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Very Telling Quote of Saunders' Frustration


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Wow, this is almost the same way we started last year, with troubles on offense.

Every report I've heard about Saunders offense is that its 700 pages long and every QB thats been in the system said it takes a year to learn. Trent Green told that to Brunell also. So I expect growing pains throughout the season.

Was the offense that bad last year that it needed to be overhauled?

We had some bad outings in the playoffs but did Brunell not have his best year?

Did Portis not break the redskins single season rushing record?

Did Moss not break the redskins single season receiving record?

Cooley also had a standout year.

Do a couple of bad games in the playoffs really need a offense to be overhauled and have a team learn a new playbook and one that is 700 pages at that!

The only difference and perhaps the biggest difference is that we were WINNING! Our D was getting it done but that is not the case now. But we shall see. The season is still young. :2cents:

BTW, speaking of the D, I see several threads pointing out what the Offense did or did not do for that matter, but what about our defense??? This is definitely not the same squad from last year. We made JJ look like Edgerine James out there. :mad: Plus our secondary was some garbage yesterday. The penalties killed us. ST was good but he hurt the team a couple of times out there too like staying in the middle of the field on that TD pass. It was a shame the a LB was the closet defender to him. I think the TD was to Glenn. :mad:

EDIT: To be fair, I assume that because we couldn't stop Penicillin from catching strep against Minnesota, that is probably why so much zone was used yesterday but come on. Where is the $30 million pass rush???

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no, thats not correct at all.

gibbs pulled the plug at his first opportunity, and it just happened to be that particular play.

Ramsey pulled the plug on himself with the bone head decisions he has made in games. If Ramsey was or is so great why didn't he beat out a rubber band armed quarterback in Chad Pennington? Bottom line the Skins has not had a star studded quarterback dare I say Joe Theisman, who might I add went to two Superbowls and only winning one. Every team in the east has a star studded qb in some degree except the Skins. Skins have to pass to torch now to JC, who knows, JC could be the next Big Ben.

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Just for reference the Chiefs went 6-10 in 2001 when Vermeil & Saunders took the helm in KC. They lost their first 2 that year and then had a blowout win in their 3rd game. I refuse to tell who it was against tho.

Trent Green stunk his first 2 games and then caught fire in the 3rd going 21-26 for 307 yards and 3TDs.

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Just for reference the Chiefs went 6-10 in 2001 when Vermeil & Saunders took the helm in KC. They lost their first 2 that year and then had a blowout win in their 3rd game. I refuse to tell who it was against tho.

Trent Green stunk his first 2 games and then caught fire in the 3rd going 21-26 for 307 yards and 3TDs.

Well I think it's safe to say if Brunell catches fire it would have to be set by Moss after the gasoline bath given by Lloyd and Randel El.

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I think this is a misconception. Sure the passing game sucked but in Total Offense, the Redskins were 11th last year. Fine it's not the Colts but it's not that bad either. A couple more WR + TJ Duckett ought to have been enough. But rather than a surgical operation we went for the full scale overhaul of the offense by bringing in Al Saunders. So this year will be a learning season, whether you believe in Joe Gibbs or not.

Here's my take, the offense has been basically inept now for at least two seasons... be.
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The only difference and perhaps the biggest difference is that we were WINNING! Our D was getting it done but that is not the case now. But we shall see. The season is still young. :2cents:

BTW, speaking of the D, I see several threads pointing out what the Offense did or did not do for that matter, but what about our defense??? This is definitely not the same squad from last year. We made JJ look like Edgerine James out there. :mad: Plus our secondary was some garbage yesterday. The penalties killed us. ST was good but he hurt the team a couple of times out there too like staying in the middle of the field on that TD pass. It was a shame the a LB was the closet defender to him. I think the TD was to Glenn. :mad:

That was a busted coverage. Shawn Taylor was on the other side and was suppose to stay over top on that right hash mark. There should have been a safety over top but he doubled the other receiver on the opposite side.

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That was a busted coverage. Shawn Taylor was on the other side and was suppose to stay over top on that right hash mark. There should have been a safety over top but he doubled the other receiver on the opposite side.

My point exactly, busted coverage. Where is the heck was the corner anyway? :mad:

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What we need is Brunell to get hurt either during practice or in a game, to force the hand of the coaching staff..

Hello everyone! This is my first post. Sorry it is a negative one :(

The odds of that happening are slim to none as long as Brunell dumps it off, throws it away, or backpeddals at the first sign of pressure. There were at least 5 times I noticed in the game where if Brunell just took a step or two up in the pocket the pressure would have gone around him. You can't always blame the O-line if yoiur QB has absolutely no pocket pressence. I think JC will make his share of mistakes but he will also make enough plays to overcome them with his athletic skills and agility. It would be better to ride the rollercoaster than to watch the duck feeding!


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The problem I see is comparing the Rams offense to this offense. The Rams ran alot more 4wr fromation than we are. I love the running game and we tried last night but I would like to see us going 4 wide more often(wich we have done well in when we have have run it) with Campbell at QB to buy time and run if needed.

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Just for reference the Chiefs went 6-10 in 2001 when Vermeil & Saunders took the helm in KC. They lost their first 2 that year and then had a blowout win in their 3rd game. I refuse to tell who it was against tho.

Trent Green stunk his first 2 games and then caught fire in the 3rd going 21-26 for 307 yards and 3TDs.

The Chiefs offense scored 26 and 18 points those first two games. The skins first two games 16 and 3 points. Brunell in no Trent Green or Kurt Warner.

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Here is my view on why the problem is Brunell and not the offense:

Jack Del Rio replaced Tom Coughlin and brought in a new offense in Jacksonville. Brunell may not have been entirely healthy but also wasn't effective in the new offense and was replaced by rookie Byron Leftwich.

Mark signs with the Skins and has to learn another new offense. Once again he is ineffective learning on the job and is replaced by Patrick Ramsey. Once Brunell has a full year in the offense, he plays a LOT better.

Here we are in a new offense again. Once again Brunell is struggling. He may be "supersmart" as Gibbs says but learning an offense and applying what you learn are two different things. Do we wait a year for Brunell to learn this offense in hopes he will have a stellar year when he's 37 or do we bring in our own version of Kurt Warner? It's a true statement that some QB's learn on the job quicker than others. Brunell is not one of those guys. He's like a method actor. He needs a while to get into character.

It's time to either bring in a guy who already knows the offense or the guy who is used to change and excels in spite of it.

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Here's my take, the offense has been basically inept now for at least two seasons, going into it's third. We've had, since then, new players, and new offensive coordinators, all of whom have been succesful at one time in their careers. The one consistent factor, that has been a part of the inept offense over the last three seaons, has been Brunell.

Wrong. Offensive was ranked #11 in the NFL last year. That's not "inept", my friend. Brunell played well last year overall. He's blowing it now, for sure. But don't rewrite yesterday's history to fit today's agenda.

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After the game, Saunders was asked his feelings of the offensive performance and the Redskins' inability to properly execute the new system. When asked about the quarterback play thus far and the inefficiency of Brunell, his response is very interesting-

"I don't know, Kurt Warner won the Super Bowl in his first year with it," Saunders said.

I sense Saunders' is highly disappointed with Brunell's inability to run the offense. He seems like he's extremely frustrated with Brunell as a QB, and his inability to make sound reads and get rid of the ball. Brunell still seems very uncomfortable in the new offense and I'm starting to worry how long it's going to take for him to get comfortable, if ever.

As a coordinator for both the Chiefs and the Rams, Saunders had some great players to work with, but one would think that the Redskins' current cast of weapons would be on par with those teams. The o-line has looked bad thus far and we've been without Portis, but when is it finally time to look at making a QB change and starting Campbell, or at least Collins?

Also, another thing that bothers me is Gibbs' has stuck by Brunell even thouhg he quickly pulled the plug on Ramsey last year. Is it time for one of the coaches (or players) to step up and call out the offense, and most notably Brunell? I think Saunders is about ready to pull the plug on Brunell. So why isn't Gibbs yet?

Your talent on offense is not the same caliber of st louis or kansas city. Not just QB, the running bqacks, oline, wrs and tes are all not as talented. Madden said it best when he said they don't have the right personel.

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Your talent on offense is not the same caliber of st louis or kansas city. Not just QB, the running bqacks, oline, wrs and tes are all not as talented. Madden said it best when he said they don't have the right personel.

Madden then clarified and said he meant specifically the QB. We have no problems with our skill positions on offense. We have a great RB (when healthy) and excellent WRs. OL is decent, not great.

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You know it seems with Brunell that Coach Gibb's is not very objective...Just my observation. Mark may be a "hard worker who fights his guts out " but he can't throw the ball downfield. He does make good reads and frankly he is looking older than last year...Hopefully Coach Gibb's will get with Saunders and make the switch. It needs to be done now.

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"I don't know, Kurt Warner won the Super Bowl in his first year with it," Saunders said.

This quote is actually quite damning of Al Saunders. Hasn't he watched any film of Brunell? Gibbs made Brunell the QB so he'd have an efficient veteran who avoids mistakes handling the offense. If Saunders thought he needed a gunslinger like Kurt Warner or Trent Green, he should have found one.

If he was stuck with Brunell, then it is Al Saunders' responsibility to adjust his offense to the tools he has. Kurt Warner played like the greatest QB in NFL history that year. If he needs the greatest QB in NFL history to succeed in this offense, shouldn't he have warned us about that a little earlier?

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