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Love from Jason Whitlock (Merged)


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Whitlock's NFL truths columns are always good.

He's not very good when he tries to tackle sociological issues in a sports context though...

I know he got canned from ESPN for slamming some of the network guys on someone's blog, but does anyone else have any info on this?

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For those of you who do not know Jason Whitlock has moved from ESPN to aol.com sports. This week in his NFL truths column he calls the Redskins the best team in the league, check it out.


"3. Don’t give up on the 1-2 New York Giants, even if they fall to 1-3 this weekend.

They have the necessary talent to recover. Their slow start is a product of a difficult schedule – Indy, Philly and Seattle. I think the Giants will lose this weekend to the Redskins, the best team in the league once Shawn Springs returns to the lineup.

You see, I started this topic talking about the Giants, but I really want to talk about the Redskins. I just don’t want to be held accountable for what I’m about to say about the Redskins if it doesn’t come true. So, for the record, the only things that can be thrown in my face at a later date are the things I say in the first sentence.

Got it? Good.

The Redskins are everything I thought they’d be at the beginning of the season except sound on defense. No way Washington’s defense is as leaky as it appears. Springs’ absence at corner is causing much of the problem. When he returns, the Redskins will have one of the league’s five best defenses.

Al Saunder’s offense put 36 points on the Jaguars. After a slow start, Saunders has Mark Brunell, Clinton Portis, Santana Moss and Co. moving up and down the field.

I like Washington a teeny bit more than Chicago."

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bear in mind that this guy is the fat waster who said that Steve Redgrave had no place being considered one of the great athletes of all time - for winning OLYMPIC ROWING GOLD FIVE OLYMPICS IN A ROW. So take his opinion with a bit of salt.

Having said that, it's nice that someone rates us. I still worry that one CB can be such a big factor, but I guess we may find out if Springs can come back healthy soon.

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The offense, defense, and st, can all use some improving. If the offense improves, It will be hard to out score us. If our pass d is stiffened up after springs return, It will be hard to contend with us. Anything can happen, but the skins have all the pieces necassary to go to miami. Call it homerish if you wish, but Ive waited a while to be able to honestly make that claim, and, well, I'm making it. Whitlocks statement is very true, IF our pass D tightens up.

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