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ESPN- Whats wrong with the redskins


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Except the defensive woes started early. I mean, they moved the ball very well and easily got into scoring position on us. Of the 5 drives that they had in the first half, three went for scores, and one more would have if it wasn't for Andre Carter making a big play.

Then, when the offense made a big play to tie things up, the D couldn't make the big play to keep the momentum. There is no fire in this defense for some reason.


For the most part, I agree. Accept it was the offense that drained the momentum. After tying it up, our defense came up with a big stop. Once our offense got the ball back (pinned fairly deep). They put up a quick 3 and out and after crappy punt coverage Titans had the ball back at our 45. I even remember saying... OK guys, 5 minutes to go. What we need is a long clock draining drive and finish them off with a field goal as time expires. Instead it was the Titans running out the clock.

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They hit it right on the head.

I knew we were in trouble when the Titans marched down the field on their first possession, but settled for a FG because Vince Young over threw his intended receiver. There was absolutely NO emotion from the defense. They looked like they were in the twilight zone. They have NO passion... Even the bench warmers did not seem like they wanted to be on the field.

That's a shame... We should try wearing Burgundy jerseys at home. Most of the fans are dressed in Burgundy. Hopefully, this will make the players feel more at home. The white jersey "magic" has worn off.

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Mix together Allen and Salisbury's answer and you have it. Im not sure what Joey is talking about.

I agree. I'm a big Joey T fan, but I didn't have a clue what he was talking about. Our only problem is not having a tall receiver...makes no sense. I think an intern copied and pasted Joey T's notes on another team into our team report.

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There is no ONE thing wrong with the Redskins. There are MANY things wrong with the Redskins. As fans, we hope and pray it's just one guy that we need to replace (e.g., Brunell, Williams, Saunders, etc), but that's rarely the case.

On offense, the team suffers mostly from the growing pains of installing a new offense. On defense, the team suffers from personnel limitations. The ambitious scheme relies on getting a pass rush from the LBs and DBs, rather than the DLs. You better have some great pass-rushing LBs and DBs and some terrific coverage to pull that off. We don't.

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What's wrong with the Redskins:

1) Daniel Snyder owns the team and doesn't know how to be a owner, DANNY YOUR NOT JONES IN DALLAS!

2) Joe Gibbs can't relate to the new breed of athlete, and Gibbs just can't come to terms that he WILL NOT AND CANNOT WIN WITH A BROKEDOWN WHITE QB.

3) Joe Gibbs is too "nice" a man and won't stand up to Danny Boy Wonder and tell the owner to go suck wind and let me bring this franchise back!

4) Too many coaches, I think the coaches out number the players!

5) Daniel Snyder owns the team.

Shall I go on?

BTW, Joe Gibbs is failing this time around because he wasn't brought here to win, he was brought here to put more money in his pocket. Joe Gibbs is nothing but an expensive puppet on Danny's string!

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Joey T's comments don't make sense to me either. How many trips to the red zone have the Skins made in the last two weeks - four? Three for three yesterday. The red zone is not the issue, thus the tall receiver doesn't make sense.

Yes, the defense stinks. But, the most telling play in yesterday's game was a 3rd and 5 in the third qrtr I believe. A simple slant to Moss who is open for a first down and Brunell bounces it to him. This is the most simple, chain moving play in the NFL, and we can't execute.

The defense looks a lot better if the offense doesn't score 8 points in 11 possessions after the first two TD's. And most of those drives are three and outs.

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There's alot of things...

As a Cowboys fan, we're kind of in the same boat in terms of the QB. Not sure about Bledsoe, he is just so inconsistant. Brunell has been bad for a while. Though he played pretty well for you last year, his production dropped off in the latter part of the season and playoffs. He didn't seem to rejuvinate this off season, he just seems to have picked up where he left off.

As usual, you guys put out pretty big money on FA players that weren't that good. SF is the joke of the NFL, and they let Brandon Lloyd walk. That should tell you something about him. He is inconsistant, and he makes lots of dumb mistakes.

Randle-El is a gimmick player who made a name for himself throwing a TD pass in the super bowl. This guy is a joke.

Archuleta was good, 3 years ago. He's average, but with Sean Taylor, that should have been enough.

Andre Carter is a terrible pass rusher. I have friends who are die hard 49er fans, they didn't seem to miss him at all. He had 1 season for SF where he was good. Chronic underachiver, this guy wasn't going to solve your problems one bit.

Now going into next year, you really don't have a choice but to plug holes with more FAs, thanks to the fact that draft picks seem to be counterfeit currency with your front office.

Your team has failed to build through the draft, and now that the FA signings aren't working out (who knows, you guys could have a repeat of last year), this team seems screwed for a while.

If I wasn't a Cowboys fan, it would pain me. You guys have a crazy loyal fan base. I might not like you guys, but I respect the passion with which you guys support your team. It's evident when you see the turnout and noise at Fed Ex. It's just a shame your front office rewards your loyalty with one stupid decision after another.

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Allen and Salisbury are right on, but Joey T doesn't make any sense here.

Theismann: The Redskins don't seem to have a good mix of offensive personnel outside of Clinton Portis. They have a bunch of receivers who are the same type of player. They need a big, dominant player who can take over in the red zone because right now the short passes aren't getting the job done inside the 20. They have to get a guy who can go and attack the ball over a defender because teams are killing them in the red zone. They also need to get better production from Brunell. He does a great job at times, but there are times when his decisions are hurried and he makes poor throws for no reasons.[/color]
I think what Theismann's trying to say is, "This looks a lot like my Redskins offense with Portis instead of Riggo, and Brunell's making a lot of dumb decisions like I used to. But you know what got it working for me? Old Number 81: Art Monk. Yeah , that's what the Redskins need: they need Art Monk..."
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I don't think I can blame Brunell for giving up over 22 points a game. Yes, that's right, our defense is giving up exactly 22.5 points per game! That's ridiculous!

Yeah but you can blame Brunell for not putting up more than 22 points. The good quarterbacks can run and shoot with the best of them, but these are the Titans for heavens sakes. They should have been able to put up 40 points easy.

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Maybe we should trade for Warren Sapp, plug up the middle of the line.

You mean the Warren Sapp of 7 years ago, not today. We already have too many over the hill linemen (Daniels, Wynn, Sala'vea) who can't get to the QB anymore. We don't need another washed up lineman. I hate to say this, but Dallas built their defense the right way by drafting talent that has grown up in the same system and who are gelling and playing at a high level this year. Thats how you build a 'D'.

This is what we've done. Draft young players, let them grow until they show potential, then let them go or trade them for 'big name' players i.e.

1. Champ for Portis

2. Smoot

3. Pierce

4. Clark for Archuleta

Meanwhile we've never fully addressed our most glaring weakness the d-line. We've tried to patch the problem with free agents (Carter) and low round picks (Golston and Montgomery). But we never drafted any impact D lineman.

Maybe Carter and the rooks will pan out next year or the year after. But now it just looks bad for us.

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What's wrong with the Redskins:

1) Daniel Snyder owns the team and doesn't know how to be a owner, DANNY YOUR NOT JONES IN DALLAS!

2) Joe Gibbs can't relate to the new breed of athlete, and Gibbs just can't come to terms that he WILL NOT AND CANNOT WIN WITH A BROKEDOWN WHITE QB.

3) Joe Gibbs is too "nice" a man and won't stand up to Danny Boy Wonder and tell the owner to go suck wind and let me bring this franchise back!

4) Too many coaches, I think the coaches out number the players!

5) Daniel Snyder owns the team.

Shall I go on?

BTW, Joe Gibbs is failing this time around because he wasn't brought here to win, he was brought here to put more money in his pocket. Joe Gibbs is nothing but an expensive puppet on Danny's string!

Wow, I completely disagree with every one of your points.

1) Danny didn't know how to be an owner when he bought the team. He has learned. He spends the money where his football people tell him to spend it and he stays out of the way.

2) Human nature hasn't changed. Gibbs has done a phenomenal job of keeping the team together through adversary.

3) What moves had Snyder made that you think Gibbs was afraid to stop?

4) I've never heard of any in-fighting among coachs. Again, credit Gibbs.

5) So? He's an owner. He's made the franchise very profitable and he has hired very competant people to run football operations. If you really think Gibbs, Williams, or Saunders would stand for a meddling owner, you don't know this team very well.

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BTW, Joe Gibbs is failing this time around because he wasn't brought here to win, he was brought here to put more money in his pocket. Joe Gibbs is nothing but an expensive puppet on Danny's string!

Wow....I mean, just...:thud: That is an amazingly stupid remark. Actually, the whole post was pretty damn stupid.


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You mean the Warren Sapp of 7 years ago, not today. We already have too many over the hill linemen (Daniels, Wynn, Sala'vea) who can't get to the QB anymore. We don't need another washed up lineman. I hate to say this, but Dallas built their defense the right way by drafting talent that has grown up in the same system and who are gelling and playing at a high level this year. Thats how you build a 'D'.

This is what we've done. Draft young players, let them grow until they show potential, then let them go or trade them for 'big name' players i.e.

1. Champ for Portis

2. Smoot

3. Pierce

4. Clark for Archuleta

Meanwhile we've never fully addressed our most glaring weakness the d-line. We've tried to patch the problem with free agents (Carter) and low round picks (Golston and Montgomery). But we never drafted any impact D lineman.

Maybe Carter and the rooks will pan out next year or the year after. But now it just looks bad for us.

Champ for Portis has been a success for both Denver and Us, and Portis is 3 years younger than Champ. We tried to retain Pierce, but we botched it. Agree that AA for Clark doesn't look like a savvy move.

As far a DL, though, the "problem" of poor pass rushing DL is actually by design. Williams defense calls for DL to stop the run first. Players like KGB, Dwight Freeney, John Abraham, Simeon Rice, etc wouldn't belong in this scheme. There are only a handful of DEs in the NFL that are good against the run and pass (Strahan, Peppers) and teams are smart enough to lock up those players.

Our pass rush depends on the LBs, DBs, and good coverage. It worked in 2004. Our defense would have been an all-time great with Peppers or Strahan on it that year.

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Did any of you read Mark Schlereth's comments?

"Tennessee put it on them running the football and so did the Jaguars."

This is the reason I avoid ESPN commentators - and aside from Michael Irvin, Schlereth is the biggest bozo of the lot. Jacksonville most certainly did NOT run the football on us; in fact, we only permitted 33 yards of net rushing* during that game. Any credibility on the part of that man is compromised by his lack of fundamental knowledge of the statistics.

Plus, is there any need to go to the ESPN "experts" to see why the Redskins are losing? It's quite clear, people (and no, Brunell is not this year's #1 scapegoat). When your defense is 28th in pass coverage, and your run stoppers permit 178 yards from an aging RB - at home to an 0-5 team - no amount of offense will likely win that game. Say what you want about the Redskins offense, and yes, it certainly is inconsistent and ineffectively gaudy. But when you muster 22 points at home against an 0-5 team, you should WIN THE GAME.

This team isn't going anywhere until the defense improves. Period.

* Source = http://www.nfl.com/gamecenter/teamstats/NFL_20061001_JAC@WAS

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You left out this one:

"Schlereth: I think right now the biggest issue has been inconsistency in running the ball and stopping the run. Tennessee put it on them running the football and so did the Jaguars. When the Redskins are shutting down the run they can be very good, especially with all the different looks they can give teams. But they can't be an effective defense without stopping the run. They also need someone to start getting a big-time rush on the quarterback."

And actually he is correct. The Redskins defense is missing both its DT's, Springs and Washington both have injuries and they aren't trying to control the clock by running the ball 30+ times a game to keep the defense off the field?

That is what is wrong with the Redskins.

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he is not a reciever, they are saying we have no size at WR and this is accurate, we can not throw a fade in the endzone

You would be surprised how effective B-lloyd is at this.

Funny, doesn't get too many jump balls to go for.

He may tip the measurments at just below 6'1" but he has a 7 foot wingspan which is enormous, for a 6'5" WR.

I saw B-Lloyd take endzone catch after endzone catch in the redzone for the 49ers

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If our defense played ball control football and tried to help the defense by not having them on the field 35-40 minutes a games, we would win instead of lose. It is guaranteed, they did it all 5 games of our streak last year.

I agree, however I'm holding out hope that in the long run, the short-term sacrifice will be worth it.

You can easily argue that the only thing wrong with our offense last year was a lack of a WR2 and WR3. Portis (yards), Moss (yards), and Cooley (receptions) all set franchise records with the seasons they had. We fixed that problem when we brought in Lloyd and Randle El.

So why change offenses and set us back? Because Gibbs will only be here another season or two. If we can install Saunders (whose success with KC, the Rams, etc is very evident) to run the offense for the next decade or so while Williams does the same for the defense, we're golden. 2006 may suffer, but 2007 through 2014 may be great.

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Maybe we should trade for Warren Sapp, plug up the middle of the line.

The way it works in Redskin country is in about 3 more years, we'll get Warren Sapp, right before his gout, arthritis, hi blood pressure and deteriorating eyesight force him to retire......LETS GO SAPP!!!

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