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If we lose, it's my fault, and I'm sorry!


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I'm not much of a superstitious kind of person, but I do have a few rituals, that turned semi-superstitious. There are certain things that I tend to avoid doing each week, starting the day after every game. I have 2 main rituals. The 1st one is, I try not to wear the colors-ANY colors-of our up-coming opponent. Last week, it was purple (not that hard to avoid).

The second thing I try to avoid is using said teams colored lighters. I have a thing about using certain color lighters, only. Generally, I will only use a red or a yellow lighter during football season, however, if I HAVE to use a different color, it HAS to be a different color from the team we are about to face.

So, I have spent ALL WEEK working around my wardrobe avoiding any blue at all. I even had to put on a pair of ripped whitie-tighties because my only clean boxers left are blue (tomorrow is my laundry day), & I have been carrying around my trusty yellow lighter just in case I get a chance to smoke. Well, my dumbass FORGOT that I had my lighter in my pocket & used my friend's lighter...several times. I handed it back to him after the 3rd time using it & realized what I was holding...:ahhhhh:...a friggin' BLUE lighter! I nearly screamed in terror!

I have since rectified that by using my yellow lighter, so I hope no harm was done, but if so...I'm sorry.

:doh: :laugh:

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I'm not much of a superstitious kind of person, but I do have a few rituals, that turned semi-superstitious. There are certain things that I tend to avoid doing each week, starting the day after every game. I have 2 main rituals. The 1st one is, I try not to wear the colors-ANY colors-of our up-coming opponent. Last week, it was purple (not that hard to avoid).

The second thing I try to avoid is using said teams colored lighters. I have a thing about using certain color lighters, only. Generally, I will only use a red or a yellow lighter during football season, however, if I HAVE to use a different color, it HAS to be a different color from the team we are about to face.

So, I have spent ALL WEEK working around my wardrobe avoiding any blue at all. I even had to put on a pair of ripped whitie-tighties because my only clean boxers left are blue (tomorrow is my laundry day), & I have been carrying around my trusty yellow lighter just in case I get a chance to smoke. Well, my dumbass FORGOT that I had my lighter in my pocket & used my friend's lighter...several times. I handed it back to him after the 3rd time using it & realized what I was holding...:ahhhhh:...a friggin' BLUE lighter! I nearly screamed in terror!

I have since rectified that by using my yellow lighter, so I hope no harm was done, but if so...I'm sorry.

:doh: :laugh:

I appreciate you covering for the Skins, but you can't cost us this win if you followed your rituals before the Viking game...since we lost that one.

Maybe for 2006, you'll have to represent the opponent all week to get a Skins W?

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I appreciate you covering for the Skins, but you can't cost us this win if you followed your rituals before the Viking game...since we lost that one.

Maybe for 2006, you'll have to represent the opponent all week to get a Skins W?

Well, actually, last week, I had to use the red lighter (they also have yellow in their colors). :doh:

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you are disowned from our fanbase, hand in all your redskins gear (especially jerseys) to Mr. S so he can properly deal with them.

Seriously, Ive realized no matter what, superstitions are pointless. I still follow them of course (wear a winning jersey 'til we lose, wear it the day after a game, etc...) but they do not matter.

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I have a superstition too. I don't let any cowboy fans off the hook the whole week before our game, I let them know on a constant basis how they will be destroyed and how much they suck. It works. So if any of you are cowboy fans trolling this site then let me be the first to tell you that DALLAS SUCKS ASS, AND YOUR TEAM WILL BE DESTROYED ("RESISTANCE IS FUTILE, MORONS!!!!").

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How dare you?!? Just playing man lol, I have superstitions too, but regardless of those, Redskins have to get it done this week.

I know. I figured it was something that would get somewhat of a laugh from the only people that I knew would understand it. I'm so jazzed up about this coming game & can barely contain it & I'm chanting & screaming & banging on metal slides all week long. "LET'S GO REDSKINS! ! !!!" & " **** THE COWBOYS! ! !!!" I have irritated the crap out of the Dallas fans that have to suffer thru a shift with me. :evil:

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you are disowned from our fanbase, hand in all your redskins gear (especially jerseys) to Mr. S so he can properly deal with them.

:( :cry:

Seriously, Ive realized no matter what, superstitions are pointless. I still follow them of course (wear a winning jersey 'til we lose, wear it the day after a game, etc...) but they do not matter.

I hear ya. I know that what I do, from week to week, makes absolutely no difference whatsoever on the outcome of our games. Of any game. But, it's like a woobie. You get used to doing something & then you change something up & they lose, & you think to yourself, "Did I do that?" Even though you KNOW rationally, that's not actually the case.

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I remember a reporter asking Mark Rypien once if he had any gameday rituals. He said he absolutely never shaved on gameday under any circumstances.

Well, not particularly liking to shave, I adopted it. I figured if it was good enough for a Super Bowl winning quarterback, it was good enough for me.

The hitch is, I HAVE to shave everyday for work. If I have to work on a gameday, I usually shave just before midnight the day before, and can usually get away with it. Well, I forgot last Sunday night. I ended up shaving Monday morning. I went to work, and then to the game.

So THAT is why we lost last week. You're OK, CSA. You didn't hurt us. (But just in case, DON'T let it happen again, K?) ;)

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I have 6 or 7 different looking Redskins lighters made by Bic. You need to get one to cancel out using your friends lighter. Also it is great for when a cowboy fan needs a light.

Especially for me, cause I always light their cigarettes for them so they can see my tattoo, even though 9 out of 10 Cowboys fans can't read. It's still fun to see their reaction.

:evil: :dallasuck

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