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First Tennessee, then Indianapolis!!!


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Indy's offense should destroy this defense. You can't count on the Colts to shoot themselves in the foot by dumb plays and poor playing calling like you know the Giants will do. The worst part is, the Colts will have 7 minute drives all game long and the offense will never see the field like what happened today.

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I feel we can win both games!

Indianapolis is just skating bye by beating Tennessee today. We will be back home and not another poor showing like today!

Indianapolis is just squeaking bye....we'll catch them and win!!!!!!

All in favor!!!!

Dude I am a complete homer but we can't beat the Colts.

Manning is going to throw for 400 yards against us.

Our secondary is terrible.

Then again with this team they might show up and do something crazy and win by 20.

This team is so up and down. Problem is I don't think we'll have a 5 game winning streak to end the season this year.

This is a team destined to finish 8-8 :(

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honestly, playing against Indy, on the road, against this secondary, without springs. You maybe talking about P. Manning throwing for about 400 yards and 4 tds. We can't stop any body. Like Czabe said, and I said the same thing in another thread - we don't have the personell in the secondary to get it done. Rumph, Wright, and Archuleta are not starters in the NFL.

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Hard for me to get all "RAH RAH" about the next game, when I'm still so pissed about this one....sorry.

I love the Skins, but this pathetic "gonna go up there and give it 10%" performance has got me in a mood like when my kid F's up badly:

I just want to say,

"Just go to your room and think about what you've done. I don't even want to look at you right now"

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Tennesse, we'll beat.

Indy ... given the state of our pass rush and secondary, I don't really want to think about just yet.

We arent' good enough to say we are going to beat anyone just because they are 0-4 or whatever.

What drives me nuts about this team and its been like this for years, is we can beat anyone but we can also be beat by anyone.

I really think that 5 game winning streak at the end of last year made us all think we are alot better than we really are.

This is an 8-8 team and will probably be up and down all year.

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We arent' good enough to say we are going to beat anyone just because they are 0-4 or whatever.

What drives me nuts about this team and its been like this for years, is we can beat anyone but we can also be beat by anyone.

I really think that 5 game winning streak at the end of last year made us all think we are alot better than we really are.

This is an 8-8 team and will probably be up and down all year.

I didn't say we'd beat Tennesse "because they're 0-4." I said it because we'll be at home, desperate and pissed again, going against baby Vince, and I'm convinced the team will bounce back in front of the home crowd and notch another win.

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Anyone else see an eerie similiairity between weeks 2-4 and weeks 5-7?

Weeks 2-4: Lose horribly to a division team on the road. Then come back and beat a winless team at home. Then beat a good AFC team that we werent supposed to beat.

Weeks 5-7: Lost horribly to a division team on the road. Then we go home to play a winless team. Then we play a tough AFC team. Hmmmm...

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I didn't say we'd beat Tennesse "because they're 0-4." I said it because we'll be at home, desperate and pissed again, going against baby Vince, and I'm convinced the team will bounce back in front of the home crowd and notch another win.

Sorry I wasn't jumping on you saying you were assuming we'd win just because they are the Titans.

I know what you were saying.

I myself as a fan am just at a point now where this team really can't surprise me anymore, good or bad.

I was shocked at how well we played offensively vs the Jags last week and today I was just disgusted, not really surprised.

As a kid I remember watching Redskin games knowing we were going to win, the 91 season in paticular.

I never have the feeling anymore, no matter who we are playing. We can lose to anyone and we can beat anyone, its frustrating as hell.

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Honestly, it's not too bad right now. Yes, I know we are 2-3 and 0-2 in the division.

BUT, remember, we play all our rivals on the road FIRST this year. We play them at home at the end of the year.

Would you rather have all your home divisional games in the beginning or at the end when they really count and when we have revenge on our minds?

We were 5-6 last year after putting up a horrible showing against the Raiders of all teams.

Right now we are 2-3.

If we can beat the Titans at home next week, we'll be 3-3.

If we can bring some of that momentum against @ Indy, we could be 4-3. I am no way saying we will beat Indy, but week by week, that game looks like a favorable matchup due to their inability to stop the run. And we ARE a running team, not a passing team.

After the game against the Colts, we will have a much needed bye to rest up our players and get back people from injuries.

And who do we play right after our bye week? Yep, thats right, we get the Cowboys at HOME. I don't like our chances against divisional rivals on the road, but at home is a totally different story, and you know we'll be pumped. Win that game and we could be 5-3 right there and 1-2 in the division.

We pull that off, we could be on a 3 game winning streak. 5-3 isn't bad at all.

After, the cowboys, we have to play @Philly, and I have no clue what to think of that game right now. It depends on how we do during the 3 games earlier. If we lose all of our road divisional games, but win all of our home games, we'll end up being 3-3 in the division, which is pretty much what everyone expected.

After @ the Eagles, we're on the road again @ Tampa Bay, which at the moment looks like it might be a winnable road game.

And then guess what, we get 3 straight HOME games. Panthers, Falcons, Eagles, in that order. All tough teams, but I like our chances against anyone at home. Much less so on the road. Then we have 2 road games in New Orleans and St. Louis. I would rather face NO and STL on the road then have Carolina and Atlanta on the road. This 5 game stretch I think will determine our playoff future. But the 3 game home stretch is clearly on our side. We can knock out some of the other NFC playoff contenders in this stretch. It is our make and break right here.

And then, we have the last game of the season. Against the New York Giants at FedEx field, where they never seem to play well.

We are very much in the playoff race. We have tough opponents, but scheduling actually favors us because of the timing. No matter how bad it looks right now, we still have a very good chance.

None of it matters though until our team corrects mistakes though. But drawing from the last 2 years, we are a much MUCH stronger team in the 2nd half of the season.

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If we are 3-4 by the time we get to the BYE, I'll be ok with it.

Still a hard schedule after the bye, but a lot of home games inculding a 3 game home stretch.

I thought Indy would be the hardest game to win on the schedule.

Agreed...as long as we don't lose to the Titans, we'll be fine...3-4 going into the bye is okay...nobody is better than Gibbs down the stretch...we're still looking at 11-5 and the playoffs at this point...no worries.

But...we had BETTER beat Tennessee next week at FedEx!!! :laugh:

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I agree with the original poster. We should beat the Titans and as bad as our defense is right now I think it's confusing enough to keep Manning and the Colts off balance. I have been waiting for this game a long time. I really want to see if Williams is as good as everyone says. If his schemes and packages are as good as everyone believes then it should confuse Manning.

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Tennesse, we'll beat.

Indy ... given the state of our pass rush and secondary, I don't really want to think about just yet.

Tennesee, I totally agree.

Indy, I don't have enough Jack Daniels to even start thinking about that game.

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