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I need to see more of Rock...


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The guy looks like Joe Morris of the Giants back in the day. He had a great game against St. Louis last year and then he didn't play anymore.

I remember what made Joe Morris special...especially against us in 1986 was that he was so small he could hide behind his blockers. But he is stacked at 223 lbs.

Maybe this guy can take 10-12 carries a game...?

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I need to see more of Rock...

So do I!!!


I think blondie agrees with you....and so do i.

i dont know why we havent seen him as a speedy fullback kind of thing on passing downs. I would like to see him in the Power I in front of Portis with the ability to swing out to the flats on play action kinda thing.

You are correct.........I do agree.

How long have I been saying Rock can do so much more??!! Oh, I remember......long before y'all heard of Rock!! His time will come.....and he will show his stuff.


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I was at the Bengals game and if the stadium announcer got Rock's name wrong one more time I was going to go into the booth and tattoo the roster on his forehead!!

He was called:




and on one play they called a players name that is not even on the team :mad:


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I saw this thread..and I was shocked it wasnt started by Blondie :) but then I see a quick post from her :)

Did you think a ROCK thread would get by me? :laugh:

Lol, I think Blondie is a little biased. Do I get the understatement of the year award? :)

I am not a little biased.

I am A LOT biased. He has been MY MAN for 10 years. Has been and always will be. ;)

Hell yeah more of rock would be awesome...then again the best thing about him is no matter how he plays he will always have a great attitude and a lot of heart.



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