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Fed Ex Jumbotron Scoreboard question?


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I am a Redskins season ticket holder and enjoy the Fed Ex Field experience 10 x each year.

I've been fortunate enough to have travelled twice over the past 2 years to see the Redskins play on the road.

My question is this.....

Why at FedEx do they not show the replays after "EVERY" play? Especially after plays that are being reviewed by the officials?

Both road games I went to showed replays of every snap and sometime even showed replays from multiple angles.

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I am a Redskins season ticket holder and enjoy the Fed Ex Field experience 10 x each year.

I've been fortunate enough to have travelled twice over the past 2 years to see the Redskins play on the road.

My question is this.....

Why at FedEx do they not show the replays after "EVERY" play? Especially after plays that are being reviewed by the officials?

Both road games I went to showed replays of every snap and sometime even showed replays from multiple angles.

I think they do not have enough of their own camera feeds they can use for replays. They aren't allowed to use the network feed cameras.

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Everyone hear complains so much about the stadium its unreal. I was there last weeka nd about 3 time in my life but compared to most stadiums FEDEX is real nice and fan freindly. There are better but there are a lot worse. Gillette stadiums is just as expensive if not more and we have more seats.

Meadowlands sucks and is expensive too.

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Snyder said something about during his chat. Something about the system being analog and not fast enough to do the replays.

Their are many misconceptions about the Jumbotron. This being one.

Just to clear things up.

The jumbotron/stadium is wired with Fiber. You can't get any faster than that.

My friend works the jumbotrons at games. The issues with replays is simply the camera feeds they get typically aren't adequate shots for replays. For some reason they can't replay using the network feeds because of the "rules" regarding those feeds.

The main reason is the cost of two new jumbotrons, plain and simple.

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I think for the amount of revenue the Redskins generate a jumbotron upgrade is within the budget.I don't know the cost.I'm guessing to have a system comperable to the Linc is about under 15-20 million.Its doable and is a glaring eyesore.


Club Level season ticket holder

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I am a Redskins season ticket holder and enjoy the Fed Ex Field experience 10 x each year.

I've been fortunate enough to have travelled twice over the past 2 years to see the Redskins play on the road.

My question is this.....

Why at FedEx do they not show the replays after "EVERY" play? Especially after plays that are being reviewed by the officials?

Both road games I went to showed replays of every snap and sometime even showed replays from multiple angles.

WoW that's crazy...

I used to be a Jaguar season ticket holder and Alltel stadium plays replays from different angles, and sometimes the network feed. When I went to the Skins Bucs game last year in Tampa, they showed all the replays and network feeds as well.

It probably has something to do with the contracts with sponsers

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Their are many misconceptions about the Jumbotron. This being one.

The jumbotron/stadium is wired with Fiber. You can't get any faster than that.

My friend works the jumbotrons at games. The issues with replays is simply the camera feeds they get typically aren't adequate shots for replays. For some reason they can't replay using the network feeds because of the "rules" regarding those feeds.

AHEM! Care to rethink your response? ;)

From SkinsForLife260

My question is about the stadium specifically. I think it’s a huge and beautiful place. I understand that you have already put millions into more seats and clubs levels. I was just wondering about your ideas for a new jumbotron? I understand it’s very expensive but if you were going to make any more improvements I was wondering what you were considering?


Dan Snyder

We've looked at it and thought about it hard. We've asked our architects to come up with something for the future because we recognized that what was installed when the stadium was built prior to my ownership was an analog system. By the way, because it is an analog system we have a hard time showing replays because we have to manually roll back the videotape, unlike today’s digital systems where you push two buttons and have a replay. Now I see these big beautiful digital systems, high-definition systems, in the newest stadiums and we surely want that for the future. We're looking hard at making something like that happen. It’s a shame that some of the local media, who know this to be the case, try to create a negative story out of replays when they know it’s because of the existing analog system.

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Good job coming up with that Raub. I appreciate your researching the chat with Dan Snyder for the explanation.

All I know, is that Reliant Stadium in Houston in friggin INCREDIBLE! Now the atmosphere there leaves much to be desired in comparison with ROCKIN FED EX FIELD. But the stadium itself is beautiful with 2 huge Hi-Def jumbotrons.

What burns my rear end about our mini-trons is that 3/4 of the panels beside the screen are being used for nothing but advertising. I think that the money gained from the ad-space should be allocated towards an upgrade.

Let's petition for new jumbotrons right here on Extremeskins.com!

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All I know, is that Reliant Stadium in Houston in friggin INCREDIBLE! Now the atmosphere there leaves much to be desired in comparison with ROCKIN FED EX FIELD. But the stadium itself is beautiful with 2 huge Hi-Def jumbotrons.

Yup, state-of-the-art stadium, zero atmosphere. Of course, atmosphere is a by-product of good attendance and a home team with some success.

It would also be interesting to attend a game there with the roof open. With the roof closed for our game down there a few weeks ago, things just seemed a little off. It seemed too dark, and everything felt muted.

Everything but our offense, that is. :notworthy

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I rarely look at the Jumbotron when at a game. Guess its just me.

And Raub, who is more likely to be PC and coddle the fans ? I would bet that its Snyder. Its hard to explain to a fan that a jumbotron type of set-up costs a fortune to begin with and even for to retro-fit it into an existing place. After all it is a business, and people should have been paying attention to begin with.

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AHEM! Care to rethink your response? ;)

That is completely false and not the case. I used to work in the control room at FedEx, as the technical Director for in house video production way back in 1998. The control room switcher has inputs for 10 video sources. Those are three in house(camera men that work for the team) cams, one switched(what you see at home) network feed, a clean(no scores or BUGS on the screen) network feed, and five individual network cameras.

The replays have not been run off of tape since 1997, in 1998 the team purchased an E.L.V.I.S replay system that has two video input sources and the abilty to edit a string of highlights while recording two sources at once.

The team probably still practices the replay policy from when I was there which is to only show replays of positive Redskin plays. Officials instant replays are only shown when it is a call that will, or should, go in the favor of the Redskins.

Now unless the control room has been seriously stripped down, or the control room staff is undermanned there is no reason more replays could not be shown.

For the record the Redskins control room is not analog, the Redskins do not broadcast a television signal they broadcast an in house wired transfer signal, an example is the radio signal could be classified as analog, so analog or digital doesn't make a difference in this case.

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Hey, I'm not a jumbotron expert, I'm just quoting what Snyder said in the chat. If that's not the case, then ok...but I'm just working on what we were told.

Having said that....I don't really care. I can't even see the jumbotron from my seats and didn't really pay attention to the thing last year when I could see it from my seats.

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Their are many misconceptions about the Jumbotron. This being one.

Just to clear things up.

The jumbotron/stadium is wired with Fiber. You can't get any faster than that.

My friend works the jumbotrons at games. The issues with replays is simply the camera feeds they get typically aren't adequate shots for replays. For some reason they can't replay using the network feeds because of the "rules" regarding those feeds.

The main reason is the cost of two new jumbotrons, plain and simple.

This is not true. FedEx has an analog system, not a digital system, therefore it is not fast enough. To change this they need to change the entire control center for the stadium. It will happen, and Snyder and Larry have said they are working on it.

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How much crack has "Gracelander" been smoking? We had the "Fun Bunch" some 20 years ago and they were awesome. We have the "Funky Four" today and they suck. Our jumbotrons are of a shoe string, 1990's budget and are by no means state of the art when compared to our neighboring NFL facilities. New HD trons ones would certainly not bankrupt Danny. See U. of Texas.

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