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Parking Lot Nazi's- coming to a lot near you!


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Ok, yesterday morning, like clockwork, the SkinMobile was the first RV to get to the lot. We proceed to "our spot", when we were approached by one of DannyBoy's little nazi's. His exact words were "we are taking back our parking lot- you will park where we tell you to park and you will get no more room than you are allotted. These are OUR lots, and you will abide by our rules or your pass will be revoked. So, in their brilliance, they lined us up like little soldiers and put all the cars around us. We were given exactly 4 spaces to do with what we want. We have a slideout, so that took some room, and then because we had a light pole, we were given a tad more room for our awning, or it would not have gone down. We were told to setup in front of our RVs in the 2 feet x 12 feet space, but not to block anything because cars still had to park there.

And then,,, they dropped the bomb on us- This will be the new regime for all lots by the end of the season- implemented one lot at each game until all lots are fully directed. When you enter, the nazi's will be directing you to park in order, in one spot, no more. You will not be given a choice to park with friends- if you want to park with friends, you will need to all arrive together. Forget that grassy spot that you claimed as yours- those days will be a distant memory in a short time. And forget telling everyone you "meet behind the church" or "we are on the grass by sign #X". You will park where you are told...

By the way, we are not happy- with all the cars around us, none of us could get out until the RV in front of us left- it sucked. And, the one guy with a camper and truck- they made him disconnect his truck and trailer and park the truck elsewhere! I'm sure he'll be getting a notice of having to purchase an additional space for his truck now.

Sorry, I HATE DANNY!!!! He's a money hungry sniveling frank burns of an owner.


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Wow. That sucks!

But this goes back to what I have been saying all day in another thread: You let these people push you around and you'll always be abused. I hope you get loud enough, and get enough support, that you can make Danny realize how angry it's made the fans to have your parking abilities messed with. That screws up your whole pre-game.

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Oh- FYI... We pay $700 per year for our parking pass. I am sure next year it will be $1400 since we are taking up 4 spots... That's when that grassy knoll up above the stadium will become our new home...


The Dan owns that. It'll cost you 50 bucks a pop to stand there :laugh:

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Well it does piss me off when Im trying to park and I see some douch take up 3 spaces because they want to tailgate. Then you have to leave that lot bc the people who work there are such incompetant crack heads they dont know when the lots fill up so they let you in. Then there is a big cluster fck bc there are 30 cars with no spaces bc you need 3 parking spaces for your damn tv, grill, table, entertainment system and the damn crackheads are to busy feening for there next fix they dont even know whats going on. The whole fed ex parking situation is a joke and one of the reasons im not going back till we have a PROVEN WINNER. Not a one year playoff wonder. Im tired of wasting my time and hard earned money on this team.

BTW skinmoble im not calling you a douch. Im speaking in general.

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Don't get me wrong- I'm not a fairweather fan- I am have been a fan for life, and will always be a Skin fan. I drew the line at the $8 Guiness by not buying them- I don't buy anything from the Redskin stores, I buy from the Korean guys that sell decent jersey's cheap. I eat before I go into the game, so I don't spend money on food. But darn it- don't rain on my tailgate- it's all we have sometimes!

Next steps for Mr. Nazi Danny:

1. remove portalets from the parking lot to discourage eating in the parking lot

2. remove water fountains from the stadium to encourage everyone to buy $6 water

3. charge RVs $1400/year for parking to discourage having any fun in the parking lot- remember, it's THEIR lot and they can do ANYTHING they want! 4. No having fun in the parking lot- you want fun, you have to pony up $$$ for the Redskin tailgate inside the gate so you can purchase more beer from them at $10 a bottle...

Cheap $hit Dannyboy...


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Don't get me wrong- I'm not a fairweather fan- I am have been a fan for life, and will always be a Skin fan. I drew the line at the $8 Guiness by not buying them- I don't buy anything from the Redskin stores, I buy from the Korean guys that sell decent jersey's cheap. I eat before I go into the game, so I don't spend money on food. But darn it- don't rain on my tailgate- it's all we have sometimes!

Next steps for Mr. Nazi Danny:

1. remove portalets from the parking lot to discourage eating in the parking lot

2. remove water fountains from the stadium to encourage everyone to buy $6 water

3. charge RVs $1400/year for parking to discourage having any fun in the parking lot- remember, it's THEIR lot and they can do ANYTHING they want! 4. No having fun in the parking lot- you want fun, you have to pony up $$$ for the Redskin tailgate inside the gate so you can purchase more beer from them at $10 a bottle...

Cheap $hit Dannyboy...


Why the need for the RV? You can't have fun bringing a car? It seems you're outlook on the stadium parking is just a wee bit selfish, and I hope you don't expect too much sympathy here.

I'm going to buy a cruise liner and have it trucked in so I can take up 150 spaces and have a good time.

Nevermind the fact that a good number of season ticket holders can't even get a parking space because YOU insist on bringing an RV so that YOU can have YOUR fun. If you're taking up 4 spaces, you should have to pay $1400, that's what 4 cars would pay. And you have the nerve to call Danny cheap.

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Most cars have to pay $350 for ONE parking space, and you're complaining about getting 4 for $700 at a stadium that is short on parking?


We used to pay for one space- now we pay for 2.

No other NFL team charges more for RVs than they do for Cars. NONE!

No College team charges more for RVs than they do for Cars. NONE!

Yes, other people exist- why don't you carpool if you are so concerned? We take an average of 14 people in our RV, and about 10 others show up for the tailgate via metro and cabs. We take up less room than 24 people in 6 cars would take up- you do the math... Ohhhh, and by the way, we take 24 drunks off the road as well- we don't allow drinking and driving- we force all our guests to have rides at the other end or they come home with us to Stafford...


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We used to pay for one space- now we pay for 2.

No other NFL team charges more for RVs than they do for Cars. NONE!

No College team charges more for RVs than they do for Cars. NONE!

Yes, other people exist- why don't you carpool if you are so concerned? We take an average of 14 people in our RV, and about 10 others show up for the tailgate via metro and cabs. We take up less room than 24 people in 6 cars would take up- you do the math... Ohhhh, and by the way, we take 24 drunks off the road as well- we don't allow drinking and driving- we force all our guests to have rides at the other end or they come home with us to Stafford...


Nicely done.

There will be holy hell to pay if what you say transpires and we are told where to park during tailgating. I hope either you or the fine upstanding parking lot person was mistaken.

Should my mother be told where she is going to tailgate and with whom....I'd advise pulling up a chair and getting ready for the show b/c she and many others in our group will go Monkey Retarded on someone. Guaranteed.

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We used to pay for one space- now we pay for 2.

No other NFL team charges more for RVs than they do for Cars. NONE!

No College team charges more for RVs than they do for Cars. NONE!

Yes, other people exist- why don't you carpool if you are so concerned? We take an average of 14 people in our RV, and about 10 others show up for the tailgate via metro and cabs. We take up less room than 24 people in 6 cars would take up- you do the math... Ohhhh, and by the way, we take 24 drunks off the road as well- we don't allow drinking and driving- we force all our guests to have rides at the other end or they come home with us to Stafford...


Ummm...first of all I do carpool, but thank you for making the assumption that I don't.

Second, who cares what other NFL teams charge, or colleges for that matter. The fact of the matter is that Fed Ex field is short on parking spaces. Plus there is no way to prove, or police that you take that many people to the game. If you do, great, but the bottom line is that EVERYONE pays for the amount of spaces they take up, not the amount of people per car and most fans do carpool. How many spaces do you want for the price of 2?

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This thread shows some of the stuff that makes the new Redskins stadium such a ****ty place to watch a football game. RV's and tailgating have always been a part of football. People have shown up to football stadiums and taken up a great deal of space for their party for as long as I can remember. It really pisses me off that parking is now crazy expensive, being limited now by the Dan, all while the orange lots sit empty. That is really just a kick in the teeth to your average fan.

The Dan should stop pretending and take out all the seats kick out the fans and set up fine dining tables for his corporate buddies. Golf clapping only please, try not to make too be loud you may disturb a new age fan.

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What is so absurd is the fact that the orange lot boarding on the green lot is COMPLETELY EMPTY yet there is no room to park in the green lot unless u arrive by 10 AM. It doesnt concern me since I get there early but its so poorly constructed (hmmmm just like our team.....a coincidence or not) it makes me mad. Why dont they just clear out the whole lot and make it a landing strip for Danny's helicopter.

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Frankly, I'm sick of anyone who takes up more than one space for their tailgate. It says it plain as day on the back of the parking pass. This is intended for ONE SPACE.

You were given 4 spaces for the price of 2 and you were upset???

one space? you must drive a tiny car to both park and tailgate in one space. I guess it doesn't take much space to enjoy some wine and cheese though eh?

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Nicely done.

There will be holy hell to pay if what you say transpires and we are told where to park during tailgating. I hope either you or the fine upstanding parking lot person was mistaken.

Should my mother be told where she is going to tailgate and with whom....I'd advise pulling up a chair and getting ready for the show b/c she and many others in our group will go Monkey Retarded on someone. Guaranteed.

Um- the parking nazi almost got a fistfull from the 12th man and a few others in the RV lot this weekend. We plan on making sure that Washington Post gets the full story on the new "Nazi Parking Regime" that will be settling in for a overwhelming ars kicking by the patrons. I can't wait until they tell "the Reverend" that he and his 50 followers can't park together anymore after being together since the advent of the Redskins at RFK...


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