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What's Your Routine/Plan This Weekend?

Califan007 The Constipated

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I'll be wearing my #36 ST jersey to class on Monday, and I'll take all the s*** from the disgusting amount of Philly/Giant fans here at James Madison University. I will not respond though, I will be calm and collected and simply respond with "Just watch tonight." Tuesday, I will wear ST again after the win and will be talking so much trash about how nasty the skins were the night before!

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I'll be wearing my #36 ST jersey to class on Monday, and I'll take all the s*** from the disgusting amount of Philly/Giant fans here at James Madison University. I will not respond though, I will be calm and collected and simply respond with "Just watch tonight." Tuesday, I will wear ST again after the win and will be talking so much trash about how nasty the skins were the night before!

By Monday, Giants and Eagles fans may not have much room to talk smack, though...lol ;)

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6:30pm Thursday-Softball

8:00pm Thursday-Beer

8:15pm Thursday-Beer And Freaking Football

All Day Saturday-Beer and College Football

All Day Sunday-Beer and Pro Football

Monday-Work, Then Beer, Then my Redskins

Tuesday-Saturday- Bring on the f-ing Cowpukes

Sunday-Beer and Well you get the picture. :dallasuck

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My game experiences start early for every home game....i've been ultra fortunate in this respect and I have season tickets in section 40...3rd row from the field on the aisle (seats 1 and 2), redskins side. Come by and say hi...

But they're not easy to get to...not for me...

On Sunday I catch a flight out of Oakland to Dulles. Don't start telling me what airport I should fly to, I like Dulles and have my own reasons, not the least of which is JetBlue (nothing like *watching* the sunday games while I fly). After I land it's off to Hertz for my rental and this week I have to stay at the Westin Embassy Row although I usually stay at the Westin Grand or the St. Regis...Being a Starwood member has its perks..

Monday I'll stop by my folks place which is less than 5 miles from the stadium over in Woodmore...we'll have some eats..sometimes we'll head down to Riva for some crabs...I'm a native although I live in San Francisco these days...gotta get me some crabs...

Then it's off to the game. Usually get there two hours early...got the purple parking pass (if you're gonna drop the money for dream seats and fly to the games, you should park close, right?) I haven't done any tailgating out there because there's so little of it going on in Purple...I also haven't really come prepared (last year was my first season so I was just soaking it in)...this year I'll probably bring some beers or other concoction and try meeting some fellow fans and share some drinks...other times I like "doing it up" on some of the club level fun (good drinks, food, whatever)...then it's to the seats for all the pre-game hoopla...

This year I'm fortunate enough to get hooked up with field passes for 2 or 3 games...they kind of come randomly but I'm pretty sure I have them for opening day...Dallas is locked in for sure...I don't really care...this is my first time with field access so we could play the 49ers and I'd be tickled.

A lot of times I'll hit the Skins store because the online store totally sucks (I wrote them an email about it today) and there are no places to get quality stuff like authentic jerseys and such out here. I'll usually buy one authentic jersey every other game (if there's one I want) and last year when I went with my girlfriend (read: currently ex-girlfriend) I'd buy her kids sized jerseys because she liked them tight.

At the seats our host (the guy who takes care of you in dream seats) is Everett and he's totally great. If you ever get to sit down there, you're in luck...not only does he totally take care of you , he calls the game better than Larry....I don't know how he does it because since we're down around the 25-30 and are so close to the field, you don't really get the "birds eye view" and while the jumbotrons take up the slack (particularly when they're on the other side of the field) his accuracy is amazing...he catches everything and calls penalties as fast as the refs...I could have moved my seats closer to the 50 but opted to stay put because of the convenience of being on the aisle but mostly because of sitting near Everett...he makes *that* much of a difference. I don't need to bring a radio!!

This year I'll probably hang for the fifth quarter after a few wins as I've not tried that..then it's back to the hotel and catch a flight home the next day...8 weeks every fall and I wouldn't change it for the world...i also go to dallas every year for that game and take one for the team....I just wish they didn't call us ********s... :doh:

That's my routine...would love to see some ES folks out there...feel free to come down and say hi!! I'll buy you a hot dog (free in my section :laugh:)



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I will play Madden 2007 on PS2 as the Washington Redskins in single player mode to take on the Minnesota Vikings this weekend or in the morning of Sept. 11, 2006 before the actual game starts. I know I have to work at night that day, but I will be listening to Redskins Radio (Larry Michael, Sam Huff, and Sonny Jurgensen) on the way home to keep an update of what is going on.

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6:30pm Thursday-Softball

8:00pm Thursday-Beer

8:15pm Thursday-Beer And Freaking Football

All Day Saturday-Beer and College Football

All Day Sunday-Beer and Pro Football

Monday-Work, Then Beer, Then my Redskins

Tuesday-Saturday- Bring on the f-ing Cowpukes

Sunday-Beer and Well you get the picture. :dallasuck

But will you be having any beer, that's what I wanna know...


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Each week I buy something representing the opposing team. Usually a stuffed mascot or something. On game-day I put on my Redskins break-away pants, my Monk jersey (I've had it for about 15 years now) and Redskins baseball hat. Then I go in my garage, turn off the lights and light my Redskins candle and place it in the middle of my Redskins bobble head collection. One by one I tap each one on the head until they are all bobbing back and forth. Then I get down on one knee and pray to Coach Gibbs to give the Skins the strenght, endurance and will to win the game. Then I say 3 Hail Redskins, turn on Metallica's "Enter Sandman" and hold the opposing item over my candle until it catches on fire. Then I drop it in a metal bucket and watch it burn.

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Friday- Head to Port O'connor on annual company fishing trip

Saturday - spend day fishing for Red Snapper and maybe Amberjack and shark in the gulf

Saturday night go out to eat and then go to local bar and try out a few pickup lines

Sunay Morning- wake up early and spend at least an hour trying to recall last night. After that head to breakfast and then home in time to catch some foosball.


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That's hardcore, dook.

That's because I'm hardcore. A hardcore REDSKINS FAN!!!!111!1!!! zomg!!1!!!

:helmet: :logo: :point2sky :dallasuck :eaglesuck :gaintsuck

:notworthy Gibbs

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Each week I buy something representing the opposing team. Usually a stuffed mascot or something. On game-day I put on my Redskins break-away pants, my Monk jersey (I've had it for about 15 years now) and Redskins baseball hat. Then I go in my garage, turn off the lights and light my Redskins candle and place it in the middle of my Redskins bobble head collection. One by one I tap each one on the head until they are all bobbing back and forth. Then I get down on one knee and pray to Coach Gibbs to give the Skins the strenght, endurance and will to win the game. Then I say 3 Hail Redskins, turn on Metallica's "Enter Sandman" and hold the opposing item over my candle until it catches on fire. Then I drop it in a metal bucket and watch it burn.

Ooooooooo K..... :rubeyes:

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Leaving work at noon on Monday, finding the nearest phone booth to change outfits, and heading to Fed Ex.

There will be hamburgers, frankfurters, snausages, scrimps, & ribs.

The light beer will be flowing like the salmon of the Capastrana.

The Couvasier (bluuhhh) will be passed like Busta Bust tells me to do.

The ipod will be loaded with a wide variety of favorites.

And the game will be a blowout.

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Leaving work at noon on Monday, finding the nearest phone booth to change outfits, and heading to Fed Ex.

There will be hamburgers, frankfurters, snausages, scrimps, & ribs.

The light beer will be flowing like the salmon of the Capastrana.

The Couvasier (bluuhhh) will be passed like Busta Bust tells me to do.

The ipod will be loaded with a wide variety of favorites.

And the game will be a blowout.

A phone booth??...They still have those? :laugh:

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Well... since you asked...

Saturday 9/9, my brand new 55" Sony KDS55A2000 SXRD HDTV will be delivered and setup!!!:point2sky :point2sky :point2sky

While the installers are here, I am running down to my local cable provider store to pick up their HDTV cable box. I will then spend all Sunday morning, setting up the HDTV box and fine tuing the picture on the new tv. I will watch some local games in preparation for MNF on ESPNHD.

Come Monday, Iwill get ready for work, but not as usual. I will use my Redskin toothbrush on the old chompers. I will wear my Redskin starter jacket to work. Iwill be hitting ES ALL DAY LONG while at work to see the lates ES info.

When I get home, I will start the pot-o-chili, crack open a cold frosty beverage, strip down to my Redskin T-shirt and boxers, slip on the Redskin man slippers and await the arrival of our season opener.

Oh! Did I happen to mention I will be watching it on my brand new 55" Sony KDS55A2000 SXRD HDTV???

I cant freaking wait!

:dallasuck :eaglesuck :gaintsuck HTTR!!!

On a side note... I also have Direct TV installing my dish on 9/15 with NFL Sunday ticket, superfan and the HDTV package. I will then have Redskin parties at my place until February. Thats right, I said February. In February its no longer a Redkins party. Its a Superbowl party! All are welcome!!!

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Well, being it an off day from work, after I get my chores done, I get to kick back and get ready for the game. I figure I'll pick up some calabrase sausage (the round coiled sausage for you non italians) and grill it with some nice bell peppers and onions. Game time is a toss up for me. I have a perfect view of the TV from the Jacuzzi, and the hot bubbling water is very relaxing, keeping me calmer during the game :doh:

I hate to miss out on the chatter in the stadium game thread, and the radio feed so it's a tough call. It will come down to game time weather, and how many beers I have prior to the game. Dont want to drown during the first game of the season :laugh:

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