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What next? 15-yards for using the "F" word?


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Am I the only one who's getting sick of all these frivolous "celebration" penalties? and the most severe yardage penalty in the game?!!

A punch in the back of the head is equal to a high five?

Ok, I can see "taunting", getting in the opponents face and rubbing it in, but an end-zone hug? Especially as subjective as it can be, this rule really needs to be re-addressed next year.

Or will they expand it next season?

F-word 15 yards

S-word 10 yards

"damn, I almost caught it".....5-yards

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Yea really the NFL needs to chill out. I loved watching the endzone dances. It's bad enough they completely took those away. But giving people hugs I mean come on!

Oh and by the way .... HAIL TO THE REDSKINS

If you are referring to the one yesterday in the Skins game after the fumble, that penalty was because with it being a fumble and the play being dead before he reached the endzone, it was excessive celebration of a fumble recovery. YOu can not, and have not been allowed in a long time to celebrate fumbles, ints, ect that is why they were penalized, but yes, the penalty is a little much.

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What's scary is, even Deion, on NFL Network, said "Come on man, that ain't nuthin' but a hug, you gotta let 'em do dat" or something to that effect. Most every analyst I heard agreed that was a BS call. I'm sure the league will take note of that and you likely won't see it called again. It really is getting to be the "No Fun League".

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What's scary is, even Deion, on NFL Network, said "Come on man, that ain't nuthin' but a hug, you gotta let 'em do dat" or something to that effect. Most every analyst I heard agreed that was a BS call. I'm sure the league will take note of that and you likely won't see it called again. It really is getting to be the "No Fun League".

I dunno what is scary about Deion saying that, considering he was one of hte guys that started taking the old fashioned, real celebrations and ditching that for crap he worked on during the week. Guy was one of the biggest "look at me" players, ever.

But this celebration stuff is officially out of hand. The league needs to get a grip and let a guy enjoy the moment.

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Did anyone see Reggie Williams get carried off on somebodies shoulders after his first touchdown? That would qualify as two team members celebrating in unison would it not? I know both teams got pretty favorable calls, but remain consistant at least...

Yep, I noticed that too, and immediately thought about the refs not calling it both ways. I was too busy high-fiving my friends to see the celebration that the Skins got called for early, but I can't imagine it was worse than someone being carried off the field.

And whoever questioned the dance that Stroud and whoever did after the fumble, I don't think that's what the original poster was referring to...

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Coordinated celebrations are one thing (I guess) but hugging another player who just scored? How is that a coordinated anything? Maybe I missed it, but I didn't see anything worth flagging, even within the context of the existing rules. Pretty terrible call if you ask me.

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I understand your point, but I don't think high-fiving or hugging a teammate after a touchdown is acting like a fool. Using props or doing something that is obviously choreagraphed is one thing, but being excited and taking two seconds to show it is not worthy of a taunting penalty...


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Aren't professional atheletes supposed to be professional? Is acting a fool (no matter how funny it is) being professional?

Why, because you're paid to do something, you can no longer enjoy it?

Actors are professional too, yet they explode into tears on winning an oscar.

Is that being unprofessional?

Is this a football game or a board meeting?

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Steve Czaban also had a good idea. Have a special box where a player can go there after the play and celebrate for 10 seconds. That box would be sponsored by some company so the NFL would be making a lot of money. If anyone remember the MTV specials they had a few years back(I think it was called Rock N Jock) where they played flag football, they had something like this.

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I hear that, and did anyone see Reggie Williams get carried off on somebodies shoulders after his first touchdown? That would qualify as two team members celebrating in unison would it not? I know both teams got pretty favorable calls, but remain consistant at least...

Yep I notice dthis too. I EXPLODED at my TV when I saw that. Total crap.

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