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Stats are Useless & Losing on Sunday might be a good thing


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yes i said it.. people here are became fascinated with stats, largely in due to fantasy football.. im sure alot of guys dont take hines ward in the top of their fantasy draft despite being one of the best blocking wr as well as keyshawn..

but getting to the main point, hey guys lets not bring up any stats from Gibbs I tenure.. i think they are meaningless because it seems to be evident that we dont have the offensive guru running the sidelines any more...

i decided not to make 2 threads so i merge them togther to make 1 topic.. also, do you guys think its best for the organization to lose against dallas. at 2-6 these coaches would really have to figure out somethign different and become more innovative in their teachings and methods.. Could Joe gibbs learn a lesson in bringing in someone to handle GM duties if we dont do well this season? Would a 8-1 or 7-2 strectch with brunell further delay the progress of Campbell.. i dont think we have a smiliar situation like san diego did with brees and rivers.. This team would need a reevaluation from top to bottom if we lose and that might be a good thing

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let me lay your fears to rest. the Redskins are not going to win their last 9 games. they aren't going to go 8-1. not the way this team entered the season.

with the schedule as it is the Redskins best hope for being a presence in the NFC in 2006 was to get off to a fast start and make short work of the Vikings, Titans, Cowboys, etc.

losses at the Meadowlands and Indy would still have had this team tied for first place at 5-2.

I can't put my finger on it, but by the third preseason game I could sense a tentativeness in the Redskins about entering the season.

The players no longer seemed to WANT to get this thing going. There were the injuries to Portis and Springs and everyone on the club from the coaches to the players seemed to be walking on egg shells as if some impending doom was right around the corner.

This was in start contrast to 2005 where the rallying cry entering the Bears opener was to make up for the poor 2004 season and prove the critics wrong.

There is no chip on the shoulder this year. Instead other teams seem to have it when they play us.

Minnesota seemed to get up to play us. So did the Cowboys and Titans.

If Dungy wasn't a good guy, the score of the Colts/Redskins game could have been a lot worse. Let's face it, he called off the dogs long before the Redskins were going to be able to stop Reggie Wayne or Dallas Clark.

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If we win this game, and Brunell stays in for another month, and we continue to wallow, it's just a waste of time because Campbell needs to get in ASAP. Every snap Brunell plays is less experience for Campbell next year. Brunell is not a great QB, he's not a leader, and he holds this offense back. There is no way in hell that that man ever leads any team to the promise land. I'm not rooting for the skins to lose, and I'll probably be very happy if we win, but changes need to be made. No matter what happens this team needs a GM.

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if gibbs cant make correct personnel decisions and al saunders is the offensive coordinator, what is there for gibbs to do. he mention before the season he would have more time to evaluate the defense and the special teams.. Yet, we have the weakest punter and kicker in the nfl

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It really does look like last year was a fluke. All of the mistakes made are coming out in the open now. What we thought we were getting in gibbs and co. turned out to be no better than what ,dare i say, norv gave us.

Everyone thinks its a crime to criticize Gibbs, but he is not a GM. He is a coach. Thats it, thats what he has always been. Its like anything in life, you can be good at one thing and not in another. Well, he is NOT a good talent evaluator. Boonell was hand picked by him. Anyone think a GM would have advised him to do that?

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It really does look like last year was a fluke. All of the mistakes made are coming out in the open now. What we thought we were getting in gibbs and co. turned out to be no better than what ,dare i say, norv gave us.

Everyone thinks its a crime to criticize Gibbs, but he is not a GM. He is a coach. Thats it, thats what he has always been. Its like anything in life, you can be good at one thing and not in another. Well, he is NOT a good talent evaluator. Boonell was hand picked by him. Anyone think a GM would have advised him to do that?

I dont think last year was a fluke,are D was playing stellar all year!With injuries at many positions , I think we would have a better record right now.

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note that while Mike Holmgren was both GM and HC in Seattle the Seahawks were respectable but not a very good team. with Holmgren back as HC only and a new GM on board by order of the owner in 2004, now the Seahawks are Super Bowl contenders.

I don't think in today's NFL with free agency and the draft taking up so much time that one person can do both jobs.

And certainly not with Vinny Cerrato around as the 'sounding board' for advice and as the guy making the picks for the scouting department.

This apple to some degree is tainted from above and Gibbs just doesn't see it.

You can't tell me it was Gibbs' decision when he glanced at the list of free agents to chase down Adam Archuleta, a safety.

Someone else proposed Archuleta and Gibbs was convinced by others of the choice.

A veteran GM who knows how to play the cap would NEVER invest that much money in the two safeties.

Safety is a position most clubs fill with middle round draft picks and second tier free agent vets.

Once the club had Sean Taylor aboard and are set to pay him for 7 years, it became to find a reasonably priced fix at strong safety.

And we had that player on our team already in Ryan Clark.

Was Clark the perfect choice? No, he is only 182 pounds. Small for a safety.

But he played well WITH Taylor and was the quarterback in the secondary, getting Taylor and others lined up to play.

And he was good in coverage down the middle of the field, a clear liability of this defense in 2006.

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If we win this game, and Brunell stays in for another month, and we continue to wallow, it's just a waste of time because Campbell needs to get in ASAP. Every snap Brunell plays is less experience for Campbell next year. Brunell is not a great QB, he's not a leader, and he holds this offense back. There is no way in hell that that man ever leads any team to the promise land. I'm not rooting for the skins to lose, and I'll probably be very happy if we win, but changes need to be made. No matter what happens this team needs a GM.

Absolutly, 100% agree

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thats what im trying to prove, this team doesnt have the caliber to go even .500 down the strecth.
if gibbs cant make correct personnel decisions and al saunders is the offensive coordinator, what is there for gibbs to do. he mention before the season he would have more time to evaluate the defense and the special teams.. Yet, we have the weakest punter and kicker in the nfl
is gibbs doing whatever he wants because he has the ultimate job security and no 1 is looking and advising him on anything

Thanks for creating another worthless thread.

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i decided not to make 2 threads so i merge them togther to make 1 topic.. also, do you guys think its best for the organization to lose against dallas. at 2-6 these coaches would really have to figure out somethign different and become more innovative in their teachings and methods.. Could Joe gibbs learn a lesson in bringing in someone to handle GM duties if we dont do well this season? Would a 8-1 or 7-2 strectch with brunell further delay the progress of Campbell.. i dont think we have a smiliar situation like san diego did with brees and rivers.. This team would need a reevaluation from top to bottom if we lose and that might be a good thing

If they haven't changed at 2-5, they aren't going to change at 2-6. For what ever reason, they still believe they have the best plans in place for this team. Hypothetically, if we go 8-1, then Campbell can keep waiting. We would most likely have won the division and be on one hell of a roll with a chance to win the whole damn thing. All of that comes well ahead of getting Campbell snaps.

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:doh: These threads are the reason we lose. Remember that thread where some guys were saying they were huge fans of the Titan's QB when he was in college and wouldn't mind seeing him beat us?

:hammer: :hammer: :hammer: :hammer: :whippin: :whippin:

So much blasphemy these days...

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I'm going into this game without much worry.

To me, it's a win/win situation.

I'm rooting for a huge Skins win. Despite recognizing the long term benefit that a loss should bring about, I just can't go into a game (especially against Dallas) rooting for a Skins loss.

However, if we do lose, I will at least be comforted by the fact that the end of the Mark Brunell Error will finally be at hand.

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I'm sure practicly ever Skins fan in the universe wants us to beat the Pukes. I don't want us to loose no matter what it means.

They will change QBs when Gibbs and Saunders say so. Face it it's beyond our control.

Let's see how Romo sits to pee plays this Sunday before we call Cam the next Romo sits to pee.

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yes i said it.. people here are became fascinated with stats, largely in due to fantasy football.. im sure alot of guys dont take hines ward in the top of their fantasy draft despite being one of the best blocking wr as well as keyshawn..

but getting to the main point, hey guys lets not bring up any stats from Gibbs I tenure.. i think they are meaningless because it seems to be evident that we dont have the offensive guru running the sidelines any more...

i decided not to make 2 threads so i merge them togther to make 1 topic.. also, do you guys think its best for the organization to lose against dallas. at 2-6 these coaches would really have to figure out somethign different and become more innovative in their teachings and methods.. Could Joe gibbs learn a lesson in bringing in someone to handle GM duties if we dont do well this season? Would a 8-1 or 7-2 strectch with brunell further delay the progress of Campbell.. i dont think we have a smiliar situation like san diego did with brees and rivers.. This team would need a reevaluation from top to bottom if we lose and that might be a good thing

First I never and mean never want to lose to the GIRLS secondly our main problem is with the defense this year not the offense.
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I'm going into this game without much worry.

To me, it's a win/win situation.

I'm rooting for a huge Skins win. Despite recognizing the long term benefit that a loss should bring about, I just can't go into a game (especially against Dallas) rooting for a Skins loss.

However, if we do lose, I will at least be comforted by the fact that the end of the Mark Brunell Error will finally be at hand.

I'm going with this guy. I want a huge skins win. I don't expect it at this point in time.

If we lose I will be comforted in the knowledge that the Brunell tenure will slowly becoming to an end...

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