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I just got banned from Gator Country!

Larry Brown #43

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Under the circumstances, I actually consider this a badge of honor. Over on Gator Country, some Gator fans were cracking on the Skins. One even went so far as to say "Hey, I hear Washington is getting a pro team next year." Seeing this, I jumped in to stand up for the burgundy and gold. I told them they'd be the first to jump back on the bandwagon when the Skins start kicking a$$, etc. Then one a-hole posted a message asking the moderators to ban me. I responded by saying, "Hey, if sticking up for the Skins while you all sit around and talk s*** about them gets me banned, then I might as well ban myself right now." I mentioned to them that it only took two losses for them to jump off the bandwagon, etc. Next thing I know, I'm banned. So I guess you could say I "took one for the team." :shootinth :pint:

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It was probably Instigator who banned you. He's a mod there.

If you dare speak ill of the Gator Nation, you are branded an Idiot. Whenever the Gators lose, its because the refs are against them. If they struggle vs. a team they think to be inferior but still beat, they claim the refs are out to get them. They routinely think they are the only school that has any good QBs and complain about some sort of "Conspiracy" against Gator players in the NFL, and repeatedly denigrate any other good player in the SEC that plays for a rival (Peyton, Heath, etc.) for fear that people MAY actually believe that top-flight players exist on other teams, smashing their belief that their players are the best at every position in the SEC.

You skin fans should be glad they jumped off the wagon, because now you dont have to put up with their INCREDIBLE arrogance.

One visit to Gator Country, you'd think that Florida State and Miami are third-rate High School programs...

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I really dont get this whole Gator Skin thing. I just cannot picture suddenly becoming a fan of the Chargers because Marty left the Skins. Oversimplifying yes, but I still think its rather weird. Yeah I realize Spurrier did great things for Florida and he is reveared down there but I still just dont get it.:gus:

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You are in great company. Welcome to the club.:)

That board is full of jack-offs. I can imagine how insufferable it must be for non-Gator fans. True Gators hate that place and the low-life vermin that populate it.

Oh, and Chrisffel: Miami and FSU are classless thug programs, Schuler and Manning are awful, and not only are our players the best in the SEC, but they are also the best on the Dallas Cowboys. Deal with it.;)

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Well done LB43!

It is nearly beyond belief that GatorCountry would be criticising the team led by their hallowed former coach and exalted grand poobah only 3 games into the season. Aren't these the same "fans" who were calling for their current coach's head on a platter just a few weeks ago and who were once filling up our board with tons of pro-GatorSkins posts during the pre-season?

They almost make bandwagoning Cowpuke fans seem sensible...ALMOST.

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Originally posted by BallCoachSpurrier

Well done LB43!

It is nearly beyond belief that GatorCountry would be criticising the team led by their hallowed former coach and exalted grand poobah only 3 games into the season. Aren't these the same "fans" who were calling for their current coach's head on a platter just a few weeks ago and who were once filling up our board with tons of pro-GatorSkins posts during the pre-season?

They almost make bandwagoning Cowpuke fans seem sensible...ALMOST.

Florida fans don't have to be sensible, because they have a great team to root for every Sat. to back them up.

Oh, and its not Spurrier's fault they are struggling. They aren't faulting him. Its the refs. Its the talent. Its that loser-of-a-defensive-coordinator...its the players attitude....more of the same Gator blame-game. Blaming the D-Coordinator, that's one that Gator fans have been using since Stoops left for Oklahoma.

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You didn't think I'd stand by and let this *&%^ pass for the truth did you? Did you think you could slip a few lies in before the rest of us Gator fans checked the board or something?

Gatorcountry - like Extremeskins - and too few other message boards across the country - is privately run and paid for. It is not part of a network.

Unlike others - not having read what you said on the other message board - perhaps you could provide a link to the thread? -I won't comment on your being banned. Suffice it to say that they take pride in the quality of their chats on their board, something which all the Rivals forums and many NFL forums will never be able to do because they are part of a grander network.

If you'll put your childish biases aside for a moment and think about it, one of the things that attracted Gator fans to this message board was that it was so well run and moderated and full of objective and well educated opinions. Add to that a well designed layout that puts to shame the typical hodge podge look of many message boards, and you have a site both pleasing to the eye and stimulating to read. Such a message board is a rare find in the cesspool of the internet.

Gator fans - like fans of any other program - or team - have the requisite assholes in their lot. Just like there are the requisite number of assholes who feel it necessary to spout off on things they know nothing of on this message moard.

I don't know why you think yourself a "true" Gator fan and me not one, but I grant you that there is no such community of Gator fans that feel that "GatorCountry" readers are the bottom of the barrel. Yet another lie someone unfortunately felt they might get away with in some lame effort to make themselves look better.

As for us Gator fans - I have asked this question before and will ask it again. I really don't understand why some Redskin fans don't see how incredibly special it is that there is indeed such a following of Gator fans to D.C.? Why would you hold it against a collection of fans of a college coach who choose to continue to root for their ex-coach when he gets to the pros? Don't you realize what a special and rare treat that must be for a sports fan?

Don't you realize what an incredible statement that must be about the coach? Every day in the Gainesville Sun website there is a section entitled "Spurrier Watch." The Chicago newspapers didn't even do that much for Michael when he came to D.C. Think about that.

Let me tell you guys... the Bucs website ain't full of ex-Raider fans. The Colts website ain't full of ex-Buc fans. The Chargers website ain't full of ex-Redskin fans. The Cleveland Browns web site ain't full of ex Hurricane fans. Given a situation so unique that you may never see such a thing in your lifetime as a Sports fan again... some of you choose to ridicule it. Maybe it's just me... I don't get it.


Ah but enough of such frivolous talk. Are some of you feeling so lacking in your opportunity to criticize the Gators that you've resorted to coming to Redskin web sites to do it?

"Maybe if no one is here to point out the truth... I can convince others of the lies..."

How exactly are the Gators struggling? They are ranked seventh in the country. They control their own destiny. They just won the most important game of their season. They will be favored against Georgia. They got their asses whipped by the most talented team in the country. No shame in that. Life is pretty good if you ask me. Ah but why let the facts stand in the way of a good lie? Or perhaps that's just insecurity showing... cuz damn it - this was supposedc to be Georgia's year... or TN's year... now that 'ol Steve's gone...yeah that's it... until two weeks ago. And now it's just our year again. Sucks to be you doesn't it?

And don't come to a freaking Redskin message board and call out Gator fans for complaining about the refs and coming up with conspiracy theories. Show me a college program that doesn't have a good number of fans who go a little overboard in support of their team and I'll show you a program that isn't in the habit of competing for much. Every team has homers. Get over it.

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Originally posted by ChrisFul

Blaming the D-Coordinator, that's one that Gator fans have been using since Stoops left for Oklahoma.

And with good reason I might add. :D

I don't know why people think posters on GatorCountry are the bottom of the barrel. I'm on there, although rarely, but read it quite often. It's like any large message board, you have to take the good with the bad.

I think the Gator fans will always keep one eye on SOS and the Skins, but they just might not be as vocal here especially since we've had a few good wins to get the excitement level back up after the Miami loss. A lack of posts here doesn't necessarily mean they are off the bandwagon.

Even if we only claim a few Gator fans who come on board because of SOS, I'd always welcome a few extra voices yelling for our team in the bars and living rooms across America. There is strength in numbers.

We have more important things to be concerned about than whether the Gator faithful stick with us or not.

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Originally posted by longwoodgator

I'm the a-hole. Let's talk about it.

The thread has been deleted, so neither of us can pull it up to see what it actually said, but the truth of the matter is that the thread was started (and the comment about Washington getting a "pro team next year" was made) by a University of Tennessee fan who, like a lot of other UT fans, is a regular GC poster. He is a Nashville resident, and he was making a lame joke about getting free tickets to the game. No Gator fans who responded in the thread agreed with his comments about the Skins.

Yes, the thread HAS been deleted, which gives you the opportunity to change the story. The truth is that TWO separate Gator fans busted on the Skins in that thread (one named DCGator, and I can't remember the second one). A Tennessee fan STARTED the thread, but it wasn't HIS comments that angered me. It WAS a Gator fan who said "I hear Washington is getting a pro team next year." He had a picture of a Gator player in his signature, and he said "Sorry, SOS" after the comment. He knew he was betraying his old coach, but he said it anyway. DCGator is the one who said (referring to the Skins and Titans), "Have you seen those two teams play? Second place was two tickets to the game." If it had been Volunteer fans saying these things, I wouldn't have thought anything of it, because they have no connection to the Skins. But it looked to me like some Gators were jumping off the bandwagon by cracking on the Skins. I just called them out on it. I didn't say anything particularly offensive, but went you called for my head, the moderators complied.

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How exactly are the Gators struggling? They are ranked seventh in the country. They control their own destiny. They just won the most important game of their season. They will be favored against Georgia. They got their asses whipped by the most talented team in the country. No shame in that. Life is pretty good if you ask me. Ah but why let the facts stand in the way of a good lie? Or perhaps that's just insecurity showing... cuz damn it - this was supposedc to be Georgia's year... or TN's year... now that 'ol Steve's gone...yeah that's it... until two weeks ago. And now it's just our year again. Sucks to be you doesn't it?


You're a Zooklicker and an apologist for most horrendous display of football in recent memory. Any discussion on the board about the lack of fundamentals, lack of discipline, lack of responsibility, and lack of accountability from the coaches, players and administration and your banned.

Well guess what, baby: You don't have a ban button over here, so I guess you will just have to deal with the criticism. I imagine it will prove too much for you and you'll eventually quit coming around to protect your sensitive feelings. You're the Zook-Nazi.

By the way, how many Gators have you banned from GC since January? Everyone I've talked to knows your board is full of hacks. Basically, if any of the mullet-wearing, jean shorts-sporting rednecks over there disagrees with an observation, they go running to you. Many Gators live in the real world, are objective, and are not in complete denial of the facts, they just aren't on your board any longer.

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So what's the point to all this? Well, I guess this is coming across like a Rodney King "why can't we all get along" type of thing. The fact of the matter is that I truly enjoyed this board during the preseason, in particular posters such as "Atlanta Skins Fan" with his highly detailed play by play breakdowns. What do you say we all give ouselves another chance?

Maybe because you keep banning everybody?:doh:

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What the ...?

I have no idea what a Zooklicker is. Care to fill me in. Better yet. Don't.

The most horrendous display of football in recent memory? Care to back up your blabber with some facts? Or is it your opinion that beating the 4th ranked team in the country on the road in front of 108,000 people when nobody thought you could do it (you do remember the TN game don't you?) is "horrendous." Let me teach you something about football. When it rains and gets sloppy, you buckle up your chin straps and knock the guy in front of you harder than he can knock back. And when at the end of the day, the numbers say you "won ugly, " you say "Damn straight, when can we play again?" You sure don't line up and say "Yeah, but I got to work on my fundamentals."

So which shall I defend? Fundamentals? Such as what? Throwing and catching? Pretty good. Tackling? Pretty good. End result? 3-1. Only loss to Miami. Pretty good.

Lack of discipline? Huh? Reflected by? Penalties? Down from last year. Turnovers? A key to why we won the biggest game of the season.

Lack of accountability? Come again? Lets face it O&B. The Gators have problems. Like most football teams, they have new problems every week. The flavor of the week is "Special Teams." They sucked on those last week. And after the game, Ron Zook basically said "You can blame me. And you can damn well be certain we'll get it fixed." How about you be accountable for the comments you make.

Cut the crap. It's not "my board" any more than ExtremeSkins is. I have just as much authority there as I do here. Which, unless you care to give me some... sums up to oh... about ... zilch. I can take criticism. I can tell you when my team is struggling. I can have intelligent conversations with other fans who care to tell me what my team needs to do better. What I can't do is exchange pointless banter with irrational fans. Especially ones who choose to call me out on pointless B.S.

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1. This is a Redskins board.

2. This is a thread about how the poor example of Gator fans on GatorCountry treat their coaches and players that have moved on to the Redskins.

3. It is also a thread about the way GatorCountry bans Gators and Redskins at the drop of a hat, for defending said coaches and players.

4. I'm dying to point out how the administration destroyed the best thing to ever happen the University of Florida football program. I have a list of examples of the complete break down in fundamentals, responsibility and accountability in the program.

5. I'd can't wait hear an explanation for why last year's Heisman runner-up (should have been the Heisman winner) is throwing more interceptions than touchdowns, yet still is allowed to showcase an ego that's bigger than Ben Hill Griffin Stadium to the media boys.

This is not the place for it. If Redskins care about what Gators have to say, they care about insightful observations on former Gator personnel that are now on their team.

If you'd like to be privy to all this, if you can handle dissent, go back to GatorCountry and tell them to restore all the good folks that have been banned, and we'll continue our discussion over there.

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How exactly are the Gators struggling? They are ranked seventh in the country. They control their own destiny. They just won the most important game of their season. They will be favored against Georgia. They got their asses whipped by the most talented team in the country. No shame in that. Life is pretty good if you ask me. Ah but why let the facts stand in the way of a good lie? Or perhaps that's just insecurity showing... cuz damn it - this was supposedc to be Georgia's year... or TN's year... now that 'ol Steve's gone...yeah that's it... until two weeks ago. And now it's just our year again. Sucks to be you doesn't it?

Ole Miss? I repeat, Ole Miss? Nice one Zook. Pedi have yourself another long Zook lick, then go ban yourself. I have a feeling there will be alot of banning at old GatorCountry tonight. How you feeling about those fundamentals now?

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I have no particular interest in this fight, but I can't help but notice that there are others who think that the Gators aren't playing good fundamental football. From the Yahoo! writeup on the game:

Florida (4-2, 2-1 SEC East) straightened out the special teams problems that plagued it last week against Kentucky. But the Gators sputtered on offense, especially in the second half.

Rex Grossman, who injured his left hand late in the second quarter, threw four interceptions. Florida's six third-quarter possessions resulted in two interceptions and four punts.

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