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We were here first!! Hillarious live coverage....


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Ohhh dang, that was funny.

but busting out Candace? alrighty then....

Just a light hearted jab after reading her post in another thread referring to men as "poo poo",....then again I believe my actions here may re-enforce her assumption. I do sympathize about the knee though, ....tore my ACL a few months back...ugh.

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Don't you love it when tv stations try and be the first ones on the scene......something tells me this could be CandaceM23's house?...jk


Seriously ... do I know you? Have I ever spoken to you at all before on this board? No. So I don't exactly understand why you're feeling the need to take stupid jabs at me being that we've never ever spoken or communicated before.

And thanks for the sympathy about the knee, but I really don't want it or need it from someone's who's blatantly being a dick. :)

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Just a light hearted jab after reading her post in another thread referring to men as "poo poo",....then again I believe my actions here may re-enforce her assumption. I do sympathize about the knee though, ....tore my ACL a few months back...ugh.

hmmm I sense someone has a crush on Candace... :hump:

ahhh the hostility born from one-sided forbidden love... ;)

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Haha,.....no she's just entertaining to me,...all be it cute, but I find her posts entertaining for my own reasons. Esspecially the 100% full bore angry responses, its cute. Alas she may be a bit to hardcore and perhapse I over estimated her sense of humor.

CandaceM23 it was all in fun but I appologize sense your just getting pissed off....

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Haha,.....no she's just entertaining to me,...all be it cute, but I find her posts entertaining for my own reasons. Esspecially the 100% full bore angry responses, its cute. Alas she may be a bit to hardcore and perhapse I over estimated her sense of humor.

CandaceM23 it was all in fun but I appologize sense your just getting pissed off....

A hint...don't go making fun of women in such a way when they don't even know who you are. Kinda creepy.

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Haha,.....no she's just entertaining to me,...all be it cute, but I find her posts entertaining for my own reasons. Esspecially the 100% full bore angry responses, its cute. Alas she may be a bit to hardcore and perhapse I over estimated her sense of humor.

CandaceM23 it was all in fun but I appologize sense your just getting pissed off....

Trying to strike a nerve of mine with the word 'cute'? Sorry sweetheart, it's not gonna happen. I've already told you how I felt and don't understand why you feel the need to attempt to throw jabs at me.

It's a damn shame that ES doesn't have a spellcheck feature. It would come in handy for you and your posts.

Esspecially = Especially

Perhapse = Perhaps

Appologize = Apologize

Oh, and you should have used the word "since" instead of "sense."

sense  /sɛns/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[sens]


1. any of the faculties, as sight, hearing, smell, taste, or touch, by which humans and animals perceive stimuli originating from outside or inside the body.

2. these faculties collectively.

3. their operation or function; sensation.

4. a feeling or perception produced through the organs of touch, taste, etc., or resulting from a particular condition of some part of the body: to have a sense of cold.

5. a faculty or function of the mind analogous to sensation: the moral sense.

since  /sɪns/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[sins]


1. from then till now (often prec. by ever): He was elected in 1978 and has been president ever since.

2. between a particular past time and the present; subsequently: She at first refused, but has since consented.

3. ago; before now: long since.


4. continuously from or counting from: It has been warm since noon.

5. between a past time or event and the present: There have been many changes since the war.

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