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NFL needs to stop hating Redskins

Murilo Bustamante

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Originally posted by 70Chip

You know, I do agree that those officials were clearly enjoying that "first down!" call *way* too much today, almost as if they were trying to rub it in the faces of the home crowd.

That's funny as crap, I felt the same way. :laugh:

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The officials are terrible everywhere. We've been complaining about them in New Orleans forever. It was actually weird for me seeing the calls being made against y'all as a Saints fan. Especially the running into the kicker fiasco (that was ridiculous).:puke:

Unfortunately, since I was, of course, cheering when those calls happened I really didn't get a chance to look at the bad calls. But when there are 23 penalties in one game on BOTH teams, there's something seriously wrong. Either there are way too many rookies on the field or the refs won't let the teams play a game of football.

The taunting call needs to exit. We've all see film of Hall of Famers stepping on players intentionally and pushing men when they're down and if you tell me Brett Favre doesn't taunt, just don't go there. Emotion is one of the great things about this game and if you taunt a player by talking smack because you just made a big play, great! Now, if the taunting starts to get out of hand, then I can see the need.

The game should be played in a sportsmanlike manner, but the game should also be allowed to be played with emotion.


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Funny how you forgot to mention:

- The phantom holding call on Ken Irvin's would-be interception

- Non-call on the first play of the game when about 6 Skins defenders dragged Deuce for 10 yards and threw him to the ground after the play was LONG over

- The blatant holding all day by your defensive line

The refs suck. Every team gets screwed. Quit crying.

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Originally posted by Loose Cannon

Funny how you forgot to mention:

- The phantom holding call on Ken Irvin's would-be interception

- Non-call on the first play of the game when about 6 Skins defenders dragged Deuce for 10 yards and threw him to the ground after the play was LONG over

- The blatant holding all day by your defensive line

The refs suck. Every team gets screwed. Quit crying.

Well, maybe that's your modus operandi: Bend over and take it willingly. It's not mine and I'll complain about those incompetent zebras as long as they continue to call atrocious games.

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