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Bad News: The Wheels will Fall off Tomorrow

barry wilburn

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I’m going on record:

The Redskins will lose big tomorrow.

Another prediction:

They will win a maximum of six games this year.

A third prediction:

They will be in worse shape when Gibbs leaves this time than the fist time.

Why am I so confident? It’s simple. They have bad, old players, and no currency to get better players in the near future. In the past three years, Joe Gibbs, Dan Snyder and Vinny Cerrato have essentially stocked the roster with group that ON THE WHOLE that is middle of the road talent playing for elite money.

Here is the legacy of Gibbs 2:

- Champ Bailey and a 2nd for Clinton Portis

- Drafting Taylor, Rogers, Campbell in the first round

- A third round pick and a huge contract for Mark Brunell

- Big money deals to Shawn Springs, Marcus Washington, Cornelius Griffin, Andre Carter, Adam Archuletta, Casey Rabach, David Patten

- Traded draft picks for TJ Duckett, Brandon Lloyd, James Thrash

- Draft day trades for Cooley, Campbell and McIntosh

- Letting the following players leave through FA or a salary cap move: Smoot, Pierce, Royal, Clark, Walt Harris, Arrington and Trotter

- Re-signing Chris Samuels to a big money extension

Here’s the good:

- Rogers, Taylor and Cooley appear to be very good draft picks

- There are indications that Golston may be a good value pick (I’m stretching here)

- McIntosh and Jason Campbell have not been on the field yet, but could plausibly contribute at some point

- Griffin, Washington and Springs were good signings

- Moss is great (however Coles is doing pretty darn well in NY now that Pennington is back)

Here’s the bad:

- The left tackle is the foundation of an NFL offense and the Redskins are paying a top 15 player top 3 money. Samuels is also approaching 30.

- Mark Brunell is a horrible QB. He is being paid big money and is sucking up time that could be spent developing a young QB.

- The following Gibbs drafted players are no longer on the 53 man roster: Jared Newberry, Mark Wilson, Robert McCune, Manuel White, N. Broughton, Kili Lefotu, Kevin Simon ***Only 9 out of the 16 draft picks actually exercised by Gibbs are still on the roster. Three players are starters.

- Looking across all trades, here is the sum total -- Champ Bailey, one first round pick, two second round picks, four third round picks, two fourth round picks and a sixth round pick for the following: Clinton Portis, Jason Campbell, James Thrash, Rocky McIntosh, Brandon Lloyd, Mark Brunell and TJ Duckett. Out of that haul, only three players are starters – Portis is the only elite player.

- Letting Antonio Pierce go to a division rival

- Letting Fred Smoot go

- Paying Archuletta $30mm to replace Ryan Clark who would have cost half that

- Giving big money to Andre Carter

- Giving a contract to Michael Barrow

- Not trading Ramsey to the Jets during last season

The reality is that the Redskins have few draft picks left next year, and little money to spend on free agents. If they’re lucky, they’ll be ably to re-sign their budding star TE and their best offensive lineman (Dockery). After that, they’ll be little money to spend on the secondary, d-line and o-line. Mediocre and/or aging players like Rabach, Daniels, Jansen, Carter and Thomas will continue to hold their starting jobs without competition as the few moves that can be made will go towards plugging the BIG holes and backup spots will continue to be manned by sub-quality talent.

Think back to preseason. Game plans were vanilla and teams went “mano a mano” without help from scheme. The Redskins first, second and third string players were soundly beaten in all four games. This was a solid indicator of how poor the roster was. Starting tomorrow, it will become even more obvious that the 2006 Redskins are at best a .500 team, that is closer to fading into irrelevance than to winning a Super Bowl.

Mock me if you wish, but I’m going on record. In two months you’ll see that I was right.

here is why you are wrong, and is why u never amounted to much as a player yourself. Football is a team sport.

This team has an awesome system, and when everyone knows their part well and does it, we will score like clockwork.

ON your individual comments-

1- "samuels is old', sorry pal but has years left in him and will only improve, especially with the new help in coaching and personnell around him. Who is our best o line man??? Are you on crack? Right now, the whole o line is looking really good, and will only improve. Look at the team work flow of how they handle the rush and blocking assigments, no missed assignments like when they were learning the plays. And yes, that makes HUGE difference in 'mano on mano' as you ineptly called it. They know the plays well now, and are flowing as team, with good footwork that will only improve with time.

2- Taylor was an awesome pick, as was Archuleta.

3-Brunell is an awesome qb, all he needed was the time he now has. His completion % when he has a bit of time is higher right now than anyone in the league. Including Brady. He just set and NFl record, and u must have been in the bathroom when it happened. Most completions in a row in football history. QBs who 'suck', cannot do that on any day. he has what it takes, and last year and this year's new system are now merging, hold on to yer hat. His timing is dead on, his moving thru progressions is dead on, he is working the system now and it works awesome. Your statement about him is categorically false.

4-Portis is possibly the best back inthe league, and we STILL have betts and duckett and sellers.

5-JC is online for a premiere dynasty qb in time. He was an awesome pick.

6-Cornelius Griffin's game is coming together and the coaching has taken him to a new level. Watch out for him. Golston rocks, deal with it. Our DEs are dialed in and will stasy that way and only get nastier. Get ready.

7-Anyone who is upset over losing smoot needs a head x-ray.

8-Part of what Gibbs looks for is the right attitude for the whole team. The players who didn't have it, are gone. A stellar solo performance, does not = a team contributor and atmosphere.

9-Look at the improvement in technique and team movement and footwork on both lines. These guys have come together as a unit, and beating them just became almost impossible.

10- 'They are old', that's ridiculous. The only 'older ones' are jansen and brunell. The rest r young and have many years left.

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By the contents of the initial post, I would think that this team has no one remaining from its playoff roster last year. The Redskins have some of the worst fans imaginable. At no point in the aforementioned post was there something along the lines of, "I hope this is not the case and the team will get back on track." One has to come to the conclusion that this fan (I'm assuming) wants this team to be bad now, and in the long term. It's funny how I clamor for a more enthusiastic home crowd when a good 25% of the fans attending are expecting the worst possible outcome. Some even relish in it.

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By the contents of the initial post' date=' I would think that this team has no one remaining from its playoff roster last year. The Redskins have some of the worst fans imaginable. At no point in the aforementioned post was there something along the lines of, "I hope this is not the case and the team will get back on track." One has to come to the conclusion that this fan (I'm assuming) wants this team to be bad now, and in the long term. It's funny how I clamor for a more enthusiastic home crowd when a good 25% of the fans attending are expecting the worst possible outcome. Some even relish in it.[/quote']

I am sure there is a huge amount of fair weather fans at games. It is like that for alot of teams because their alot od die hard fans can't get tickets/afford them. Or they live out of state like me. The more a team wins the more it looks like there our die hard fans in the crowd. We have had some to years in the past but these so called fans that don't appreciate anything such as a play off win a team that is respected by many than why posts on this site. Why be skins fan at all? There are plenty of good fans that go to games and come here and post insightfull things but lately some people have just showed their true colors. They were all happy before pre season. Then we lost some games and the whole world is over. They see no future. That is crazy. Be thankful that your team isn't the Browns/Texans/Raiders.

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Good post.

But I'm going to give the Skins one more week to make amends. I still think they have a small shot of pulling off an upset against Jacksonville.

But, if that doesn't happen, I'm gonna pull up the stakes - so to speak - and just stick with the Cowboys this season. The Redskins just haven't laid enough of a solid foundation for the future. I was hoping that the credit card ways of Snyder would stop when Gibbs resumed the HC position.

I still think there is hope. But usually by week four or five, you can pretty much tell which team is gonna be the better team.

So last year when we were 3-0 and the Cowboys were 2-1 and we beat them in their own house you were at that point a Redskins fan.

Then after 11 games, when we were 5-6 and the Cowboys were 8-3 and looking like the class of the division you were most definetely a Cowboys fan.

How did that work out for ya?

Who did you root for during the final stretch?

Get the hell out of here. Your not a football fan. Your nothing but a front running bum who probably has a closet with 32 NFL team jerseys just in case. :2cents:

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Anyhow, back to my argument. You think trading Champ Bailey and SEVEN first day draft picks for three starters is a good deal?


7 first day picks for 3 starters? What NFL are you watching? And Bailey was gone anyway so its not like we didn't get Portis for nothing more than a 2nd round pick. Would you have been happier if we had traded Bailey for a first rounder and then drafted Steven Jackson, Chris Perry or Kevin Jones with the pick?

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You wouldn't give the contracts we gave to Carter and Archuletta to Pierce and Smoot? C'mon now!

but we are talking TWO different years and YOU are talking about 4 different positions (defensive end, safety, linebacker, and cornerback) . Pierce AND Smoot were offered and accepted WAY more than we could afford. Do I wish we kept them...... of course BUT they did not want to stay here for the money we offered them. point blank. so in saying that we did what we had to do.

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Good post.

But I'm going to give the Skins one more week to make amends. I still think they have a small shot of pulling off an upset against Jacksonville.

But, if that doesn't happen, I'm gonna pull up the stakes - so to speak - and just stick with the Cowboys this season. The Redskins just haven't laid enough of a solid foundation for the future. I was hoping that the credit card ways of Snyder would stop when Gibbs resumed the HC position.

I still think there is hope. But usually by week four or five, you can pretty much tell which team is gonna be the better team.

Dude you are the ULTIMATE in Bandwagoners. STFU and go on and root for the cowgirls, as we sure as Hell dont want your kind here. what you really need is a good 233.gif and maybe you would get your head out of your *****. you are a disgrace to football fans in general and should have your man-card pulled. now pull that disgraceful sig off and leave.

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Mock me if you wish, but I’m going on record. In two months you’ll see that I was right.

Poor fella. Growing up watching Norvis' teams has taken a toll on you, hasn't it?

I'm sure your recollection of 'Gibbs I' was tainted by the smell of your diapers.

Let me explain...without exception, unless Gibbs' teams had significant injuries, they were ALWAYS competitive. Always.

And his teams only get better as the season goes along.

Please, try to be a bit more positive and give some support to your team...like a fan should.


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Good post.

But I'm going to give the Skins one more week to make amends. I still think they have a small shot of pulling off an upset against Jacksonville.

But, if that doesn't happen, I'm gonna pull up the stakes - so to speak - and just stick with the Cowboys this season. The Redskins just haven't laid enough of a solid foundation for the future. I was hoping that the credit card ways of Snyder would stop when Gibbs resumed the HC position.

I still think there is hope. But usually by week four or five, you can pretty much tell which team is gonna be the better team.

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

Well, I'll never waste my time reading another one of your posts... :doh:

Pretty funny, though.

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

You're a great 'fan'.

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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I agree with some points, but Joe Gibbs has already put us back in the playoffs once, and swept the cowboys. He also brings respect back to this organization. I like how he trys to get players who have character.

I'm still upset over Arrington. Not because I think he's the greatest player in the world, but because he had the "it" factor. He's someone the fans and players can rally around. He was part of the "face" of the team. I miss him!

I want to be optimistic. I mean I REALLY want to, but based on the dismal performance against two average teams, I think we will loose tomorrow. I believe we will win 6 or less games. I just haven't seen anything yet that says we can win a division game. I think Jacksonville's D is going to make us look horrible. As for Brunell, I love the guy, but he has to go for it. He said in his chat that they take what the defense gives them. Well, sometimes you need to take what you WANT. The goal is to not let the defense dicatate what your going to do. I still don't know why we are not seeing a 4 receiver set with Loyd and Santana streaking down the field, and Patton and Antwan going over the middle. Who can cover that much talent.

Sorry, but I think after the home Dallas game, we will be 2 and 6. Just being truthful.

Probably because even with that set Brunel cant throw down the field on his bad arm. I don't think he can do it. Hope I'm wrong.

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honestly what is the point of a post like this?? it absolutely makes me think that you sir, are a complete idiot. Why even follow a team? why even be a sports fan? do us all the favor of taking your stupid predictions and your negativity out of this board because not only do you waste our times but you waste your time. Your post is an absolute JOKE.

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I feel your pain Barry. I tend to agree with the points about the age of the O lines and the lack of importance placed on draft picks. I don't necessary have a problem with McIntosh, Duckett, and Campbell but I just wish they would put them on the f#ckin field. I personally think Betts is garbage. Betts does not break tackles behind the line of scrimmage and he needs like 15 yards of space to get going. This whole off season was a waste of time except for Randle El. Not to mention John Hall and his injury situation. I see your views, just do like i do and hope all these acquisitions pan out.:dallasuck

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Are they a great team, a dominant team? Of course not. But they are capable of repeating last year's success. And losing tomorrow doesn't change that.

Are you kidding? This is only week four, and you're speaking for the quality of the team in general already?

This whole thread is worth a :doh:

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I disagree with most of what you said, except I agree with Brunell. A fairly substancial bust that will not get us to the big game. Gibbs is not done yet, but if he doesn't cut his allegence to Brunell the Skins will not improve and last season will be the high water mark.

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