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Question: What is Bruce Smith's Role Now?


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Smith has missed the past couple of games where the defense has played better than it did early on.

True Dallas and Carolina are not the Rams, but Dallas scored 21 on Oakland and the Panthers scored 25 against the Saints.

With Marco Coleman set to return to the starting lineup, a case can be made that with Lang playing well at the other end spot that Bruce Smith's role should be that of a third down pass rush specialist rather than full-time starter.

Whatever else, it appears that LaVar Arrington and Kenard Lang have become the emotional leaders of the defense.

Darrell Green provided another emotional lift today in his sacrificing the body in run support.

With the return of Coleman and Smoot the defense should be better down the stretch.

Smith remains a question mark for the team.

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If Smith will keep his mouth shut and work I'd say let him remain on the team for the remainder of the year. If he's not starting he might still be an effective pass rusher on occasions.

If he's going to continue on like he has so far this season (being a divisive force) I'd cut him loose.

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3rd down pass rush specialist, preferably one wearing a gag.


"Loosen up, Sandy baby. You're just too damn tight!" - John Riggins to Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O'Connor


"I fear we've awakened a sleeping giant, and filled him with a terrible resolve."

- Japanese Imperial Admiral Yamamoto, after hearing that the Japanese declaration of war failed to reach the U.S. government before the attack upon Pearl Harbor

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I was thinking about that, too. Much as it's tempting to have the guy as a pass-rushing specialist this year and beyond, I have a bad feeling in my gut about how his return might affect the growing chemistry on that side of the ball.

To me, it's no accident the unit starting playing AS a unit against NY when Bruce went out. In the 3 weeks, since, the emergence of LaVar and Lang as leaders has been precisely what this team needs; it's best YOUNG players stepping up. I can't help but wonder if those young guys might not take a step back in assertiveness and sense of place if the venerable old dude comes back.

Guess we'll see ...

I also find myself wondering if today wasn't a nail in Westbrook's coffin. Are there ANY doubts this evening who the number one receiver on this team is? Going to be very interesting to see how Mike handles himself the rest of the way. And, to me at least, if there was any doubt as to his return next year, it's pretty much gone now. Best case, Rod's emergence forces opposing teams to double him, leaving Mike in single. Could be interesting.

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I've been one of his biggest critics, but I'll say this about Westbrook ...he was the first one patting Gardner on the back after several of his big plays. He may not have a future with this team but on the field he seems to be interested in winning rather than rank.

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Westbrook is so tricky. He does so many nice things that make you like him, but he almost never makes clutch big plays. HE's got that Brad Johnson mentality (probably a norv mentality) that keeps him from being the guy you can count on when things get rough. I think his attitude has improved so much over the years that it will be sad to see him go, but he bet on the wrong horse. He teamed up with george hoping to make something there, and when banks came in it was out with the old in with the new. It's kind of unfortunate, and i think with better coaching mike could have been stellar, but he never had the coaching.

We'll have some idea about gardner come next week. He's been improving, so lets hope he keeps getting better. Fewer dropped passes would be nice.


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I said from the beginning that he should have been used that way. I just felt that a guy his age can't go every down. Too bad Norv didn't have the guts to stand up to him to enforce that idea. He probably could have played another 3-4 seasons (from last year) in a situational role.

I like the guy a lot (so sue me) in spite of his mouth but I'd like to see us trade him to someone else next year to bring in some new blood on the D-Line. He'd get a chance to continue in his quest for Reggie Smith's record and we'd get to not hear his whinning. I think somebody, somewhere might be suckered into giving up a 4th round pick (or maybe higher...get Norv on the phone) for him.

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Art is correct. Smith's departure has coincided with a coming together on the defensive side of the ball. Younger players are stepping up and taking on leadership roles.

I think Bruce is going to have a difficult go of it if he comes back with a less than 100% attitude.

Up until now I think the younger players have deferred to Smith too much, but Arrington for one after his comments about really being "pissed off with the Dallas performance" makes me believe Smith could face some harsh words in the locker room if he cuts on the organization anymore.

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I think the best case senario would be for Bruce to come back and draw the double teams allowing more room for Lang to operate.

I hate what Bruce has been saying, and I'd be fine with cutting him. However, while he's here, let's use his reputation to free up some of the other guys on the DL.

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yeah, I saw clips of Bruce trying to pep up the crowd also.

give that man a cheerleader uniform. He can be that guy lifts the girls into the air. If he gets lucky, maybe a finger can slip.


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