision, not to mention presence in the pocket and the ability to take a hit, and gibbs sounded like he wasnt that impressed with the kids performance. am i losing my mind? we watch brunell stumble around for 9 games, gibbs wont say a single negative (or even constructive comment) about brunells playing, then we have a young kid come in and have a great game and gibbs looked disappointed. so ridiculous i cant even believe it.

on a side note, our defense is beyond bad (not like you didnt already know) but im just shocked that we could be this bad. nothing we can do at this point.

Gibbs is unhappy after a loss, so people say or infer "he misses Brunell," but if he was happy and smiling because of Campbell, people would say, "how can he be like that after a loss." Stop trying to read between the lines when it's not needed. He praised Campbell's play, but they lost. The name of the game as a coach is to win. He's unhappy that they lost.

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Gibbs is unhappy after a loss, he misses Brunell, but if he was happy and smiling because of Campbell, people would say, "how can he be like that after a loss." Stop trying to read between the lines when it's not needed. He praised Campbell's play, but they lost. The name of the game as a coach is to win. He's unhappy that they lost.

you said he misses brunell. that might be the gayest thing ive ever heard.

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An Extremeskins member who apparently works with Comcast posted that Comcast gave Czaban a one-week suspension from the show after his questioning of Brunell last week.

Also, he said the Redskins dictated that this week, the cast of Comcast's Post Game Live show would NOT be allowed to ask questions from the studio, apparently more fallout from the Czaban interview.

Regarding Gibbs' presser comments on Campbell, he seemed to offer only faint praise at first, but warmed some as follow-up questions were asked.

Should I really be suprised that the Taliban over at Redskin park is so upset at the questioning last week that they directed no more questions from the Comcast studio? It's so ridiculous!!!! Look, whatever you think of the questions, this kind of policy makes Gibbs and Snyder look like a bunch of petty, whiny schoolboys. Maybe they should take their anger out on each other instead of the media, maybe they need to look in the mirror once in a while.

I've basically lost all respect for "the second coming" of Gibbs at this point.

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I bet he is pissed and Al Saunders is pissed. No wonder they are confused of why the offense looks so good in practice and can't execute on Sundays. They practice against the defense. The offense is probably undefeated in practice this whole year going up against their defense.

I don't believe he is upset about JC's play, I bet is 100% due to the fact this defense has no heart and gives up, they are getting good at celebrating when they make great tackles 5 yards from the line of scrimmage.

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Do you guys obviously think the offensive play calling was that bad? I thought it was fine, they wanted to get Campbell involved early with the passing game so later on in the game you wouldn't be nervous about taking shots with him in case we were trailing.

Also, when you are trailing in the game you're obviously going to be calling more passing plays rather than running plays. When your defense doesn't allow you to have time to win the TOP on the offensive side of the ball you basically have to score at a faster pace in case you get another chance at getting the ball back on offense with a little bit of time left on the clock.

I'm not blaming it on the playcalling with the offense... I'm blaming it on lack of execution from an individual standpoint. The O-line constantly gets worked over (Jansen, Samuels) are the most over hyped bookened tackles in the game right now.

Balls hitting people in the hands and dropping them, Campbell missing some receivers with errant throws. The lack of execution is what's killing us on the that side of the ball.

Campbell looked great, just like I told my buddy the other day Campbell hasn't done anything yet and he looks better than anyone we've had since Joey T. He only had a couple errant throws, he had great pocket presence, and looked like he ran the offensive very well, atleast from my view point.

Defense, well i don't need to beat a dead horse.

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Gibbs was pleased with JC's preformance why wouldnt he be so dont read into that. He is starting to get angry with the Defense at this point.

Absolutely! Not to mention a little ticked on our running game. That's why he emphasized that if we can't run the ball, and stop the other teams running, we won't win ball games.

He brought back the term "We gotta play REDSKINS FOOTBALL." :D

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The O-line constantly gets worked over (Jansen, Samuels) are the most over hyped bookened tackles in the game right now.


Beyond maybe a 20 mile radius of Washington, trust me, there isn't a single player on this team that is hyped in any way shape or form.

We are a laughing stock.

I was listening to the ESPN scoreboard this morning on XM radio, and I didn't miss it...they didn't even give the Tampa-Washington SCORE!

That's how irrelevant we are right now.

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Gibbs seemed pleased to me with Campbell, he was really just upset that a young guy can come in and play well and the defense couldn't come up with some help.

I know he was really mad at the big play we gave up to Galloway, and the fumble from Betts.

This has been a frustrating year for Gibbs...

there's NO way he pulled Brunell to prove the point that it was not Brunell's fault.

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first of all, czaban wasnt on and i can only assume he got pulled this week because he grilled boonell after the last game, so they brought in some dork from the post who added nothing. czaban makes that show fun to watch, b mitch feeds off of him like crazy and without him, b mitch is insanely boring. anyways.

gibbs postgame conference was the strangest thing ive ever seen. does it seem to anyone else like gibbs is upset that campbell is playing? we now have a kid with a rocket arm who can put the ball anywhere, whos mobile, spreads the ball around (7 different receivers), and has great vision, not to mention presence in the pocket and the ability to take a hit, and gibbs sounded like he wasnt that impressed with the kids performance. am i losing my mind? we watch brunell stumble around for 9 games, gibbs wont say a single negative (or even constructive comment) about brunells playing, then we have a young kid come in and have a great game and gibbs looked disappointed. so ridiculous i cant even believe it.

on a side note, our defense is beyond bad (not like you didnt already know) but im just shocked that we could be this bad. nothing we can do at this point.

If Gibbs is pissed for some reason it will most likely be because he was forced into making the QB change. I mean the entire Redskins nation was waiting, and he knew he were growing tired of waiting, and plus what was said to Brunnel by Czaban was very influentical on Gibbs.


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