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ES COVERAGE: Joe Gibbs' Press Conference 09/18/06 (6:40PM Update)


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JimmiJo on the scnene and it is truly a madhouse. I am setup on top of a trash can to work. I have a question that I hope to get in.

Stand by...


Well I think we maybe saw the first chink in the armor of Brunell support from Coach Gibbs. David Elfin of the Washington Times used the analogy of Joe Theisman getting ‘old’ in the game and asked if Brunell can ‘still make all the throws.’ In answering Gibbs replied, “I think that is also one of the things that we’ll, you know, that’s another scenario just like we’ve mentioned a bunch of them here and I think it’s one of the things that Mark is gonna have to fight at this point in his career. Um, I don’t see that.”

To me it seemed that he started the reply to the question by saying that this is one of the things they would look at and assess. I then thought he changed in mid-stream to saying that this is something that Mark will have to assess, then to finishing the answer with a vote of support for Brunell.

While he voiced support for Brunell a few times, he was likewise critical of Brunell, “I think Mark is a little bit like the offense in general - inconsistent.” When asked if it was disappointing that the playmakers are not getting the ball Gibbs said, “If we continue with that, we are going to be in big trouble.”

I read in this thread folks saying that the press was afraid to ask questions. I’m sure this is not the case as Gibbs was asked directly:

• Has the team not learned the offense?

• Is Brunell too old?

• Did he throw away the ball too quick?

• Did you run too light of a camp?

• Did the players come in a bit too overconfident?

• Why did the O-line play so poorly?

• Was too much of the offesnse installed too soon?

Clearly Gibbs is not happy about what he is seeing. In listening to his comments I think the target of his ire is the offense more so than the defense. He was most critical of the O-line, lack of third down conversions, and the team giving up third down conversions.

Gibbs spoke about the lack of passing success and trailing late in games as an inhibitor to an effective run game.

Gibbs is again sending penalties to the NFL contending that they were bad. Somehow I imagine a mail clerk stopping at the NFL Review Group office and asking where they want the latest batch of penalty tapes from the Redskins. I then see a sweaty guy sitting behind a desk pointing towards a large stack of tapes sitting in the corner covered in dust.

He seemed to speak candidly in answering Joseph White’s question that maybe he did have too light a training camp. To me he said it as if he has come to that conclusion. He expounded on this saying that there are many decisions he needs to make and every one of them presents an opportunity to make a bad choice. He also spoke to his disappointment in the preseason performance of the team.

The most telling answer from Gibbs I thought was in saying that everyone here had high expectations for the season. It suggested to me that the coaches and team have been caught a bit by surprise at how poor the play has been. This drove my question of if they are changing the way they practice as a result of the 0-2 start. I did not frame the question properly as I really wanted to know if they were making any changes as a result of a 0-2 start. I pray I don’t get another shot at this type of question next week.

I asked the Coach what it would take to win this Sunday. I think I kinda cornered him on this one as in facing another 0-2 team he had to scramble to create an underdog environment for the team. He did say that Texas was going to be highly motivated to get a win at home. I bet they will. While we are thinking we have a chance to get better on a team like Houston, they are probably thinking the same as us.

Finally, if I had to describe the coach in one word during these first two losses I would have to use the word 'consistent.' I appreciate this as as bad as it seems now we have played only two games. 10 weeks from now there will be teams playing well, in the hunt, that started 0-2.


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Oh Jesus Christ, there he went, saying that Brunell was impressive in putting together a good, solid 2-minute drive. What? That's ridiculous. Dallas was in a damn prevent defense. This is sickening. I'm not going to watch any more gibbs press conferences. They're just silly.

I knew he was going to say that..I posted it in an earlier thread...I swear... :mad:

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Our two minute drive was against a prevent defense we were down 17 the prevent defense did it's job against us bend but don't break. Yeah we went down the field by throwing into the middle of the field but we still didn't score and we gave up at least one sack that I can remember with three D-lineman rushing. That isn't a positive 2 minute offense if you ask me.

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No blame for brunell. Pass protection needs to be better and we need to be "more effective running the ball." Gee, i wonder why we can't run the ball - maybe because we never pass further than 8 yards from the line of scrimmage?

Very strange. He went out of his way not to mention the obvious. If you took Gibbs' word apparently Mark Brunnel is the only thing not wrong with the passing game.

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