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Theismann's decline


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Joe had taken us to consecutive Superbowls. He along with Riggins and the Hogs and Pettibone's D made this team from an alsoran to one of the best and perrienially most feared. The year after winning the Superbowl, Theismann and the Redskins anhilated the NFL record for yards and touchdowns. Then a few years later, Joe was having a terrible year. He had 5 picks on his birthday on a Monday nighter against Dallas. He couldn't throw long anymore... or wouldn't. He just started missing. A lot. Joe stood by him. Doggedly defended him. You could understand it. This man was his Superbowl QB that had lived through the battles and had great success together. Joe was terrible in his last year here. People were screaming for him to get benched. Joe never benched him. His season was ended horrifically by Lawrence Taylor.

Fast forward to today. Joe is showing the same stubborn loyalty to Mark that he did to Joe. One wonders why. Mark hasn't earned the loyalty that Joe did. They never climbed the heights together, never planted the flag on the mountaintop. They suffered together. They suffered mightily. Is Joe loyal for the sake of being loyal? Surely, he knows what we know.

Mark is not to blame for the Redskins failures, but he also isn't the answer. The answer is elsewhere. We need something more, but for some reason Joe is treating Mark like he did Theismann. He is extending him the benefit of the doubt he should to a Darrell or Art or Joe or Riggins or a veteran that he has slogged through years of torture and success with. Mark hasn't earned it. He's been a good soldier and has tried hard, but Mark's team is failing around him. They are not rallying around him. No one on this team merits the kind of faith Joe has given them. Joe has taken too many slings and arrows for these guys. and I see very few fighting for him as hard as he fights for them. He has taken a lot of slings and arrows for this team.

There came a time when Theismann was forced from the field. An untested QB came in and on the first play shocked us all with a 50 yard td bomb. We need a bomb to shake up this team. Theismann must go.

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Valid points. While suffering does create bonds of kinship, we should be looking to create that bond through success. I still think that Mark Brunell is a great guy and a very knowledgable QB, but he just can't physically get it done anymore. I don't care what his stats say, because they're inflated by "gimme" catches when we're well behind in the 4th quarter. All I know is that he's not making the right throws when we need them.

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No, but I see Theismann's decline being the same as Mark's. The difference being I could understand why Gibbs was so loyal to him, but that Mark hasn't proven himself as a Redskin and in my opinion doesn't merit the same loyalty he gave to Theismann. We need a change... even if it hurts in the short run. We got to break up the sense of complacency and entitlement around here.

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Theisman's decline? BS Title. It's another frucking MARK BRUNELL should be benched thread!!!

Actually, it's a Gibbs psychology thread. Personally, I think he's been playing okay since the Houston game... but the team isn't coalescing around him and it is not working. Sometimes change is needed for the sake of change. I think Gibbs loyalty to a lot of folks (most easily symbolized by Mark is the problem)

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No, but I see Theismann's decline being the same as Mark's. The difference being I could understand why Gibbs was so loyal to him, but that Mark hasn't proven himself as a Redskin and in my opinion doesn't merit the same loyalty he gave to Theismann. We need a change... even if it hurts in the short run. We got to break up the sense of complacency and entitlement around here.

I see what you're sayin....

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Statistically he has been playing ok but on field translation is a different story. Passing for 22 strait 5 yards or less passes does not mean you are being effective. Brunell can dink and dunk with the best of them but cannot hit anything more than 10 yards with any consistency.

Actually, it's a Gibbs psychology thread. Personally, I think he's been playing okay since the Houston game... but the team isn't coalescing around him and it is not working. Sometimes change is needed for the sake of change. I think Gibbs loyalty to a lot of folks (most easily symbolized by Mark is the problem)
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Joe had taken us to consecutive Superbowls. He along with Riggins and the Hogs and Pettibone's D made this team from an alsoran to one of the best and perrienially most feared. The year after winning the Superbowl, Theismann and the Redskins anhilated the NFL record for yards and touchdowns. Then a few years later, Joe was having a terrible year. He had 5 picks on his birthday on a Monday nighter against Dallas. He couldn't throw long anymore... or wouldn't. He just started missing. A lot. Joe stood by him. Doggedly defended him. You could understand it. This man was his Superbowl QB that had lived through the battles and had great success together. Joe was terrible in his last year here. People were screaming for him to get benched. Joe never benched him. His season was ended horrifically by Lawrence Taylor.

Fast forward to today. Joe is showing the same stubborn loyalty to Mark that he did to Joe. One wonders why. Mark hasn't earned the loyalty that Joe did. They never climbed the heights together, never planted the flag on the mountaintop. They suffered together. They suffered mightily. Is Joe loyal for the sake of being loyal? Surely, he knows what we know.

Mark is not to blame for the Redskins failures, but he also isn't the answer. The answer is elsewhere. We need something more, but for some reason Joe is treating Mark like he did Theismann. He is extending him the benefit of the doubt he should to a Darrell or Art or Joe or Riggins or a veteran that he has slogged through years of torture and success with. Mark hasn't earned it. He's been a good soldier and has tried hard, but Mark's team is failing around him. They are not rallying around him. No one on this team merits the kind of faith Joe has given them. Joe has taken too many slings and arrows for these guys. and I see very few fighting for him as hard as he fights for them. He has taken a lot of slings and arrows for this team.

There came a time when Theismann was forced from the field. An untested QB came in and on the first play shocked us all with a 50 yard td bomb. We need a bomb to shake up this team. Theismann must go.

:applause: Kudos to you, My "ES Brutha"!!! "Theismann-2 (Brunell)" simply MUST go!!!

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wonder what the interviews sounded like when Gibbs was defending Theisman to the media back then?can anybody search?

sorry....too lazy...

Joe is a realy quality guy that has won a Super Bowl for us...he super smart and plays his guts out! We are all in this together."

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Joe had taken us to consecutive Superbowls. He along with Riggins and the Hogs and Pettibone's D made this team from an alsoran to one of the best and perrienially most feared. The year after winning the Superbowl, Theismann and the Redskins anhilated the NFL record for yards and touchdowns. Then a few years later, Joe was having a terrible year. He had 5 picks on his birthday on a Monday nighter against Dallas. He couldn't throw long anymore... or wouldn't. He just started missing. A lot. Joe stood by him. Doggedly defended him. You could understand it. This man was his Superbowl QB that had lived through the battles and had great success together. Joe was terrible in his last year here. People were screaming for him to get benched. Joe never benched him. His season was ended horrifically by Lawrence Taylor.

Fast forward to today. Joe is showing the same stubborn loyalty to Mark that he did to Joe. One wonders why. Mark hasn't earned the loyalty that Joe did. They never climbed the heights together, never planted the flag on the mountaintop. They suffered together. They suffered mightily. Is Joe loyal for the sake of being loyal? Surely, he knows what we know.

Mark is not to blame for the Redskins failures, but he also isn't the answer. The answer is elsewhere. We need something more, but for some reason Joe is treating Mark like he did Theismann. He is extending him the benefit of the doubt he should to a Darrell or Art or Joe or Riggins or a veteran that he has slogged through years of torture and success with. Mark hasn't earned it. He's been a good soldier and has tried hard, but Mark's team is failing around him. They are not rallying around him. No one on this team merits the kind of faith Joe has given them. Joe has taken too many slings and arrows for these guys. and I see very few fighting for him as hard as he fights for them. He has taken a lot of slings and arrows for this team.

There came a time when Theismann was forced from the field. An untested QB came in and on the first play shocked us all with a 50 yard td bomb. We need a bomb to shake up this team. Theismann must go.

You are right on with everything you said. Great Post!

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I was wondering, and I tried to research it but couldn't find anything concrete, Who was theoldest QB to win a SB in the last 10 yrs. This may help us to see if JG is really chasing a dream. Maybe it was John Elway, but was that in the last 10 yrs? Figured one of you computer nerds could look it up with better success than me. I do know that the average age is like 30 point something

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I was wondering, and I tried to research it but couldn't find anything concrete, Who was theoldest QB to win a SB in the last 10 yrs. This may help us to see if JG is really chasing a dream. Maybe it was John Elway, but was that in the last 10 yrs? Figured one of you computer nerds could look it up with better success than me. I do know that the average age is like 30 point something

It was Elway. 38 years old when he beat the Falcons.

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The thing that ultimately separates Brunell from Theismann is the fire in the belly.

Mark Brunell is 36, but shows no fire. no guts. no nothing. going through the motions.

When Theismann was 36, maybe he was throwing INT's and maybe he lost a step and was starting to decline physically, he still had a fire in his belly to go out and compete and win.

Theismann had to quit football at age 36 in 1985-86. He was a starter for only 7 years. His body had not been beat up after 14 years in the league because he sat on the bench his first 7. To this day, I believe that had he not broken his leg, he would've still been playing in the 87-88 season and he may have been the QB to beat the Broncos in the SB. Who knows. He would've been close to 40

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Well, he also took some big hits as a punt returner. He really had a terrible start to that year. I don't know if he could have turned it around. I'm not sure if it was age, undisclosed injury... or we needed to get the Posse in here and other than Monk, the receivers were just not up to snuff.

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I want Campbell just as much as the next guy...BUT, could it POSSIBLY be that Gibbs doesn't want to bring him in while the season is still mathematically salvagable to where the expectation could be too high. Or the fact that the O-line has been less than impressive and he doesn't want to get the kid hurt. That being said, you can't play or coach scared at this level SO I don't know what I want at this point :doh:. I do think we need to see him play to be sure we're secure going into next year though.

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my question is how much of this is MB.. saunders is calling the plays right??? looks to me it is about 50/50... maybe we should try campbell now.. looks like the season is just about over... but joe needs to take over the play calling again... i never thought i would say that since i complaine about the way he would call runs when i thought we needed to pass... now we just dont run CP enough... saunders must go!!!! JMO..

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