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Is a little fight in camp a good sign?


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Man around here I saw two dudes fight each other and over each other house playing Madden the same day. So I am pretty sure that NFL players can settle thier differences after a fight. Unless it is TO and Hugh Douglass. Now people say that was an ass whooping I don't know though.

who got the better of that?

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Thanx Larry, took the words out of my mouth. It isnt a rediculous thread because some people (myslef included) had not heard about it yet. That makes this thread informative, something AQQ's post could not accomplish. :doh:

U would think that someone who actually thinks a shoving match at redskins training camp is worth talking about would have heard about the story already considering it was on redskins.com and all the local papers.

Plus this thread purpose was not inform u that the fight happened. It was to debate whether or not it is a good thing. Every training camp has its share of players tempers flare up and some shoving matches. it not a good or bad thing. Its just football. i am sure if i looked in every local newspaper i would find stories from every team about a little scuffle at training camp.

Maybe if it was true fight simliar to Westbrook beating on Davis it would be a story. But a push.

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:doh: It is obvious that you're not sure what you are talking about. A sucker punch and slapping a guy when he is down after said sucker punch does not constitute an ass whooping anywhere, except maybe on the first grader playground.

Okay- rather than taking this as a written attack- Let's speak hypothetically! So if I get a into a shouting match with one of my teammates and the situation escalates into a scuffle- who's to say that one "got sucker punched"! Regardless of whom threw the first punch, if I am on the ground defenseless and the attacker is on top taking chunks out of my face- that qualifies as an "ass whooping" no matter how much you try to rationalize the circumstance.

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stop.... this thread is ridiculous...cant beleive u started a thread about a training camp shoving match

LOL there's always some kind of fighting and all going on at TC practice. People do blow this stuff up too much. I remember when Bowen laid out Trung Canidate and everyone started freaking out. :laugh:

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It all depends on the kind of "fight". As far as I know the "incident" was actually nothing to speak of. If we were talking a fight between vets, that would be one thing. But when a rookie is involved well... its kind of expected to happen at least once. When its vets who have been on the team for a while, or its an actual fight, then its an issue. But in this case, its not.

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they're normal in camp and as long as it doesn't escalate to more than being competative then I don't see a problem with it. Especially with our team now its not a big deal, a few years ago when there was a different caoching staff maybe, but not now.

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