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NFL needs to stop hating Redskins

Murilo Bustamante

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You know, I can deal with losing to better teams. The Saints are a dam* good team and we gave them a lot today.

What I am sick to death of is the way the NFL constantly runs down this team and its fans, which are the most loyal and excited, and who create the most atmosphere and tradition in the NFL. Instead of our due, we get-

* blocks in the back on us consistently NOT called.

* holding against our Dl consistently not called.

* idiots like Bill Maas then saying "something has been wrong with this defense for years" - but not even CONSIDERING it could be the way calls are consistently going against us in cases of blatant hypocrisy

* idiots like Sam Rosen jumping on good calls for us as bad calls, and ignoring all the bad calls against us

* constant hating on the Skins from clowns like Bradshaw, Maas, etc.

You know, a few years ago, a punk little wuss from the sewer known as Spankee Stadium grabbed a ball off the field in a playoff baseball game against the Os. When the interference was ruled a home run, I swore it would be the last MLB game I would ever watch- and it has been. The NFL needs to realize- IF I am going to watch NFL football, it will be ONLY the Washington Redskins. I will not worship at the altar of the punk Midgets or the Pansy Cryboys or the Squealers or the Whiners or their other favorite teams.

But if I tune in on Sunday and have the refs and announcers running down my favorite team and its traditions for ten straight years, and then this keeps on going forever, I may have to do the same for the NFL that I did for MLB.


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I'm not sure if the NFL hates us. It's just everybody else. It's some combination of Snyder and Spurrier or thereof that rubs everybody the wrong way. Two of the biggest pricks in the business, according to 'Skins haters.

That said, there were some absolutely horrendous calls in the game today. We had, what, 5 phantom personal fouls in the first quarter alone? Ohalate said "I'm gonna be here all day," swung his fist, and got a 15 yard penalty for a first down. Give me a break.

I'm not blaming the loss on the refs, but there was a clear bias today. Hopefully these jackasses will get disciplined.

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That's exactly what I mean.

I can't blame the Whiners' loss on the refs, since we gave up 250 yards rushing. And when you have four INTs and your RB drops the ball, you can't blame that on the refs either. But both games the refs were blatantly against us.

The refs have been doing this to us for years now. Gibbs and Cooke I were tough on the NFL about this, but since the gag rule went into effect it's tough to be tough.

But the NFL is shafting us, and it's dumb.

Where were all these "loyal" Packer fans in the mid-80s? Where were all these great Squealer fans? They weren't breaking and making consecutive sell out records like the Skins were. We are the most fun and most tradition bound team in the NFL, with a song, a band, the Hogettes, the Big Chief, etc. And the NFL, through its blatantly biased reffing, runs us down like we should be handicapped every season.

Do you think they would let Bill Maas run down the Cryboys the way he runs us down? No! The NFL would put in a call to FOX.

But amidst his verbal diarrhea, Maas asked an important question today- why have all these great defensive players come through here and not been successful here?

Gee Bill, do you think it's because opposing OLs are not allowed to touch a DL's helmet, unless he plays DT for the Skins in which case they are allowed to rip it off EVERY play?

Or do you suppose it has something to do with the way opponents are allowed to throw blocks in the back and not be called?

Or the rule that says that if the Giants can't score on their own, you're allowed to call pass interference on a Skin defender who wasn't within five feet of any Giant during the play?

Or last year's rule that we will not call a single penalty on the Bears until the last minute of the game?

How many NFL players could be succesful under these conditions?

I'm just saying- if the NFL wants to run down my favorite team this way, then to he!! with the NFL.

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That "taunting" call was the one that really gave me a case of the red a$$. And the illegal hand thing on Bruce Smith for 15 yards. They can see that but the side judge can't see a block in the back from 10 yards away. Maas' dumb a$$ even showed it with a comment something like, " this is the block that sprung him right there!" Well, I suppose it did since the guy was blindsided. Spurrier should make a tape of all the non calls of that and send it to the league. Not that it would do any good.

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The other thing we need is our local fishwrap to take a strong stand against the NFL's obvious bias.

A headline in the Washington (com)Post's sports section of

"Is NFL Reffing Hurting the Redskins?" followed by a balanced analysis would definitely get the NFL's attention. Maybe some of the columnists could go on the attack also. That kind of thing would let the NFL know that the pro wrestling style charade needs to end.

Instead, though, the Post will try to be civilized and then wonder why more people aren't proud of the area. And that piece of pig excrement Wilbon will talk about how sorry the Skins are. When you hire out of town columnists, you get out of town homers, not guys who will stand up for the home team. Maybe Boswell could do it.

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I'm not defending the officiating a bit, but IMHO crying about officiating as an excuse for poor performance on the field is the last refuge of the sports whiner. With a friendly nod to the many here who I'm sure are Terps fans, there was much discussion among Duke basketball fans the past couple of years of a phenomenon we called "Terping," which involved whining about everything that happened in the game except the actual play of your team. Maryland seemed to get over that OK in the end last year and suddenly the complaints disappeared.

Players have to just suck it up and play even if it's a bad call. Whining won't make the advantage go away. Turning around and scoring will.

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In general, I would agree that crying about officiating is counter-productive and symptomatic of blaming others for a job you did not get done yourself. But the officiating (particularly in the 1st quarter was TERRIBLE! The Skins were absolutely dominating defensively, and some of the personal foul calls came at critical times. Anytime I see an NFL Ref doing the authoritative 'FIRST DOWN!' signal after a penalty (as if he's proud as hell of it), I see that as a danger sign that they are enjoying themselves too much. I'd like the NFL to take a look at Referee 'celebration' just like they did players endzone antics. Its just like a boxing match where the ref can't let the fighters fight and begins to dictate the pace of the action by constantly interfering unnecessarily. There were at least 4-5 critical calls today that benefitted the Saints at key junctures.

However, I have to admit (with some pain) that if we had protected Ramsey and produced, it would all be irrelevant.

I think we all need to keep in mind we are only one game out of the Division lead. Hardly panic time, and no worse than where we were last year.

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I brought this up before DURING the whiners game in a thread entitled "The Decline of NFL Officiating". This game was by far one of the worst I have ever seen. This particular crew shouldn't even be allowed to handle a high school game. I'm not sure about prejudice, but I will say they were some combination of apathetic -incompetent - mentally and/or physically (i.e. going blind).

Among the more glaring calls:

1 - Major and flagrant clipping against the first Redskin downfield on the second NO runback.

2 - Absurd "taunting" call against Ohalete. I mean, give me an Fing break. Those guys are all talking sh** and they should therefore call taunting on nearly every down. Because this particular NFL rule is so prone to arbitrary abuse, they should rescind it.

3 - The call against Smith - gimmie an f'in break!!!

4 - The refs were 12th men on the field on the field during the first quarter defensive stands against NO. That was just robbery due to very sloppy officiating.

I'm not offering this as an excuse for the loss, but this kind of amateur, incompetent officiating is hurting teams and runing the NFL. Kind of interesting that I've seen a few "behind the scenes" articles on NFL officiating that read like PR fluff pieces defending NFL refs.


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I don't care if I get labled a sore loser, I am sick and tired of us being the brunt of biased officiating. I felt like I was watching the Maryland-Duke 2001 Final Four game all over again today. How can those refs possibly miss that clip on the punt return. I mean, come on, it was only right in front of a ref and the ball carrier and it was only the key block on the play. But no, and then when the Saints punt, let's call Champ for holding 40 yards away from the play...on a touchback.

In the first quarter I felt like the officials were just making up calls to give the Saints first downs. Taunting! Illegal hands to the face! Give me a break! Our defensive line gets held so much it's like watching a square dance, and never a flag gets thrown.

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The officials didn't cost us the game, but they were atrocious and heavily in favor of the Saints. What really burns me is I had my wife watch the opening Saints drive. I didn't say anything, but told her to watch the taunting penalty. Then, three plays later, Pathon makes a catch, pushes someone on the sideline and does more than we did, but no call.

My wife said, "Why isn't there a call on that too?" I said, "Precisely." The whole game changes from that point. A bogus call on us gives them more field position, which allows them to pin us back. Then it starts. Perhaps a proper call there and we have the ball on the 35 or better and who knows.

The contact call on Armstead was questionable. Worse, was the one on Bailey on the touchdown to Horn. Bailey didn't even touch him. He kind of waved him by by brushing his arm. The receiver was in perfect stride, blew by him, went deep into the zone and had a touchdown catch. The official threw that flag before the receiver was five yards past Bailey. He was calling that play no matter what.

The unsportsmanlike conduct penalties on Moore and Samuels were absolutely horrible. The holding call on Bailey was simply not a hold. The worst call of all was the meaningless one, on running into the kicker. A guy laying on the ground unmoving as the kicker slides over and barely trips over him. Just embarrassing. Again though, this is not why we lost. But the just awful calls against us were numerous and I can only think of one hold on Jacox against Arrington that was clearly so awful against them.

And we're not talking about missed calls.

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I'd love to see a team put together a reel of screwed up officiating, bad calls, flagrant non-calls, etc. from their game tape and send it to the league questioning the calls. (From the san fran or this game as two prime examples).

But of course with the hush, hush rules of the NFL where you can't criticize without getting fined, it'd do no good. But wouldn't it be nice to "accidently" drop a copy off at ESPN too, and see what the league's response would be?

Especially after the ref crew was graded as "passing".

Edit: that's not to blame the officials. They were only one aspect of the game. the skins made more than enough errors to dig a hole.

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Originally posted by Montilar

I'd love to see a team put together a reel of screwed up officiating, bad calls, flagrant non-calls, etc. from their game tape and send it to the league questioning the calls. (From the san fran or this game as two prime examples).

But of course with the hush, hush rules of the NFL where you can't criticize without getting fined, it'd do no good. But wouldn't it be nice to "accidently" drop a copy off at ESPN too, and see what the league's response would be?

Especially after the ref crew was graded as "passing".

Edit: that's not to blame the officials. They were only one aspect of the game. the skins made more than enough errors to dig a hole.

The NFL sports media is composed of members of the NFL Good Ole Boys Club. It's part of the revolving door. They, collectively, lack the desire and/or ability to conduct real investigative journalism as one might be accustomed to with respect to politics. I despise most of these self styled "analysts" and "journalists" - they suck and are just yes boys.

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Actually that's an interesting idea. What if one of our Tivo friends who recorded the game splice together a video tape of Redskin non calls or bad calls and send it to... I don't know local tv, ESPN, NFL offices or something like that. Do you think it might make an interesting moment. Producers might enjoy it, saves them work and would generate decent attention/controversy.

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Originally posted by Fiddler

No need to send a tape to the league. It is already being done. In fact, it's been done for 30 years.

Check out this story.


Yeah - I've read this fluff piece before. If they really expend all of this energy, then they are even more incompetent than I previously thought. Afterall, despite all of this they are getting worse and the officiating just gets sloppier.

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