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What's Your Routine/Plan This Weekend?

Califan007 The Constipated

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For me the football weekend will be limited to the 7pm game on Monday night.

I'll get home from work about 4pm on Monday. Make sure I've got the soda, chips, dinner items set and ready to go. About 6:30 I'll close both doors to my room, turn the tv on and watch the end of whatever pre-game festivities there are. At 7pm I'll actually start really paying attention to the game as I eat dinner and drink my Coke. About 7:45, when we're down by 17 I'll turn the game off, clean everything up and go about the rest of the evening like every other Monday night.

Clan meeting?

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These are hysterical! But this one is the best... not sure whether to applaud or be afraid. Be very afraid. But I love it!

Saturday, Sunday I'll work off & on most of the weekend, do some tailgate shopping and finalize the carpooling plans. Try to catch some of the games. Gotta wear Skins gear all weekend - hmmm, I'm feeling the urge for something new! :) Monday: leave at noon - 1:00pm and get ready to tailgate!!!!! I can't freakin' wait for Monday! I've had insomnia all week - posting here at 3 & 4 in the morning! LOL

Please let it come!

No need to be afraid brotha.........unless you're a filthy Viqueens fan. :laugh:

I've always had my pregame ritual, although it hasn't always been quite so intense. It's evolved over the years to what it is today and it will continue to evolve as time goes on. I know it's a little "out there" but I get so amped up for the game that I just can't help myself.

I used to play a game of Madden against our opponents for that week just before the actual game. Then in Dec 2003 we were getting ready to play Dallas and I sat down for my weekly Madden game and it just seemed like eveyrthing I did during the game backfired. The Pukes ended up beating me 35-0. Then the Pukes won the real game 27-0. Troy Hambrick ended up rushing for almost 200 yards against us that day. I was so angry that I ended up throwing my playstation through a window after the game that night and then I kicked my neighbor's dog. So needless to say I decided to 86 that portion of my ritual.

I just love getting pumped up to watch the Skins play. They are the greatest team in the NFL because they're MY team.

:notworthy Gibbs

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Well, being it an off day from work, after I get my chores done, I get to kick back and get ready for the game. I figure I'll pick up some calabrase sausage (the round coiled sausage for you non italians) and grill it with some nice bell peppers and onions. Game time is a toss up for me. I have a perfect view of the TV from the Jacuzzi, and the hot bubbling water is very relaxing, keeping me calmer during the game :doh:

I hate to miss out on the chatter in the stadium game thread, and the radio feed so it's a tough call. It will come down to game time weather, and how many beers I have prior to the game. Dont want to drown during the first game of the season :laugh:

Hey Pete, with all that calabrase sausage, peppers and onions do you actually turn the Jacuzzi on or is that hot, bubbling water just a natural result? :silly:

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Why even bother doing that? Just fall asleep at 7 and get a good nights sleep and be ready for work Tuesday.

Nah. If I go to bed that early, I'm awake at 3am and that just makes me even grouchier and less fun to deal with for the rest of the day.

After the 'Skins start getting beaten to a point where there's no hope, I'll turn it off and get some work done on the different projects I need to get outlines and preliminary reports/overviews done for.

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Sunday, I will get a 12 pack, bottles, not sure what yet, probably St Paulie Girl.

I think I will watch the Ravens and Bucs knock the crap out of each other. Next,

I will watch the Jags "Jack-Up" the Cowboys. :D

Then the night game where big bro gets to show little bro how much he still needs to learn.

Monday, my B-day, do my home business all day, time goes by pretty fast and I am kept pretty busy. Pick up daughter from school at 2:30, then the waiting begins.

I am just glad the game starts at 7, any later I might spontaniously combust. ;)

I have my brand new Cooley jersey, and need to find that 1.26 gallon of Heineken, its a mini keg for the game. Not sure what I will drink for the Raiders and Chargers. :chug:

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Ah this is annoying, Ive been unable to do anything for the past week, freaking cant wait until the game. Been watching highlights over and over, START ALREADY!

Oh Monday I wake up at 6am have classes till 6pm, get home at 6:30, attempt to do assignments in 30 minutes then throwing everything away and watch the game with hotdogs a large cup of soda filled with ice.

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Ah this is annoying, Ive been unable to do anything for the past week, freaking cant wait until the game. Been watching highlights over and over, START ALREADY!

Oh Monday I wake up at 6am have classes till 6pm, get home at 6:30, attempt to do assignments in 30 minutes then throwing everything away and watch the game with hotdogs a large cup of soda filled with ice.

Haven't you ever heard of skipping class?... :cool:

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Ummm . . . I have to go grocery shopping at some point on Sunday. On Monday, I'm gonna attempt to jog for the first time in several weeks.

Yea, I got nothing :(

:laugh: That was pretty funny.

I don't have work tomorrow or Monday so I'm just gonna chill and watch football.

No drinking, no sex (well, that's pretty easy to do right now) and no distractions.

It's football TIME!

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Halfway thru...highlights so far:

-Seeing Dallas get manhandled and losing to the Jags...

-Seeing the Giants, Bucs and Panthers all lose as well

-The bbq ribs I was eating as I watched Dallas self destruct...holy f***in' cumquats, they were good...

-Seeing T.O., um, "encourage" his teammates on the sideline while losing...and seeing their reactions to him doing so...lol :laugh:

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